This property enables the transparent color in the image set in the Layer(Index).Image property. The index can range from 0 to 99.

[Visual Basic] Public Property Transparent As Boolean
[C#] public bool Transparent {get; set;}

Property Value

Value Explanation
True The transparent color is enabled
False The transparent color is disabled (default)


The Transparent property enables the transparent color in the image set in the Layer(Index).Image property.

The default value is false.

When the Transparent property is True, the color set by the TransparentBlue, TransparentGreen, and TransparentRed properties will be transparent.

To display multiple images without a transparent color, set this property to false.

If the image set in the Layer(Index).Image property is a vector image, then the Transparent property is disabled.

See Also

ImageKit.Layer Members | Newtone.ImageKit.Win.ImageKit

The ImageKit.NET3 is created by Newtone Corporation