ImageKit Overview


 ImageKit Constructor Initializes a new instance of the ImageKit class.

Public Properties

 Appearance Sets the appearance of the ImageKit Control border
 AutoIkSize Sets whether or not the ImageKit Control will be resized to fit the size of the image
 BitCount The number of bits per pixel in the image
 BorderColor Sets the color of the ImageKit Control border when the Appearance property is Newtone.ImageKit.Win.AppearanceStyle.Flat
 BorderVisible Sets whether or not the ImageKit Control border is visible
 ClickPointBlue Refers to the blue value of the pixel at the clicked location in the base image in the ImageKit Control
 ClickPointGreen Refers to the green value of the pixel at the clicked location in the base image in the ImageKit Control
 ClickPointRed Refers to the red value of the pixel at the clicked location in the base image in the ImageKit Control
 DefaultMouseCursor Sets the default mouse cursor in the ImageKit Control
 DisplayMode Sets the display mode
 DrawCenterX Sets the x-coordinate of a point on an image that will be displayed from the center of the ImageKit Control
 DrawCenterY Sets the y-coordinate of a point on an image that will be displayed from the center of the ImageKit Control
 DrawOnlyBaseImage Sets whether or not only the base image is displayed in the ImageKit Control
 DrawScaleX Sets the horizontal magnification at which and image is displayed in the ImageKit Control
 DrawScaleY Sets the vertical magnification at which and image is displayed in the ImageKit Control
 ErrorStatus Refers to the types of errors that can occur when using the ImageKit Control
 GifAnimationEnabled Sets whether or not Gif animation is enabled and will be displayed
 Grad Sets whether or not graduation is displayed in the ImageKit control and sets the units of measurement for that graduation
 GradBackgroundColor Sets the background color for the graduation
 GradColor Sets the color of the graduation lines and text
 Gray Determines whether or not the image is grayscale
 Grid Sets whether or not a grid is displayed on the ImageKit control and sets the units of measurement of that grid
 GridColor Sets the color of the grid lines
 GridSpace Sets the size of the space between the grid lines
 Image Sets or retrieves the base image
 ImageKind Refers to the image type
 ImageSize Refers to the size of the image in bytes
 ImageWidthByte Refers to the number of bytes per line in the image
 InvalidHatchColor Sets the color of the hatch pattern shown in the ImageKit Control when an image is not displayed
 InvalidHatchPattern Sets the pattern that is displayed in that portion of the ImageKit control not covered by an image
 IsDisplayed Determines whether or not an image is currently displayed in the ImageKit control.
 LayerNumber Sets the image to be processed (either the base image or one of the layer images)
 MouseDragImage Sets whether or not the image in the ImageKit Control can be scrolled by dragging it with the mouse
 MouseWheelDirection Sets whether the mouse wheel can be used to scroll
 PaletteCount Refers to the number of palette colors for the image
 PanWindowImageKit Sets the ImageKit control which will be used as a PanWindow.
 PanWindowMode Sets whether or not an ImageKit control will be used as a PanWindow.
 PriorityDisplaySpeed Sets whether or not priority display speed is used.
 Rect Sets the rectangle selected on the base image with the mouse in the ImageKit Control
 RectColor1 Sets the one of the colors of the dotted line that distinguishes the selected area in the ImageKit Control
 RectColor2 Sets the one of the colors of the dotted line that distinguishes the selected area in the ImageKit Control
 RectDraw Sets whether an area can be selected on the base image in the ImageKit Control
 RectDrawFix Sets whether or not the selected area drawn on the base image in the ImageKit Control can be resized with the mouse
 RectDrawRatio Sets the ratio of the height to the width in the selected area drawn on the base image in the ImageKit Control
 RectMouseCursor Sets the shape of the mouse cursor when the mouse is dragged within the ImageKit Control
 Refine1BitImage This property is not supported in the ImageKit.NET3. It is maintained for backward compatibility.
 RefineColorImage This property is not supported in the ImageKit.NET3. It is maintained for backward compatibility.
 RefineOnScroll Sets whether or not high quality display is used when images are scrolled or dragged
 ScaledImageAlign Sets the display position of the image when the image is displayed in Scale display mode
 ScaledStartDrawX Sets the X coordinate in the ImageKit control where the top left corner of the image is displayed
 ScaledStartDrawY Sets the Y coordinate in the ImageKit control where the top left corner of the image is displayed
 ScrollBar Sets whether or not scroll bars are displayed on the ImageKit Control
 ScrollValueH Sets the horizontal value (in pixels) of the scroll for the image displayed in the ImageKit Control
 ScrollValueV Sets the vertical value (in pixels) of the scroll for the image displayed in the ImageKit Control
 ShowImage Sets whether or not the base image is displayed in the ImageKit Control
 ShowPanWindowImage Sets whether or not the base image is displayed in the Pan window
 SlideFileExtension Sets the file extension for the images displayed when the ImageKit control is in slide display mode.
 SlideImageFileNameDisplayed Retrieves the file name of the image currently displayed in the ImageKit control during slide display mode.
 SlideImageNumberDisplayed Retrieves the number of the image currently displayed in the ImageKit control during slide display mode.
 SlideMode Sets whether or not the ImageKit control is in slide display mode.
 SlidePath Sets the path to the folder for the images displayed in the ImageKit control during slide display mode.
 SlidePixelPerMSec Sets the speed at which images slide in the ImageKit control during slide display mode.
 SlideReleaseTimeMax Sets the maximum amount of time the mouse or a finger must be released before an image will not slide during slide display mode.
 SlideRepeat Sets whether or not the images will repeat during slide display mode.
 StartCoordinatesFree Allows an image, displayed in actual size, to be displayed in a custom position within the ImageKit control
 StartDrawX Sets the point on the image that will be displayed from the top left corner of the ImageKit Control
 StartDrawY Sets the point on the image that will be displayed from the top left corner of the ImageKit Control
 ToolBar This property is not supported in the ImageKit.NET3. It maintained for backward compatibility.
 ToolTip Sets the units of measurement at which the tool tip coordinates are displayed
 Transparent Enables the transparent color in the base image
 TransparentBlue Sets the blue value for the transparent color in the base (raster) image
 TransparentGreen Sets the green value for the transparent color in the base (raster) image
 TransparentRed Sets the red value for the transparent color in the base (raster) image

