The ImageKit PrintDraw interface exposes properties and methods to draw on or print images


Property List


Custom Properties Explanation
Alpha1 Sets the alpha value for the TextColor1 property
Alpha2 Sets the alpha value for the TextColor2 property
BackColor Sets the background color for the pen, when drawing lines other than a solid line, or for the brush when using a hatch pattern
BrushColor Sets the color for the brush
BrushStyle Sets the pattern of the brush.
ButtonName Sets the button name displayed in the Print dialog
Caption sets the caption displayed in the Print dialog
CharAngle Sets the angle of rotation for text drawn using the DrawString, DrawText or TextOut methods
CharExtra Sets the space between characters
CharSet Sets the character set for the fonts
Collate Sets the checkbox [Collate] in the "Print" dialog
ColorMode Sets whether or not a document is printed in color or in monochrome
Copies Sets the number of copies of printer output
CustomPaperHeight Refers to the height of the paper when the PaperSize property is set to 256.
CustomPaperWidth Refers to the width of the paper when the PaperSize property is set to 256.
DevMode Refers to the handle of the pointer to the specified printer's DevMode structure
DevNames Refers to the handle of the pointer to the specified printer's DevNames structure
Direction Sets the drawing direction of the text line
DocName Sets the the document name displayed in the Print dialog
Duplex Sets whether a specific printer prints on one side or both sides of the paper. (Duplex printers only)
FontBold Sets whether or not the font is bold
FontItalic Sets whether or not the font is italics
FontName Sets the name of the font
FontSize Sets the font size when drawing text
FontStrikeOut Sets whether or not the font has a strike-through line
FontUnderline Sets whether or not the font is underlined
FromPage Sets the initial value of the page range displayed in the Print dialog
HCentering Sets the horizontal position of text
Hdc Holds the handle to the printer device context.
HotkeyPrefix Sets how "hotkey" prefixed strings are displayed
MaxPage Sets the maximum value for the page range
MinPage Sets the minimum value for the page range
Message Sets the message displayed in the Print dialog
Options Sets the initial values for the "Print" dialog
Orientation Sets the position of the text
PaperBin Sets the paper bin used during printing
PaperSize Sets the printer's paper size
PenColor Sets the color of the pen
PenMode Sets how the color of the pen interacts with the color on the canvas
PenStyle Sets the pen style
PenWidth Sets the width of the pen
PortName Refers to the printer's port name
PrinterName Sets the name of the printer
Printers Refers to the list of printer names
PrintFileName Sets the file name and path of the file where the printer settings are saved
PrintRange Sets the type of page range used by the Print dialog
PrintToFile Sets the checkbox [Print to File] in the "Print" dialog
RotateString Sets whether each character in the text set in the Text property is rotated, or the whole line of text is rotated
Text Sets the string to be drawn using the DrawString, DrawText, or the TextOut method
TextColor1 Sets the various color information for the brush, pen, and text
TextColor2 Sets the various color information for the brush, pen, and text
ToPage Sets the ending value of the page range
Transparent Sets the transparency of the text background, the hatch brush background or the background between drawn lines
VCentering Sets the vertical position of the text
XResolution Sets the horizontal printer resolution
YResolution Sets the vertical printer resolution
Zoom Sets the percentage that the printer output is scaled


Method List


Custom Method Explanation
Arc Draws an arc
Chord Draws a chord
ClearProperty Resets the PrintDraw properties
DrawFocusRect Draws a rectangle that denotes focus
DrawString Uses GDI+ to draw text on the designated object
DrawText Draws text within a rectangular area
Ellipse Draws an ellipse
EnumPaperBins Retrieves the paper tray names and tray numbers from the printer
EnumPaperBinsVariant Retrieves the paper tray names and tray numbers from the printer (for scripting and other languages that require variant types)
EnumPaperSizes Retrieves the names, size numbers, and dimensions of the paper from the printer
EnumPaperSizesVariant Retrieves the names, size numbers, and dimensions of the paper from the printer (for scripting and other languages that require variant types)
EnumPorts Retrieves a list of ports
EnumPortsVariant Retrieves a list of ports (for scripting and other languages that require variant types)
EnumPrinters Retrieves a list of all installed printers
EnumPrintersVariant Retrieves a list of all installed printers (for scripting and other languages that require variant types)
EnumResolutions Retrieves a list of supported resolutions for the printer
EnumResolutionsVariant Retrieves a list of supported resolutions for the printer (for scripting and other languages that require variant types)
FillRect Draws a rectangle and fills it with the specified color
FrameRect Draws the border of the specified rectangle
GetArrayNum Retrieves the number of elements in the array that will be returned when a supported item is retrieved from the printer
GetDefaultPrinter Retrieves the default printer
GetDevModeHandle Retrieves the handle of the DEVMODE structure and the handle of the DEVNAMES structure from the specifed printer
GetDevModeInfo Retrieves various printer information from the handle of the DEVMODE structure
GetDevNamesInfo Retrieves various printer information from the handle of the DEVNAMES structure
GetImageFromHdc Retrieves the image from the device context. (hDC)
GetPaperSize Retrieves the printing range, height, and width for the designated printer
GetPaperSizeVariant Retrieves the printing range, height, and width for the designated printer (for scripting and other languages that require variant types)
GetPixel Retrieves the RGB values from a specified pixel
GetPixelVariant Retrieves the RGB values from a specified pixel (for scripting and other languages that require variant types)
GetPrinterPort Retrieves the printer port
GetTextExtent Retrieves the height and width of the specified text
GetTextExtentVariant Retrieves the height and width of the specified text (for scripting and other languages that require variant types)
ImageOut Draws an image in the device context (hDC)
ImageOutToHwnd Draws an image in the window handle (hWnd)
Line Draws a straight line
MeasureString Uses GDI+ to retrieve the height and width of text from text information
MeasureStringVariant Uses GDI+ to retrieve the height and width of text from text information (for scripting and other languages that require variant types)
Paint Paints one color with a different color
Pie Draws a pie shape
PolyBezier Draws a bezier curve
PolyBezierVariant Draws a bezier curve (for scripting and other languages that require variant types)
Polygon Draws a polygon
PolygonVariant Draws a polygon (for scripting and other languages that require variant types)
Polyline Draws a polyline
PolylineVariant Draws a polyline (for scripting and other languages that require variant types)
PreviewInit Sets the resolution for the printing preview
PrintAbortDoc Terminates the current print job
PrintCreateDC Creates the device context of the printer
PrintDeleteDC Deletes the device context of the printer
PrintDialog Displays the Print dialog and creates a device context
PrintEndDoc Ends the print job
PrintEndPage Ends the printing of a page
PrintStartDoc Starts the print job
PrintStartPage Starts the printing of a page.
Rectangle Draws a rectangle
ReleaseDevModeHandle Frees the handle of the DEVMODE structure and the handle the DEVNAMES structure
RoundRect Draws a rounded rectangle
SaveDevModeHandle Saves the handle of the DEVMODE structure and the handle of the DEVNAMES structure into the file specified by the PrintFileName property
SavePrinterInfo Saves the settings entered in the "Print Setup" dialog
SetDefaultPrinter Sets the default printer
SetDevModeInfo Sets the printer information into the handle of the DEVMODE structure.
SetPixel Sets the RGB values in the specified pixel
TextOut Draws the text from a given starting point


The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation