This property sets the X coordinate in the ImageKit control where the top left corner of the image is displayed.

[Visual Basic] Public Property ScaledStartDrawX As Integer
[C#] public int ScaledStartDrawX {get; set;}

Property Value

The X coordinate in the ImageKit control where the top left corner of the image is displayed


When the display mode is set to Scale and the ScaledImageAlign property is set to Align .None, the ScaledStartDrawX property sets or retrieves the x coordinate location in the ImageKit control where the top left corner of the image displayed. The ScaledStartDrawX property value is represented as X in the image below:



Note: The StartDrawX property refers to the horizontal (x) coordinate on the image whereas the ScaledStartDrawX property refers to the horizontal (x) coordinate on the ImageKit control.

See Also

ImageKit Members | Newtone.ImageKit.Win.ImageKit


The ImageKit.NET3 is created by Newtone Corporation