Public Methods

 CalculateDistance Calculates the distance between two points on the image.
 ClearClipBoard Clears the clipboard
 ClearSlideImages Clears the images used in the slide display mode
 Display Displays the image
 GetFromClipBoard Retrieves the raster image or the vector image from the clipboard
 GetImageType Sets the image information into various ImageKit properties
 GetOneBitPaletteCount Retrieves the number of 0 pixels and 1 pixels from a 1 bit color image
 GetPalette Retrieves the palette information for a raster image
 IsClipBoardData Checks whether or not there is clipboard data
 ScrollImage Scrolls the image
 SetSlideMode Creates the images used during slide display mode and enables slide display mode
 SetToClipBoard Copies a raster image to the clipboard
 SlideBack Moves the image in the slide display back by one image
 SlideForward Moves the image in the slide display forward by one image
 SlideToFirst Moves to the first image in the slide display mode
 SlideToLast Moves to the last image in the slide display mode
 Zoom Zooms in on the area specified in the image

Public Events

 AfterScan Generated after an image is scanned with the scan device
 BeforeScan Generated just before an image is scanned with the scan device
 ClickOnPanWindow Generated when the mouse cursor is inside the pan window and the left mouse button is pressed
 EditKindChanged Generated when the the Edit.EditKind property is changed
 EndDispImage Generated just after the image has been displayed
 EndDrawObject Generated just after an annotation object has been drawn
 EndEditObject Generated just after an annotation object has been edited
 EndLoad Generated after a file has loaded
 EndSave Generated after a file has finished being saved
 GetDragDropFileName Generated after an image is dragged and dropped into the ImageKit Control
 MagnifierMouseDown Generated when the mouse button is pressed inside the Magnifier
 MagnifierMouseMove Generated when the mouse cursor is moved within the Magnifier
 MagnifierMouseUp Generated when the mouse button is released inside the Magnifier
 MouseDownImage Generated when the mouse cursor is inside the image and the mouse button has been pressed
 MouseDownSelectLayerImage Generated when the mouse cursor is over a layer image and the mouse button is been pressed
 MouseMoveImage Generated when the mouse moves over the image
 MouseUpImage Generated when the mouse cursor is inside the image and the mouse button has been released
 MouseUpSelectLayerImage Generated when the mouse cursor is over a layer image and the mouse button is been released
 MouseWheelDownImage Generated when the mouse wheel is rolled down
 MouseWheelUpImage Generated when the mouse wheel is rolled up
 MultiObjectsSelected Generated when the MultiSelect tool is used to select annotation objects
 ObjectSelected Generated the moment an annotation object is selected
 Progress Generated when an effect is being processed or a file is being loaded or saved
 Scanning Generated when an image is being scanned by the scan device
 ScrollDispImage Generated when a scroll bar is used to scroll the image
 StartDispImage Generated just before the image is displayed
 StartDrawObject Generated the moment that the drawing of an annotation object has begun
 StartEditObject Generated the moment that the editing of an annotation object has begun
 StartLoad Generated before a file has started to load
 StartSave Generated when a file is saved
 TextObjectBoxClick Generated when the textbox, drawn by the text annotation object, is clicked

Hierarchical Properties

 Edit Exposes properties and methods for editing images using annotation objects
 Effect Exposes properties and methods for processing imaging effects (effect filters, transformations, conversions, etc)
 File Exposes properties and methods for processing image files
 Layer Exposes properties related to the 100 distinct image layers possible when displaying images in the ImageKit Control
 Magnifier Exposes properties and methods related to the magnifying glass display
 PanWindow Exposes properties and methods related to the pan window display
 Scan Exposes properties and methods related to using scan devices and digital cameras

See Also



The ImageKit.NET3 is created by Newtone Corporation