This method retrieves the number of elements in the array that will be returned when a supported item is retrieved from the printer specified by the printer name.

[Visual Basic]   [ Long = ]imagekitcontrolname.PrintDraw.GetArrayNum(CapNo As PrinterCapabilityConstants)
[Visual C++]     [ long = ]imagekitcontrolname.GetPrintDraw().GetArrayNum(long CapNo)
[VB.NET]   [ Integer = ]imagekitcontrolname.PrintDraw.GetArrayNum(CapNo As ImageKit10(A)Lib.PrinterCapabilityConstants)
[C#.NET]   [ int = ]imagekitcontrolname.PrintDraw.GetArrayNum(ImageKit10(A)Lib.PrinterCapabilityConstants CapNo)

* ImageKit10Alib refers to the ANSI version, ImageKit10Lib refers to the Unicode version.


Name Explanation
CapNo The type of item retrieved (0: Paper size, 1: Paper tray, 2: Resolution)

The following constants can be used: (ikPrinterPaperSize = 0, ikPrinterPaperBin = 1, ikPrinterResolution = 2).

Return Value

Returns the number of retrieved items. Returns 0 if unsuccessful.


This method retrieves the number of elements in the array returned whenever a supported item is retrieved from the printed specified by the printer name. The EnumPaperSizes, EnumPaperBins, and EnumResolutions methods pass arrays as parameters and the GetArrayNum method can be used to find out how many elements are contained in those arrays.


Sample code:

Visual Basic

    Dim Size As Long

    Dim XResolutions() As Long

    Dim YResolutions() As Long

    Dim Ret As Long

    Size = ImageKit1.PrintDraw.GetArrayNum(2)

    If Size < 1 Then Exit Sub

    ReDim XResolutions(Size)

    ReDim YResolutions(Size)

    Ret = ImageKit1.PrintDraw.EnumResolutions(XResolutions(0), YResolutions(0))

    ' various programming code



Visual C++

    long Size;

    long *XResolutions;

    long *YResolutions;

    ImageKit1.GetPrintDraw().SetPrinterName("EPSON LP-8200C");

    Size = ImageKit1.GetPrintDraw().GetArrayNum(2);

    if (Size < 1) return;

    XResolutions = (long *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(long) * Size);

    YResolutions = (long *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(long) * Size);

    __try {

        ImageKit1.GetPrintDraw().EnumResolutions(XResolutions, YResolutions);

        //various programming code


    } __finally {

        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, XResolutions);

        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, YResolutions);




    Dim Size As Integer

    Dim Ret As Integer


    ImageKit1.PrintDraw.PrinterName = "EPSON LP-8200C"

    Size = ImageKit1.PrintDraw.GetArrayNum(2)

    If Size < 1 Then Exit Sub


    Dim XResolutions As Integer() = New Integer(Size - 1) {}

    Dim YResolutions As Integer() = New Integer(Size - 1) {}

    Ret = ImageKit1.PrintDraw.EnumResolutions(XResolutions(0), YResolutions(0))


    ' various programming code




    ImageKit1.PrintDraw.PrinterName = "EPSON LP-8200C";

    // When using the ANSI version, ImageKit10ALib.PrinterCapabilityConstants.ikPrinterResolution

    Size = ImageKit1.PrintDraw.GetArrayNum(ImageKit10Lib.PrinterCapabilityConstants.ikPrinterResolution);

    if (Size < 1) return;


    int Ret;

    int[] XResolutions = new int[Size];

    int[] YResolutions = new int[Size];

    Ret = ImageKit1.PrintDraw.EnumResolutions(ref XResolutions[0], ref YResolutions[0]);

    // various programming code



The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation