The Ik10Scan.dll provides a variety of functions to retrieve images from TWAIN scan devices


      Ik10Scan.dll Functions:

Function Name Explanation
IKScanCloseDS Closes the scan device
IKScanExec Retrieves an image from a TWAIN scan device
IKScanFreeTwain Frees the TWAIN DLL
IKScanGetBitDepth Retrieves the bit depth supported by the scan device
IKScanGetCapEnum Retrieves the possible setting values for a specified property of the scan device
IKScanGetCapRange Retrieves the range of possible setting values for a specified functionality of the scan device
IKScanGetDSInfo Retrieves information about the specified scan device
IKScanGetMinimumSize Retrieves the smallest size that can be scanned with a given scan device
IKScanGetMinimumSizeEx Retrieves the smallest size in pixels that can be scanned with a given scan device.
IKScanGetPhysicalSize Retrieves the largest physical size that can be scanned with a given scan device
IKScanGetPhysicalSizeEx Retrieves the largest physical size in pixels that can be scanned with a given scan device
IKScanGetPixelType Retrieves the pixel type supported by the scan device
IKScanInitialize Starts the TWAIN process
IKScanIsCapSupported Confirms whether or not a functionality is supported by the scan device
IKScanList Lists the scan devices
IKScanListLen Retrieves the length of the scan device list
IKScanLoadTwain Loads the TWAIN DLL
IKScanOpenDS Opens the scan device
IKScanSelect Selects the scan device
IKScanTerminate Ends the TWAIN process


Basic flow of the scan process

IKScanInitialize (required)
IKScanGetDSInfo, IKScanList, IKScanListLen, IKScanSelect
IKScanGetBitDepth, IKScanGetCapEnum, IKScanGetCapRange, IKScanGetPhysicalSize(Ex) IKScanGetPixeltype, IKScanGetMinimumSize(Ex), IKScanIsCapSupported
IKScanTerminate (required)

The function pairs IKScanLoadTwain/IKScanFreeTwain and IKScanOpenDS/IKScanCloseDS are in brackets [ ] to emphasize the fact that although it is not necessary to execute these methods, if they are used they must be used in pairs. Do not use IKScanLoadTwain without later using IKScanFreeTwain. Do not use IKScanOpenDS without later using IKScanCloseDS. Aside from IKScanLoadTwain/IKScanFreeTwain which loads and unloads the TWAIN DLL and IKScanInitialize/IKScanTerminate which starts and ends the scan process, the other scan functions can be used at any time. (Of course, IKScanFreeTwain should not be used after IKScanLoadTwain and IKScanOpenDS should not be used after IKScanCloseDS)

Structure definitons and explanations (User-defined types)

IKSCAN_DATASOURCEINFO: This structure refers to the TWAIN datasource information

(1)C++Builder/Visual C++
     typedef struct {
          WORD     ProtocolMajor;
          WORD     ProtocolMinor;
          char        Manufacturer[34];
          WORD     ManufacturerLen;
          char        ProductFamily[34];
          WORD     ProductFamilyLen;
          char        ProductName[34];
          WORD     ProductNameLen;
          WORD     SourceMajor;
          WORD     SourceMinor;
          char        SourceVersionInfo[34];
          WORD     SourceVersionInfoLen;


          ProtocolMajor:        Word;
          ProtocolMinor:        Word;
          Manufacturer:        array[0..33] of Char;
          ManufacturerLen:   Word;
          ProductFamily:       array[0..33] of Char;
          ProductFamilyLen:  Word;
          ProductName:        array[0..33] of Char;
          ProductNameLen:   Word;
          SourceMajor:         Word;
          SourceMinor:         Word;
          SourceVersionInfo: array[0..33] of Char;
          SourceVersionInfoLen: Word;

(3)Visual Basic
          ProtocolMajor        As Integer
          ProtocolMinor        As Integer
          Manufacturer        As String * 34
          ManufacturerLen   As Integer
          ProductFamily       As String * 34
          ProductFamilyLen  As Integer
          ProductName        As String * 34
          ProductNameLen   As Integer
          SourceMajor         As Integer
          SourceMinor         As Integer
          SourceVersionInfo As String * 34
          SourceVersionInfoLen As Integer
     End Type

ProtocolMajor:           Refers to the TWAIN major version supported by the datasource
ProtocolMinor:           Refers to the TWAIN minor version supported by the datasource
Manufacturer:            Refers to the scan device manufacturer's name
ManufacturerLen:      Refers to the length of the string in Manufacturer *1
ProductFamily:          Refers to the product family name
ProductFamilyLen:    Refers to the length of the string in ProductFamily *1
ProductName:            Refers to the scan device product name
ProductNameLen:      Refers to the length of the string in ProductName *1
SourceMajor:             Refers to the major version of the scan device
SourceMinor:             Refers to the minor version of the scan device
SourceVersionInfo:   Refers to the version information of the scan device
SourceVersionInfoLen: Refers to the length of the string in SourceVersionInfo *1

*1 - Has been converted from 4 byte type to 2 byte type which is relevant when converting from the ImageKit6

IKSCAN_EXEC: The member variables of this structure are set when the image is scanned.

(1)C++Builder/Visual C++
     typedef struct {
          WORD    seSize;
          WORD    PixelType;
          float       Left;
          float       Top;
          float       Right;
          float       Bottom;
          long       XResolution;
          long       YResolution;
          float       XScaling;
          float       YScaling;
          WORD    BitDepth;
          short      Brightness;
          short      Contrast;
          float       Gamma;
          short      Highlight;
          short      Threshold;
          short      Shadow;
          short      Indicator;
          short      ScanMode;
          LPSTR    ScanDsName;
          WORD    UiMode;
          WORD    UnitMode;
          WORD    UnitFlag;
          short      PageCount;
          WORD    Orientation;
          WORD    TransferMode;
          WORD    Compression;
          WORD    PaperSize;
          WORD    BitDepthReduction;
          LPSTR    HalfTone;
          WORD    FileFormat;
          short      JpegQuality;
          LPSTR    FileName;
          WORD    ImageFilter;
          WORD    NoiseFilter;
          WORD    DropoutColor;
          WORD    BorderDetection;
          WORD    Deskew;
          WORD    ScanningSpeed;
          WORD    MoireFilter;
          WORD    Sharpness;
          WORD    RotateBack;
          WORD    ExtUiMode;
          WORD    DynamicThreshold;
          float       ColorBWRatio;
          WORD    IgnoreBackColor;
          WORD    OverScan;
          long       SkipBlankPage;
          float       SkipBlankThreshold;
          WORD    RemoveHole;
          WORD    AdjustGamma;
          short      FocusPosition;
          long       Rotation;
          LPTSTR  InformationFileName;
          short     TextEnhancement;
          WORD     ImageMerge;
          WORD     Border;
          short     BorderColor;
          WORD   AutoBright;


