ResizeKit2 (for Delphi / C++Builder/ RAD Studio)

Automatically resizes all the controls and fonts on your Delphi / C++Builder form with little or no coding!

Distribute enduser runtime applications free without additional fees or royalties

ResizeKit2 Delphi / ResizeKit2 C++Builder
Single PC Developer's License

ResizeKit2 RAD Studio
(includes both Delphi/C++Builder)
Single PC Developer's License


The ResizeKit2 VCL trial editions are fully functional and can be used to test the ResizeKit2 performance within your preferred development environment before you purchase the retail version. All ResizeKit2 trial editions display a nag screen when the form is resized.

Important: The ResizeKit2 VCL trial version download contains all of the various ResizeKit2 VCL editions for all supported programming environments. The ResizeKit2 retail editions are each sold separately. They require a separate license for each programming environment. ResizeKit2 VCL editions for Delphi XE2 and above and for C++Builder XE3 and above support both 32 bit and 64 bit applications. All older ResizeKit2 editions support 32 bit applications only. For the availablility of older editions, please contact

Just place the ResizeKit on your form!

The ResizeKit2 is a control that automatically adjusts the size of the controls and fonts displayed on the form when the form size changes. Programmers can write applications that are screen resolution independent or that adjust the application appearance to size changes by the user, often times without writing a single line of code. Even if the user switches the screen resolution while the application is running, if that screen resolution forces the form to change size, the ResizeKit control will detect it and automatically adjust the size of the controls and fonts on the form.

The ResizeKit2 is easy to use, simply place the control on the form at design time. It can be used immediately from the first day without changing the program design or code in your existing programs. The ResizeKit2 is fast and lightweight. The ResizeKit2 Delphi and ResizeKit2 C ++ Builder, ResizeKit2 BDS, and ResizeKit2 RAD Studio editions are VCL components for each supported VCL development environment.

The ResizeKit2 developer license allows the license holder to make as many runtime applictions as they wish and, because the runtime license is free, the license holder can distribute as many of each runtime application as they wish without additional royalties or fees.

The ResizeKit2 can resize most standard control whose left, top, height, and width properties are accessible to the control. Even some third party controls that do not specify left, top, height, or width properties or controls in which these properties are insulated from size changes can be resized by the ResizeKit. The cells in Grid or Spread applications are some examples of this. In these cases, the controls or fonts can be resized by specifying the dimensions of the control or font in the ExitResize event. An example program illustrating the code used in the ExitResize event is included with each edition of the ResizeKit2.

Note: There are third party controls are can not be resized using the ResizeKit2. Please download and test the ResizeKit2 trial version before you purchase the product. The trial version is fully functional. If you have any questions, please contact

ResizeKit Main Features


  The ResizeKit2 Component

Set the initial position and size of the form; set whether or not to resize fonts; specifiy the maximum or minimum allowable size for the form, etc. using custom properties. Simply paste this ResizeKit control on the form and the default properties will be set. In most cases, these values can be used as it is with no adjustment. The ResizeKit2 Delphi / ResizeKit2 C ++ Builder / ResizeKit2 BDS / ResizeKit2 RAD Studio are VCL components.

Simply add the ResizeKit Component to your form at design time and you are good to go!

At DesignTime
           At Runtime

Changing the size of the form at runtime

By simply placing the ResizeKit on your form, the size of the controls and fonts automatically changes with changes in the size of the form. All controls and fonts appear in the same proportion as the original form

Reducing the size of your form without using the ResizeKit, hides the controls beyond the form's borders. Adding the ResizeKit automatically resizes the controls.

Without the ResizeKit Control:
           With the ResizeKit Control:


Increasing the size of your form without using the ResizeKit, just displays empty space on the form. Adding the ResizeKit automatically increases the size of the controls and fonts.

Without the ResizeKit Control:
           With the ResizeKit Control:


How the ResizeKit Control Works:

The ResizeKit control retrieves the values of the height and width properties of the form at design time and the values of the top, left, height, and width properties for all the controls on the form. Then, during runtime, if the size of the form changes, the ResizeKit control automatically calculates new values for the size and position all the controls by the same proportion. The ResizeKit control also calculates the font sizes as well.

In some cases, controls or fonts cannot be automatically resized. Third party controls that do not specify left, top, height, or width properties or controls in which these properties are insulated from the ResizeKit control such as the cells in Grid or Spread applications are some examples. In this case, these controls or fonts can be resized by specifying the dimensions of the control or font in the ExitResize Event. The ResizeKit includes sample programs to illustrate how to do this.

The ResizeKit control allows you to do other things like set the position and size of the initial display of the form, set whether or not fonts are resized, set the maximum and minimum sizes of the form, and so on.  

Resizing the cells of a Grid Control

Place the ResizeKit control on the form that has the String Grid control

Declare variables to hold the original size of the cells.
Pass in the original height and width of the cells.
The ExitResize event fires whenever the form's size has changed.
Within the ExitResize event, use the XScale and YScale parameters to calculate
the new values for the cell's width and height.

In Delphi that code looks like this....

