Add image-processing and scanning functions to your COM applications!
Easy to use imaging functions! Support for web camera too!

ImageKit®10 ActiveX

Distribute enduser runtime applications free without additional fees or royalties!!

     (ActiveX .NET Ready)

          US$ 899.00
     1 PC Developer License

          US$ 399.00
     1 WebServer Runtime License




See our WPF imaging component    See our .NET imaging component    See our VCL imaging component   


                                                   Save to PDF file - NEW!
                                                   Save PDF with password protection! - NEW!
                                                   Thumbnail capabilities added - NEW!
                                                   Supports touch screen
                                                   Web camera functions include video recording, playback, snapshot
                                                   Enchanced scan functions
                                                   Contains both 32bit and 64bit DLLs and OCX files
                                                   Create 64bit scanning applications     (* Must have 64bit scan driver)
                                                   Supports unicode file names
                                                   Load images from and save images to HTTP/FTP servers
                                                   Set Exif information     (* Not all exif tags supported)


Powerful Image Processing!

The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a component that allows you to add image processing functionality to your applications quickly and easily. With the ImageKit10 ActiveX, you can write applications that retrieve images from TWAIN scanners and digital cameras; that load and save image files and convert images from one format to another; that edit images, draw shapes and text on images; that display images and print images; that display images as thumbnails, and much more. Most all of the ImageKit10 functionality is also available in DLL style API.

The ImageKit10 ActiveX component can be used in Visual Studio (2005 and above) via COM wrapper. A variety of sample programs for each supported development environment are included with the ImageKit10 ActiveX allowing you to quickly get up to speed. Each sample program clearly illustrates one or two key functions so it is easy to understand and easy to find the necessary code to enable that functionality in your own applications.

The ImageKit10 ActiveX has the same stable, easy to use functions as always, supports both 32bit and 64bit environments and comes with unicode and ansi versions.

While maintaining the stability and usability of the previous version "ImageKit 9 ActiveX", we have added scan functions and a PDF file save function.



The following corporations have been especially helpful in assisting us with our scanning functionality!



ImageKit10 ActiveX

The ImageKit10 ActiveX contains of five controls: the ImageKit control; three web camera controls, Record, Play, Preview; and the Thumbnail control. The ImageKit control provides comprehensive image-processing, printing, drawing, and scanning functionality. The WebCamera controls allow you to program and manipulate movie images from web cameras. The Thumbnail control provides an easy interface for displaying images as thumbnails. These controls are shipped in 4 editions: a 64 bit unicode edition, a 32 bit unicode edition, a 64 bit ANSI edition, and a 32 bit ANSI edition.

Below, we illustrate some of the main features of these controls.

ImageKit Control ANSI Edition ImageKit Control Unicode Edition ImageKit Control

Main Features - The ImageKit control provide functions that can retrieve images from TWAIN scanners and digital cameras, that can display and edit images, that can draw text and shapes on images or apply effect filters and transformations to images, that can make composite images from two seperate images, that can load and save image files and convert images from one format to another, that can print images,

ImageKit Control Design View Property Page


Thumbnail Control ANSI Edition Thumbnail Control Unicode Edition Thumbnail Control

Main Features - The Thumbnail control provides an easy to use interface for displaying images as thumbnails. Select single thumbnails and display original image; select multiple thumbnails, save thumbnail information to file for quick loading, and more.

Thumbnail Control Design View Property Page


Record Control ANSI Edition Record Control Unicode Edition Record Control

Main Features - The Record Control captures movies from webcameras.

Preview Control ANSI Edition Preview Control Unicode Edition Preview Control

Main Features - The Preview Control allows you to preview webcamera.

Play Control ANSI Edition Play Control Unicode Edition Play Control

Main Features - The Play Control plays webcamera movies


Touch Screen Functions

Touch functions used by tablet PCs now provided

 Pinch in and Pinch out

 Touch scroll

 When editing with touch
selecting objects is important. The size of the selection blocks change automatically when using a mouse or when using touch


WebCamera Functions

Supports web camera functions of preview, capture (save in avi and wmv formats) and play (avi, mpeg, etc.)

