This property sets whether or not a grid is displayed on the ImageKit control and the units of measurement of that grid

[Visual Basic] Public Property Grid As LengthUnit
[C#] public LengthUnit Grid {get; set;}

Property Value

Non: Graduation is not displayed

Pixel: Graduation in pixel units

mm: Graduation in milimeter units

Inch: Graduation in inch units

Default value is Non


The Grid property sets whether or not a grid is displayed on the ImageKit control and the units of measurement of that grid. If Non is set in this property then the grid is not displayed. When other values are set in this property, they determine the units of measurement for the grid. The size of the space between the grid lines is determined by the GridSpace property.

See Also

ImageKit Members | Newtone.ImageKit.Win.ImageKit


The ImageKit.NET3 is created by Newtone Corporation