This property sets the maximum amount of time the mouse or a finger must be released before an image will not slide during slide display mode.
Property Value
A value of time in miliseconds
Default value is 20
The SlideReleaseTimeMax property sets the maximum amount of time the mouse or a finger must be released before an image will not slide during slide display mode.
During slide display mode, images can be switched using a swipe of the finger or a mouse drag. This property sets the limit of time that a swipe or mouse drag must be completed to switch images. Evenif the finger or mouse drag is released within this amount of time, the swipe or mouse drag must move the image more than 2/3 the width of the ImageKit control.
The smallest value possible for this property is 1. Values less than one will be assigned a value of 1.
The values of this property are by no means exact and should be considered as approximations only.
See Also
ImageKit Members | Newtone.ImageKit.Win.ImageKit