ImageKit10 Preview Control

Web camera Settings dialog


Image Display And Edit Functions

The ImageKit control provides powerful image display and editing functionality

 Automatically display the vertical and horizontal direction of the photo - NEW!
It is possible to retrieve Exif information from JPEG photos taken with smartphones and automatically adjust for vertical and horizontal display.
(* If the corresponding Exif information exists)


 Display Vector Data (DXF(2D), WMF, EMF, SVG - uncompressed, SXF

Here is DXF data after it has been loaded and displayed in the ImageKit control:

The ImageKit control can display a graduated ruler on its border or a grid on top of images.

 Display graduated rule (supports pixels, millimeters, inches units)
 Display grid on images (supports pixels, millimeters, inches units)

Multi-layer functionality is provided by the ImageKit control's layer interface

The Layer Interface allows you to create applications that can display raster images like JPEG at the same time you are displaying vector data like DXF!

 Simultaneously display both raster and vector images (up to 100 distinct image layers)

Base image + raster image + vector image + graduated rule + grid

 Display coordinates in tooltip
 Scroll by mouse drag
 Display black and white (1 bit color) images in high quality display
   Automatically avoid data loss when black and white (1-bit color) images are reduced in size.

 Scale display mode
    If images are larger than the ImageKit Control, the image will be scaled to fit within the control.

 Actual Size display mode
    If images are larger than the ImageKit Control, scroll bars are automatically displayed

 Actual Size display mode (without scroll bars)
    If images are larger than the ImageKit Control, scroll bars are not displayed and image is not scaled

 Stretch display mode
    Images are resized to fit the dimensions of the ImageKit Control

 Set display position of the image
    With this functionality you can even display images at the very bottom of the ImageKit Control

The Pan Window (supports both raster and vector data)

The ImageKit control provides a useful Pan Window which can display the entire image while only a portion of that image is being displayed in the ImageKit Control. That portion of the entire image in the ImageKit Control is marked with a rectangle in the Pan Window. You can scroll the portion of the image displayed in the ImageKit control by moving this rectangle in the Pan Window. Multiple images simultaneously displayed in the ImageKit Control will also be shown in the Pan Window. Both raster and vector images are supported.

Here is a vector image being displayed in the Pan Window and the ImageKit control

 Scrollbar control action
Not only can you scroll with the mouse, but also with code. This includes diagonal scrolling!

 Regional selection
It is possible to select areas or regions on an image for processing. This is as easy as moving the mouse over the image. Regional selection can also be done via code.

Image editing toolbar

The Image editing toolbars are an easy to use interface for editing images. The image editing toolbars support both raster and vector data.

 Raster Image Editing Toolbar
Use this toolbar with raster images to zoom, to rotate, to select the entire image or select rectangular regions or freehand regions, to rotate selected areas, to undo changes, use a pen tool, retrieve colors from images, draw shapes like rectangles, ellipses, rounded rectangles, straight lines, curves, fill color, use air brush or eraser, set custom stamps, draw text, set fonts, copy and paste, set foreground and background colors, borders, etc.

Freehand selection and rotation of a region on a raster image

Provide your enduser with this rich image editing interface with just these three lines of code....

ImageKit1.Edit.EditEnable = True 'enable editing
ImageKit1.Edit.ShowToolBar ikRaster 'display image editing toolbar
ImageKit1.Edit.Modify 'save modifications to image data

 Vector Image Editing Toolbar
Use this toolbar with vector images to zoom, to rotate, undo changes, to move vector elements, to select single elements, to select elements in a region, to draw shapes like rectangles, ellipses, rounded rectangles, straight lines, polygons, polylines, to load raster images and embed them, to draw text, set fonts, set foreground and background color, borders, etc.

This shows the vector image editing toolbar selecting and changing vector objects

A vector object's (the red line) popup menu - property

Changing text in vector images


Image Effects And Transformation Functions

The ImageKit control provides numerous effect filters and transformation functions.

 Convert raster data to vector data
Thats right! You can covert raster images to vector data. Take those old hand-drawn diagrams and blue prints, run them through an image scanner and save them as JPEG or BMP files. Then, using the vectorizing functionality, convert those images to DXF or other vector format. Avoid the inevitable deterioration of physical diagrams, vectorized data scales easily, reuse as CAD data,

Here is an example of a program that scans, vectorizes, and saves diagrams

 Display vector data with antialias
By using antialias, you can smooth the rough edges in vector data. In the following two images, notice the outline of the shapes and the text (numbers).

No antialias


 Digital Watermark
   Embed an "invisible" copyright or logo within an image and be able to detect it later.

Embedding an digital watermark

Checking for the watermark in an image

 Create new images

 Select areas on the image and apply changes to only those areas

 Create composite images from existing images
Use the PasteImage method or the LayerImage method to combine two images. Set the attachment location, set overall transparency, specify a transparent color, clip excess areas, flip images or create mirror images, etc.

Here is an example of two images being attached together with overall transparency set to 50%

 Panorama Composition
This creates a panorama out of two raster images. By simply specifying two attachment locations on each image, creates a panorama. You can specify the direction images are attached, specify the background color for areas outside the images, set a string displayed in the title bar of the panorama, etc.

 Duplicate images   Copy and paste images to clipboard   Adjust sharpness   Noise reduction   Blur   Mosiac   Outline   Emboss   Antialias   Glasstile   Color correction (RGB, YCC support; Gamma, Level, and Chroma adjustment)   Increase or decrease color   Resize   Rotate (regional area selection possible; 1/100th of a degree accuracy; interpolation reduces deterioration of rotated object)   Flip   Mirror   Affine correction (deskew)   Create your own custom effect filter 

 Special effects
Oilpaint, canvas, glasstile, lens, ripple, whirlpinch, waves, motionblur, and more...

Wave Effect

Canvas Effect

Motionblur Effect

Whirlpinch Effect


Scanning Functions

ImageKit10 ActiveX allows you to add scanning functions to your applications quickly and easily. Retrieve images from TWAIN scanners, digital cameras, and film scanners. Use the scan manufacturer's user interface or build your own custom user interface making scanning a nearly seamless operation. Set scan conditions, pixel type, resolution, bit count, brightness, contrast, highlight, threshold, shadow, enable/disable scan indicator, scan mode, datasource name, scan position, scan units, and more. Of course ADF and duplex scanning are supported.

Here is a screenshot of one of our scan sample programs and its menu items

 Support for text orientation, edge enhancement, text enhancement [Canon DR Scanners]

 Support for reflective scanning positive film, color/BW ratio detection, character distinction, focus position adjustment [Epson Scanners]

 Support for multistream [Panasonic Scanners]

 Support for Color/BW ratio detection, multistream [PFU Scanners]

 Support for skipping blank page

 Support for punch hole removal [Canon DR Scanners] [Epson Scanners] [Panasonic Scanners]

 Support for saving TWAIN driver UI information and scanning with that information

 Support for memory transfer with compression (JPEG, PNG)

 Support for file transfer
Set and retrieve the compression method for file and memory transfer. Compression methods include: Uncompressed (default), Packbits, Group3-1D, Group3-1DEOL, Group3-2D, Group4, Jpeg, Lzw, Jbig, Png, Rle4, Rle8, Bitfields

 Support for dropout color
This sets the dropout color when using a custom-built scan interface.

 Support for noise filter
Reduces noise in black and white (1-bit color) images.

 Support for image filter
Improves image quality. LOWPASS improves halftone images, BANDPASS improves images that include text, and HIGHPASS improves images that have lines.

 Auto paper size detection
When paper size is set to "undefined" (1000), this function automatically detects the size of the paper and scans.

 Support for deskew
Corrects skewed documents

 Support for moire filter [Epson Scanners]
Sets the moire Filter when scanning with a custom-built scan interface

 Support for unsharpness filter [Epson Scanners]
Sets the Epson Unsharpness Filter when scanning with a custom-built scan interface

 Support for dynamic threshold [Panasonic Scanners]
Improves clarity and reduces "smudginess" when scanning with a custom-built scan interface

 Support for deskew smoothing [Panasonic Scanners]
Significantly reduces jagged lines and text

 ADF duplex scanning support
 ADF duplex scanning support
 Retrieve thumbnail images from digital cameras
 Supports monochrome halftone settings
 Supports scaling
 Set paper size when scanning
 Retrieve the range of setting values for a give scan property

 Select the scan device
Displays a dialog that allows you to select the scan device you wish to use from all the scan devices installed. If you know the scan device's datasource name, you can shortcut this functionality and directly initialize the scan device. It is also possible to retrieve the datasource list displayed in the dialog.

 Supports both scanner manufacturer's UI and custom built UI
Not only supports scan user interface provided by the scanner manufacturer but also supports the custom scan user interface that you build.

 Supports continuous scanning with ADF (auto document feeder) or digital camera. (both manufacturer and custom UI)

 Provides functions to set scanning conditions (custom UI) and retrieve scan information (both manufacturer and custom UI)
Scanning Conditons include: pixel type, scan location, resolution, image bitcount, brightness, contrast, gamma correction, highlight, threshold, shadow, scan indicator on/off, scan mode (document plate, ADF, digital camera, etc.), specify datasource name, select user interface (use manufacturer UI, use manufacturer UI and close after scan, use custom UI), scan units (inches, centimeters, pixels...)

Scanning Information includes: scan location, resolution, scan units (inches, centimeters, pixels...)

 Provides events that you can hook into for each scan even when using continuous scanning via ADF or digital camera.

The following corporations have been especially helpful in assisting us with our scanning functionality!


File Processing Functions

The ImageKit Control provides you with numerous functions for loading and saving image files. Of course, load functions for each file type are provided but there is also a load function that automatically detects each file type. Load files of one type and save them as a different type. For example, it is easy to load CAD data (DXF) and save it a JPEG.

 Supports saving to PDF file - NEW!
It also supports saving to PDF with password protection, which helps strengthen security.
(* Only JPEG and PNG are the file formats that can be saved to PDF.)

 File open dialog with preview function and file information

By using these dialogs, you no longer need any code to select images files to load. Since the image preview of the selected image is shown in real time, not only can you visually confirm the selected image and check its file information, but you will also be pleasantly surprized at how easy this functionality is to use.

 Loads BLOB image data from and saves BLOB image data to database

     Example code for retrieving and displaying image data from a database

Dim BinaryData() As Byte
Dim connStr As String
Dim ID As String
Dim rs As Recordset

connStr="driver=SQLServer;DATABASE=MyDatabase;UID=MyUserid;_<br>     PWD=MyPassword;Server=MyServer"
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

ID = "001"
rs.Open "select ImageData from Files where ID =" + ID, connStr, 2, 4
BinaryData = rs("ImageData") 'retrieve BLOB data
Set rs = Nothing

'Set the BLOB data into the ImageKit Control
ImageKit1.File.LoadFromStream BinaryData
ImageKit1.File.LoadFileMem ikLoad 'Load as DIB data
ImageKit1.Display ikScale 'Display in the ImageKit Control

 Steam image data directly to the browser
For example in classic ASP, by using the following:


It is possible to display image data directly in the client browser.

 Improved file transfer functions, HTTPS support, Seperate connect and disconnect functions
In addition to FTP and HTTP file transfer functions, The ImageKit10 now supports file transfer through secure socket layer. New functions for connecting to and disconnecting from FTP and HTTP servers have been added and can now be performed in functions distinct from file transfer. 

 Load images from and save images to separate color planes
With the following methods, images can be separated into their respective color planes and saved. Likewise, images can be loaded from their respective color planes.

RGBBmpPlaneFileLoad / RGBBmpPlaneFileSave
CMYKBmpPlaneFileLoad / CMYKBmpPlaneFileSave
YCCBmpPlaneFileLoad / YCCBmpPlaneFileSave

 Load images from and save images to memory data
Supports loading and saving image data directly to memory data.

 Load images from and save images to HTTP and FTP servers
Not only are physical paths supported with loading and saving files, but also virtual paths pointing to HTTP or FTP directories are supported. You can now load image directly from and save images directly to your HTTP or FTP server.

 Progress event generated when loading and saving
This event is available for all supported image types.

Supported Image File Formats

 JPEG2000    JPEG2000Stream
JPEG2000 is the successor of the well-known traditional JPEG format. JPEG2000 is an image coding system that uses state-of-the-art compression techniques based on wavelet technology. Compared to JPEG, JPEG2000 offers higher compression without compromising quality, progressive image reconstruction, lossy and lossless compression.

 SVG** (uncompressed)
Scalable Vector Graphics is an XML markup language for describing two-dimensional vector graphics.. It is an open standard created by the World Wide Web Consortium, which is also responsible for standards like HTML and XHTML.

SXF is a CAD data exchange format specified by JACIC. Support is provided for SXF standard version 3.0.

 DIB (WindowsBMP) 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32 bit
 DIB (WindowsBMP) RLE4, RLE8 4, 8 bit
 JPEG 8 bit grayscale, 24 bit color / Standard DCT, Progressive DCT / Exif (JPEG compression, main and thumbnail image, load only)
 GIF Transpareny / Interlace / 1, 4, 8 bit / Loads multipage / Saves animation
 TIFF 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32 bit / Supported compression: Uncompressed, CCITTRLE, FAX3 (1D, 2D), FAX4, JPEG*, PACKBITS, LZW (Color mode: palette, rgb, cmyk) (Multipage: load and save)
 PNG 1, 4, 8, 24 bit / transparency / interlace
 FPX (Flashpix) 8 bit grayscale, 24 bit / Supported compression: Uncompressed, JPEG compression, Single Color compression
 PCX 1, 4, 8, 24 bit
 DXF (2D)** 

(*) Not all Tiff-Jpeg format files are supported, particularly older versions of this format.

(**) Vector data may be altered or lost when it is loaded or saved.


Drawing Functions

The ImageKit control provides functions for drawing shapes and text to the designated object (screen, printer, or memory data). For example, use this functionality to draw a polygon and text on the image currently displayed in the ImageKit Control.

 Draw bezier curves
 Use the brush to draw rectangles
 Draw a focus rectangle

 Uses GDI+ to draw text (Solid, Hatch, Texture, Gradiation)

 Draw image to window handle (hWnd)   Set the desired color to a specific pixel   Retrieve the color from a specific pixel   Retrieve image from the device context (Hdc)   Select the designated drawing object   Fill one color with another color   Draw image to the device context (Hdc)   Draw straight lines   Draw rectangles   Draw ellipses   Draw polygons   Draw polylines   Draw arcs   Draw chords   Draw arrows   Draw rounded rectangles   Draw filled rectangles   Draw text within a specified rectangle   Darw text from a specified point   Retrieve height and width of text from text information 

Printing Functions

Provides functions relating to printing and manipulating printers

 List ports   Retrieve list of paper size names   Retrieve list of paper tray names   Retrieve list of printer resolutions   Set default printer

 Save printer information and settings into a "printer file"
With the printer file you can print without displaying the Print dialog. Once you save the printer settings then you can reuse them easily without the Print dialog.

 Start print job   Start print page   End print page   End print job   Retrieve height and width of the valid print area for a given paper size   List printer names 


Thumbnail Control Display Functions

The ImageKit10 ActiveX Thumbnail control lets you display images as thumbnails by simply selecting the folder and file type. All image files of that file type within the specified folder will automatically be displayed as thumbnails. The Thumbnail control displays thumbnails in an easy to use, fast, customizable control.

Thumbnail Control property page for setting custom display pattern

PictureDown is display when the thumbnail cell is selected, PictureUp is the default
(Displayed when the thumbnail cell is not selected).

 Automatically display the vertical and horizontal direction of the photo - NEW!
It is possible to retrieve Exif information from JPEG photos taken with smartphones and automatically adjust for vertical and horizontal display.
(* If the corresponding Exif information exists)

 Change the thumbnail display order
Now you can change the order in which the thumbnails are displayed by simply moving them around with the mouse.

 Delete a thumbnail
With the Delete Method, you can remove a thumbnail by specifying the image number.

 Change the layout of the thumbnail dialog
You can specify the number of columns and rows of thumbnails that will be displayed within the control as well as the gap size, etc.

 Abundant thumbnail settings
Thumbnail settings include: folder, file types (BMP, JPG, GIF, TIFF, WMF, EMF, etc., load and mix different file types), number of columns, number of rows, scrollbar on/off, scroll action (scroll using code), background colors, display size, gap size, display pattern (film, button, custom),

 Generates file load events
When image files are loaded and displayed as thumbnails, events are generated and can be used to execute code for each file loaded.

 Supports the display of custom patterns
Create you own pattern when thumbnails are displayed. Simply specify the pattern images and set transparent colors.

 Simultaneous thumbnail selection
Supports the selection of multiple thumbnail images at the same time.

 Drag and drop
Drag images from Windows Explorer or from another ImageKit Thumbnail Control and drop them directly into the Thumbnail Control.

 Increase speed in displaying thumbnail image
Load images into the Thumbnail Control once and then, by using the ImageKit10 ActiveX Thumbnail File, greatly increase the display speed whenever they are loaded again.


ImageKit10 ActiveX Licensing

The ImageKit10 ActiveX license is a "PC developer" license. This means that a seperate license is required for each computer where the ImageKit10 ActiveX is used to develop software.

For example:

If the ImageKit10 ActiveX is used by only one person on one computer, then only one license is required.
If the ImageKit10 ActiveX is used by only one person, but this person uses it on two computers, then 2 PC developer licenses are required.
If two software developer's use the ImageKit10 ActiveX but only on one computer, then only one license is required.

For software developer's who require multiple licenses, we have multiple license packs available at a significant discount.

When applications using the ImageKit10 ActiveX run on a web server, a seperate webserver runtime license required.

For more details about licensing, please refer to our licensing page or contact us at

ImageKit10 ActiveX License Activation

For the ImageKit10 ActiveX to work properly, the license must be activated. License activation insures that the correct number of licenses are properly installed. Activation usually takes place when the ImageKit10 ActiveX is installed but activation can be postponed until later. In the license is not activated within 2 weeks of installation, the ImageKit10 ActiveX will stop working until it is activated. For more information about license activation, please refer to the ImageKit10 ActiveX documentation or contact us at

ImageKit10 ActiveX Runtime License

The ImageKit10 ActiveX is enduser runtime license free for all registered developers. The registered developer can make as many different enduser runtime applications and can distribute as many of each of these applications as he or she wishes with out limit*. Only registered users are allowed to do this. To register, simply send us your contact information along with the serial number of the ImageKit10 ActiveX that you are using to For more information, please visit our user registration page.

*This does not apply to webservers. Applications running on a webserver or distributed via cab file to client browsers require an ImageKit10 ActiveX WebServer Runtime License. For details please contact

The ImageKit10 ActiveX can only be registered to the person using it. It cannot be registered to a company, a group, or any other entity. USER REGISTRATION IS NOT TRANSFERRABLE WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN CONSENT OF NEWTONE CORPORATION.

If the ImageKit10 is used to create redistributable components, i.e. ActiveX controls, VCL components, DLLs, etc., then a redistribution license allowing a specific number of such software may be required. For more information, please contact us at


Suggested Retail Price (Single PC Developer's License)

ImageKit10 ActiveX
1 Single PCDeveloper's License     US$899.00

ImageKit10 ActiveX
1 Webserver Runtime License     US$399.00

Multiple licenses packs are available at a significant discount.
For details, please see ImageKit10 ActiveX Multiple License Packs or visit our online store


Supported Environment

ImageKit10 ActiveX

Supported Platform
Microsoft Windows 11 / 10 / 8.1 / Server 2022 / Server 2019 / Server 2016 / Server 2012 R2 / Server 2012
Internet Explorer 11

Supported Development Container
VB6.0, VC++6.0, Visual Studio 2022** / 2019 / 2017 / 2015 / 2013 / 2012 / 2010 / 2008 / 2005 (COM Wrapper), ASP (IIS 10.0 / 8.0 / 7.5)

* To use the ImageKit10, you must have the Visual C++ 2019 runtime installed.

** When developing with Visual Studio 2022, register the 64-bit version of the ActiveX control in the registry.

Supported Scan Devices (TWAIN ONLY)
Image Scanners (+ADF) / Digital Cameras / Flim Scanners

DirectX Support
DirectX 9 or above (when using the WebCamera controls)


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