     MAXCOL = 4; // Maximum number of columns
     MAXROW = 5; // Maximum number of rows

  procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
     i: Integer;
     with StringGrid1 do
        ColCount := MAXCOL;
        RowCount := MAXROW;
        FixedCols := 1;
        FixedRows := 1;
        Cells[0, 0] := 'No.';
        Cells[1, 0] := 'ITEM 1';
        Cells[2, 0] := 'ITEM 2';
        Cells[3, 0] := 'ITEM 3';

        ColWidths[0] := 30;
        ColWidths[1] := 100;
        ColWidths[2] := 150;
        ColWidths[3] := 100;

        for i := 0 to MAXCOL - 1 do
           Org_Width[i] := ColWidths[i];

        Org_Height := DefaultRowHeight;

        for i := 1 to MAXROW do
           Cells[0, i] := IntToStr(i);

  procedure TForm1.ResizeKit1ExitResize(Sender: TObject; XScale,
     YScale: Double);
     i: Integer;
     for i := 0 to StringGrid1.ColCount - 1 do
        StringGrid1.ColWidths[i] := Round(Org_Width[i] * XScale);

     StringGrid1.DefaultRowHeight := Round(Org_Height * YScale);

At runtime, the grid without changing the form's size might look like this:

Decreasing the form size:

Increasing the form size:

The ResizeKit2 is Runtime License Free !

Runtime applications, developed using the ResizeKit2, can be created and distributed without limit or additional royalties. However, this is limited to developers who hold a valid developer license for the ResizeKit2 and who have registered that license with us. To register please refer to our user registration page. Note that distribution of software created as "reusable components (ActiveX control, DLL, .NET, etc.)" using the ResizeKit2 requires a Redistribution license. For more information, please refer to our licensing page.

ResizeKit2 Delphi / C++Builder / RAD Studio Editions

Product Supported Containers Supported Platforms
ResizeKit2 Delphi 12 Athens Delphi 12 Athens for Win 32/64 Windows 11

Windows 10

Windows 8.1/ Windows 8
(Not uspported by 12 Athens or later)

Windows Server 2022

Windows Server 2019

Windows Server 2016

Windows Server 2012 (R2)
(Not supported by 12 Athens or later)

Windows 7
(Not supported by 11 Alexandria or later)

Windows Server 2008 (R2)
(Not supported by 10.4 Sydney or later)

Windows Vista
(Not support by 10.1 Berlin or later)

Windows Server 2003
(Not supported by 10 Seattle or later)

(Not supported by XE6 or later)

(Not supported by XE5 or later)
ResizeKit2 Delphi 11 Alexandria Delphi 11 Alexandria for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 Delphi 10.4 Sydney Delphi 10.4 Sydney for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 Delphi 10.3 Rio Delphi 10.3 Rio for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Delphi 10.2 Tokyo for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 Delphi 10.1 Berlin Delphi 10.1 Berlin for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 Delphi 10 Seattle Delphi 10 Seattle for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 Delphi XE8 Delphi XE8 for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 Delphi XE7 Delphi XE7 for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 Delphi XE6 Delphi XE6 for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 Delphi XE5 Delphi XE5 for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 Delphi XE4 Delphi XE4 for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 Delphi XE3 Delphi XE3 for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 Delphi XE2 Delphi XE2 for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 C++ Builder 12 Athens C++Builder 12 Athens for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 C++ Builder 11 Alexandria C++Builder 11 Alexandria for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 C++ Builder 10.4 Sydney C++Builder 10.4 Sydney for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 C++ Builder 10.3 Rio C++Builder 10.3 Rio for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 C++ Builder 10.2 Tokyo C++Builder 10.2 Tokyo for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 C++ Builder 10.1 Berlin C++Builder 10.1 Berlin for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 C++ Builder 10 Seattle C++Builder 10 Seattle for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 C++Builder XE8 C++Builder XE8 for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 C++Builder XE7 C++Builder XE7 for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 C++Builder XE6 C++Builder XE6 for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 C++Builder XE5 C++Builder XE5 for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 C++Builder XE4 C++Builder XE4 for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 C++Builder XE3 C++Builder XE3 for Win 32/64
ResizeKit2 C++Builder XE2 C++Builder XE3 for Win 32 ONLY!
ResizeKit2 RAD Studio 12 Athens Includes ResizeKit2 for both C++Builder 12 Athens and Delphi 12 Athens
ResizeKit2 RAD Studio 11 Alexandria Includes ResizeKit2 for both C++Builder 11 Alexandria and Delphi 11 Alexandria
ResizeKit2 RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney Includes ResizeKit2 for both C++Builder 10.4 Sydney and Delphi 10.4 Sydney
ResizeKit2 RAD Studio 10.3 Rio Includes ResizeKit2 for both C++Builder 10.3 Rio and Delphi 10.3 Rio
ResizeKit2 RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo Includes ResizeKit2 for both C++Builder 10.2 Tokyo and Delphi 10.2 Tokyo
ResizeKit2 RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin Includes ResizeKit2 for both C++Builder 10.1 Berlin and Delphi 10.1 Berlin
ResizeKit2 RAD Studio 10 Seattle Includes ResizeKit2 for both C++Builder 10 Seattle and Delphi 10 Seattle
ResizeKit2 RAD Studio XE8 Includes ResizeKit2 for both C++Builder XE8 and Delphi XE8
ResizeKit2 RAD Studio XE7 Includes ResizeKit2 for both C++Builder XE7 and Delphi XE7
ResizeKit2 RAD Studio XE6 Includes ResizeKit2 for both C++Builder XE6 and Delphi XE6
ResizeKit2 RAD Studio XE5 Includes ResizeKit2 for both C++Builder XE5 and Delphi XE5
ResizeKit2 RAD Studio XE4 Includes ResizeKit2 for both C++Builder XE4 and Delphi XE4
ResizeKit2 RAD Studio XE3 Includes ResizeKit2 for both C++Builder XE3 and Delphi XE3
ResizeKit2 RAD Studio XE2 Includes ResizeKit2 for both C++Builder XE2 and Delphi XE2

Older versions of the ResizeKit2 for Delphi and C++Builder may still be available. For details please contact

Multiple licenses packs are available at a significant discount.
For details, please see ResizeKit2 Multiple License Packs or visit our online store


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