Public Properties

 BitCount Refers to the number of bits per pixel in the image set in the Layer(Index).Image property
 DXFBlack Sets whether or not white is displayed as black and black is displayed as white in DXF images
 Gray Determines whether or not the image set in the Layer(Index).Image property is grayscale
 Image Refers to the image handle of the image set in the LayerNumber property
 ImageKind Refers to the type of image set in the Layer(Index).Image property
 ImageSize Refers to the size, in bytes, of the image set in the Layer(Index).Image property
 ImageWidthByte Refers to the number of bytes per line in the image set in the Layer(Index).Image property
 PaletteCount Refers to the number of palette colors for the image set in the Layer(Index).Image property
 ShowImage Sets whether or not the layer image is displayed in the ImageKit Control
 ShowPanWindowImage Sets whether or not the layer image is displayed in the Pan window
 StartX Sets the point (the horizontal position) on the image that will be displayed from the top left corner of the ImageKit Control
 StartY Sets the point (the vertical position) on the image that will be displayed from the top left corner of the ImageKit Control
 Transparent Enables the transparent color in the image set in the Layer(Index).Image property
 TransparentBlue Sets the transparent color's blue value in the image set in the Layer(Index).Image property
 TransparentGreen Sets the transparent color's green value in the image set in the Layer(Index).Image property
 TransparentRed Sets the transparent color's red value in the image set in the Layer(Index).Image property

See Also



The ImageKit.NET3 is created by Newtone Corporation