This method retrieves the names, size numbers, and dimensions of the paper from the printer designated by the printer name.

[Visual Basic]   [ Long = ]imagekitcontrolname.PrintDraw.EnumPaperSizes(PaperNames As String, PaperNumbers As Integer, Width As Long, Height As Long)
[Visual C++]     [ long = ]imagekitcontrolname.GetPrintDraw().EnumPaperSizes(BSTR *PaperNames, short *PaperNumbers, long *Width, long *Height)
[VB.NET]   [ Integer = ]imagekitcontrolname.PrintDraw.EnumPaperSizes(ByRef PaperNames As String, ByRef PaperNumbers As Short, ByRef Width As Integer, ByRef Height As Integer)
[C#.NET]   [ int = ]imagekitcontrolname.PrintDraw.EnumPaperSizes(ref string PaperNames, refshort PaperNumbers, ref int Width, ref int Height)


Name Explanation
PaperNames The string containing the retrieved paper names
PaperNumbers The array containing the retrieved paper size numbers

* NOTE for retrieving array values:
In Visual Basic, if the array is defined as Dim Pnum(0 To 2) As Integer, then the arguments are returned in Pnum(0).
In Visual C++, pass the pointer to the first element in the array.
In VB.NET, the arguments are returned in Pnum(0).
In C#.NET, the arguments are returned in Pnum[0].

Width, Height The array containing the retrieved paper dimensions

* NOTE for retrieving array values:
In Visual Basic, if the array is defined as Dim Width(0 To 2) As Integer, then the arguments are returned in Width(0).
In Visual C++, pass the pointer to the first element in the array.
In VB.NET, the arguments are returned in Width(0).
In C#.NET, the arguments are returned in Width[0].

Return Value

Returns the number of retrieved items. Returns 0 if unsuccessful.


The EnumPaperSizes method retrieves the names, size numbers, and dimensions of the paper from the printer designated by the printer name. If you need to know the number of elements in the array, the GetArrayNum method can be used to retrieve this. The PaperNames string will be returned as "xxxxx,xxxxx,xxxxx,¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥," (delimited by commas and ends with a comma). The Width and Height parameters retreieve each paper size in 0.1mm units.

For scripting languages, other programs that require variant types, or when using 64 bit builds in VB.NET or C#, please refer to the EnumPaperSizesVariant method.


Sample code:

Visual Basic

    Dim Size As Long

    Dim PaperNames As String

    Dim PaperNumbers() As Integer

    Dim Width() As Long

    Dim Height() As Long

    Dim Ret As Long

    Size = ImageKit1.PrintDraw.GetArrayNum(0)

    If Size < 1 Then Exit Sub

    ReDim PaperNumbers(Size)

    ReDim Width(Size)

    ReDim Height(Size)

    Ret = ImageKit1.PrintDraw.EnumPaperSizes(PaperNames, PaperNumbers(0), Width(0), Height(0))

    ' various programming code


Visual C++

    long Size;

    BSTR PaperNames;

    short *PaperNumbers;

    long *Width;

    long * Height;

    ImageKit1.GetPrintDraw().SetPrinterName("EPSON LP-8200C");

    Size = ImageKit1.GetPrintDraw().GetArrayNum(0);

    if (Size < 1) return;

    PaperNumbers = (short *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(short) * Size);

    Width = (short *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(long) * Size);

    Height = (short *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(long) * Size);

    __try {

        ImageKit1->PrintDraw->EnumPaperSizes(&PaperNames, PaperNumbers, Width, Height);

        // various programming code


    } __finally {

        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, PaperNumbers);

    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, Width);

    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, Height);




    Dim Size As Integer

    Dim Ret As Integer


    ImageKit1.PrintDraw.PrinterName = "EPSON LP-8200C"

    Size = ImageKit1.PrintDraw.GetArrayNum(0)

    If Size < 1 Then Exit Sub


    Dim PaperNames As String = Nothing

    Dim PaperNumbers As Short() = New Short(Size - 1) {}

    Dim Width As Integer() = New Integer(Size - 1) {}

    Dim Height As Integer() = New Integer(Size - 1) {}

    Ret = ImageKit1.PrintDraw.EnumPaperSizes(PaperNames, PaperNumbers(0), Width(0), Height(0))

    ' various programming code



Visual C#.NET

    ImageKit1.PrintDraw.PrinterName = "EPSON LP-8200C";

    // In the ANSI version, ImageKit10ALib.PrinterCapabilityConstants.ikPrinterPaperSize

    Size = ImageKit1.PrintDraw.GetArrayNum(ImageKit10Lib.PrinterCapabilityConstants.ikPrinterPaperSize);

    if (Size < 1) return;


    int Ret;

    string PaperNames = null;

    short[]PaperNumbers = new short[Size];

    int[]Width = new int[Size];

    int[]Height = new int[Size];

    Ret = ImageKit1.PrintDraw.EnumPaperSizes(ref PaperNames, ref PaperNumbers[0], ref Width[0], ref Height[0]);

    // various programming code


The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation