ImageKit WPF / ImageKit WPF X Multiple License Packs

Newtone Corporation offers multiple license packs at considerable savings over individual licenses. For those interested in more than one license, we have the following multiple license packs available. If you have questions about which license you need, about multiple license packs, or if you have other requirements, please feel free to contact us as

See below for the retail price list of multiple PC developer licenses, server runtime licenses, subscription renewals, and redistribution licenses for the ImageKit WPF and ImageKit WPF X.

PC Developer License Packs

The PC developer licenses allows a software developer to use the ImageKit WPF or the ImageKit WPF X to make executable applications ON A SPECIFIC NUMBER OF COMPUTERS. The PC developer licenses require activation after they are installed. A seperate PC developer license is required for each computer where the ImageKit WPF or the ImageKit WPF X  is used to develop software. PC developer licenses are perpetual licenses that do not expire.

1 PC Developer LicenseAllows the ImageKit WPF or the ImageKit WPF X to be activated on one computerUS$ 799.00
3 PC Developer LicenseAllows the ImageKit WPF or the ImageKit WPF X to be activated on up to three computersUS$ 1,599.00
5 PC Developer LicenseAllows the ImageKit WPF or the ImageKit WPF X to be activated on up to five computersUS$ 2,399.00
10 PC Developer LicenseAllows the ImageKit WPF or the ImageKit WPF X to be activated on up to ten computersUS$ 3,999.00
20 PC Developer LicenseAllows the ImageKit WPF or the ImageKit WPF X to be activated on up to twenty computersUS$ 7,980.00
50 PC Developer LicenseAllows the ImageKit WPF or the ImageKit WPF X to be activated on up to fifty computersUS$ 15,980.00

NOTE: Each PC developer license includes a runtime distribution license and a one-year subscription for support services license. The PC developer license holder MUST register their license for the Developer license and the Runtime Distribution license to be valid. For information on registering your license, please refer to the User Registration page.

Subscription Renewal Licenses

The ubscription license is a program that allows customers who participate to have access to support for the ImageKit WPF or the ImageKit WPF X and access to all minor and major version updates for the duration of the subscription period. Updates for the ImageKit WPF / ImageKit WPF X include but are not limited to additions of new functionality, improvements in existing functionality, bug fixes, and maintenance releases. Holders of a valid subscription are entitled to receive technical support via email for the duration of the subscription period. The subscription period is for one year that starts from the date of purchase.

Subscription renewals are entirely optional. If you choose not to renew your subscription, you may still use the ImageKit WPF or the ImageKit WPF X as it is. Your PC developer license and runtime distribution license are perpetual licenses that do not expire. The PC developer license and runtime distribution license are unrelated to whether or not you have a valid subscription for support services.

After one year, you may choose to renew your ImageKit WPF / ImageKit WPF X subscription for support services. To purchase a subscription renewal you must have a PC Developer license and a valid subscription that has not yet expired. If the support subscription for your PC developer license has already expired, you will not be able to renew that subscription. If you have a multiple PC developer license pack and choose to renew the subscription, you can only renew the subscription for that multiple license pack.

For questions about subscription renewals, please contact us at

1 PC Subscription Renewal LicenseRenews the subscription for support services for one PC developer license for one yearUS$ 399.00
3 PC Subscription Renewal LicenseRenews the subscription for support services for a three PC developer license pack for one yearUS$ 799.00
5 PC Subscription Renewal LicenseRenews the subscription for support services for a five PC developer license pack for one yearUS$ 1,199.00
10 PC Subscription Renewal LicenseRenews the subscription for support services for a ten PC developer license pack for one yearUS$ 1,999.00
20 PC Subscription Renewal LicenseRenews the subscription for support services for a twenty PC developer license pack for one yearUS$ 3,990.00
50 PC Subscription Renewal LicenseRenews the subscription for support services for a fifty PC developer license pack for one yearUS$ 7,980.00

Server Runtime Licenses

The runtime distribution license allows license holders to distribute applications containing ImageKit WPF or the ImageKit WPF X functionality. However, for applications that exist on a webserver, each server where such applications exist must have an ImageKit WPF or an ImageKit WPF X Server Runtime License.

For questions about server runtime license, please contact us at

1 Server Runtime LicenseAllows applications containing ImageKit WPF / ImageKit WPF X functionality to exist on one serverUS$ 399.00
5 Server Runtime LicenseAllows applications containing ImageKit WPF / ImageKit WPF X functionality to exist on five serversUS$ 1,199.00
10 server Runtime LicenseAllows applications containing ImageKit WPF / ImageKit WPF X functionality to exist on ten serversUS$ 1,999.00

Redistribution Licenses

If you wish to distribute applications that expose the ImageKit WPF or the ImageKit WPF X functionality in a design-time environment then you will need a license that allows this. The redistribution license is a special license that is required if you distribute such "reusable" components that includes functionality from the ImageKit WPF or the ImageKit WPF X. By "reusable" component, we are referring to a WPF component, a .NET component, an ActiveX component, DLL, VCL component or similar software where the receiver of the software has the ability to use the ImageKit WPF or the ImageKit WPF X functionality to develop other software. Because a PC developer license is required to use the ImageKit WPF or the ImageKit WPF X functionality to develop software, it would be necessary to include one PC developer license with each of these "reusable" components. However, distributing single PC developer licenses is costly and multiple license packs cannot be separated into single PC developer licenses. For this reason, we have the redistribution license available. For more information about the ImageKit WPF or the ImageKit WPF X redistribution licenses, please contact us at





















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