This property sets the file extension for the image files that can be displayed in the ImageKit control's slide display mode.

[Visual Basic] Public Property SlideFileExtension As String
[C#] public string SlideFileExtension {get; set;}

Property Value

The SlideFileExtension is the file type (i.e. jpg, bmp)


The SlideFileExtension property sets the file extension for the image files that can be displayed in the ImageKit control's slide display mode. The SlidePath property determines the folder containing the image files for the ImageKit control's slide display mode. The SlideFileExtension property sets the type of image (file extension) that will be displayed.

The ImageKit control's slide display mode can display any image format that can be loaded into the ImageKit control. JPEG2000 and FPX files require the ImageKit "plug in" to be displayed. When setting multiple file extensions in the SlideFileExtension propert, use a semicolon as a delimiter. For example: "bmp;jpg;tif;png".

For details, please refer to the SlideMode property.

See Also

ImageKit Members | Newtone.ImageKit.Win.ImageKit


The ImageKit.NET3 is created by Newtone Corporation