This property sets whether or not the ImageKit control's slide display mode is enabled.

[Visual Basic] Public Property SlideMode As Boolean
[C#] public bool SlideMode {get; set;}

Property Value

True: Enables the ImageKit control's slide display mode
False: Uses regular display mode (disables the ImageKit control's slide display mode)
Default Value: False


The SlideMode property sets whether or not the ImageKit control's slide display mode is enabled. When this property is True, the ImageKit control's slide display mode is enabled. The SlidePath property sets the folder containing the image files that will be displayed and the SlideFileExtension property sets the type of image files that will be displayed. When the slide mode is enabled, image files displayed in the ImageKit control can be changed by a touch-swipe or by a mouse drag. Images can also be changed executing the SlideForward, SlideBack, SlideToFirst, and SlideToLast methods.

When the SlideMode property is False and an image is being displayed in the ImageKit control and then the SlideMode property is set to True, the folder containing the image being displayed will be set in the SlidePath property.

Note: When the SlideMode property is True, the DisplayMode property is disabled and all images displayed in the ImageKit control during the slide display mode will be displayed in scale display (DisplayMode.Scale). In slide display mode, the area outside of the image and between images is set with the BackColor property. During slide display mode, the Edit.EditEnabled property is False and annotation functions are disabled. If during ordinary display mode, annotation objects are being displayed when the SlideMode property is set to True, the annotation objects will be disabled and not displayed.


Set the image folder using the Folder Dialog and enable the slide display mode in the ImageKit1 control.

[Visual Basic.NET]
ImageKit1.SlideMode = True 'Turn Slide Mode On
ImageKit1.SlideFileExtension = "bmp;jpg;png;tif;wmf;gif" 'Set the image type for the slide display mode

Dim fd As FolderBrowserDialog = New FolderBrowserDialog()
fd.SelectedPath = Application.StartupPath

If (fd.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK) Then
   ImageKit1.SlidePath = fd.SelectedPath 'Set the image folder using the Folder Dialog

   'This allows the images to be repeated moving from the last image to the first image (or back again)
   ImageKit1.SlideRepeat = True
   ImageKit1.BackColor = Color.LightSkyBlue 'Set the backcolor

   ImageKit1.SetSlideMode() 'Prepare the slide images and set the slide mode.
End If


[Visual C#.NET]
imageKit1.SlideMode = true; //Turn Slide Mode On
imageKit1.SlideFileExtension = "bmp;jpg;png;tif;wmf;gif"; //Set the image type for the slide display mode

FolderBrowserDialog fd = new FolderBrowserDialog();
fd.SelectedPath = Application.StartupPath;

if (fd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
   imageKit1.SlidePath = fd.SelectedPath; //Set the image folder using the Folder Dialog

   //This allows the images to be repeated moving from the last image to the first image (or back again)
   imageKit1.SlideRepeat = true;
   imageKit1.BackColor = Color.LightSkyBlue; //Set the backcolor
   imageKit1.SetSlideMode(); //Prepare the slide images and set the slide mode.


See Also

ImageKit Members Newtone.ImageKit.Win.ImageKit


The ImageKit.NET3 is created by Newtone Corporation