     IKSCAN_EXEC = Record
          seSize:               Word;
          PixelType:          Word;
          Left:                   Single;
          Top:                   Single;
          Right:                 Single;
          Bottom:              Single;
          XResolution:        Longint;
          YResolution:        Longint;
          XScaling:             Single;
          YScaling:             Single;
          BitDepth:             Word;
          Brightness:          Smallint;
          Contrast:             Smallint;
          Gamma               Single;
          Highlight:             Smallint;
          Threshold:           Smallint;
          Shadow:              Smallint;
          Indicator:             WordBool;
          ScanMode:           Smallint;
          ScanDsName:       PChar;
          UiMode:                Word;
          UnitMode:             Word;
          UnitFlag:               Word;
          PageCount:           Smallint;
          Orientation:           Word;
          TransferMode:        Word;
          Compression:         Word;
          PaperSize:             Word;
          BitDepthReduction: Word;
          HalfTone:              PChar;
          FileFormat:            Word;
          JpegQuality:          Smallint;
          FileName:             PChar
          ImageFilter:          Word;
          NoiseFilter:           Word;
          DropoutColor:       Word;
          BorderDetection:   Word;
          Deskew:               Word;
          ScanningSpeed:     Word;
          MoireFilter:            Word;
          Sharpness:            Word;
          RotateBack:           Word;
          DynamicThreshold:   Word;
          ColorBWRatio:          Single;
          IgnoreBackColor:     Word;
          OverScan:               Word;
          SkipBlankPage:        Longint;
          SkipBlankThreshold: Single;
          RemoveHole:            Word;
          AdjustGamma:          Word;
          FocusPosition:           Smallint;
          Rotation:                   Longint;
          InformationFileName: PChar;
          TextEnhancement:     Smallint;
          ImageMerge:     Word;
          Border:     Word;
          BorderColor:     Smallint;
          AutoBright:        Word;

(3)Visual Basic

          seSize         As Integer
          PixelType     As Integer
          Left             As Single
          Top             As Single
          Right           As Single
          Bottom        As Single
          XResolution  As Long
          YResolution  As Long
          XScaling      As Single
          YScaling      As Single
          BitDepth      As Integer
          Brightness   As Integer
          Contrast      As Integer
          Gamma       As Single
          Highlight      As Integer
          Threshold    As Integer
          Shadow       As Integer
          Indicator     As Integer
          ScanMode   As Integer
          ScanDsName As String
          UiMode        As Integer
          UnitMode     As Integer
          UnitFlag       As Integer
          PageCount   As Integer
          Orientation   As Integer
          TransferMode As Integer
          Compression As Integer
          PaperSize     As Integer
          BitDepthReduction As Integer
          HalfTone       As String
          FileFormat     As Integer
          JpegQuality   As Integer
          FileName       As String
          ImageFilter    As Integer
          NoiseFilter     As Integer
          DropoutColor As Integer
          BorderDetection As Integer
          Deskew         As Integer
          ScanningSpeed As Integer
          MoireFilter      As Integer
          Sharpness     As Integer
          RotateBack    As Integer
          DynamicThreshold As Integer
          ColorBWRatio      As Single
          IgnoreBackColor As Integer
          OverScan           As Integer
          SkipBlankPage    As Long
          SkipBlankThreshold As Single
          RemoveHole        As Integer
          AdjustGamma      As Integer
          FocusPosition       As Integer
          Rotation              As Long
          InformationFileName As String
          TextEnhancement     As Integer
          ImageMerge     As Integer
          Border     As Integer
          BorderColor     As Integer
          AutoBright     As Integer
     End Type

seSize: Sets the size of the IKSCAN_EXEC structure
In C++Builder and Visual C++, use the sizeof operator. In Delphi, use the SizeOf function and in Visual Basic, use the LenB function. When 0 is set in seSize, IKSCAN_EXEC includes members through AutoBright.

PixelType: Sets the type of image scanned.
     0: Black and White (1bit)
     1: Grayscale (4bit, 8bit, 12bit, 14bit, or 16bit)
     2: RGB color (24bit, 36bit, 42bit, or 48bit)
     3: Palette color (4bit, 8bit)
     1000: AutoDetect Black & white/Color (1 bit, 24 bit)
     1001: Black & white and grayscale (1bit and 8bit)
     1002: Black & white and RGB color (1bit and 24bit)

If UiMode is any value other than 2 or if a digital camera is used then PixelType is disabled. The possible setting values supported by a scan device can be retrieved using the IKScanGetCapEnum function. 1000 is only enabled for certain Panasonic scan drivers (with memory transfer only uncompressed format) or certain Canon DR scan drivers. 1001 and 1002 are enabled for certain Canon DR scanners, Panasonic scanners (memory transfer uncompressed only), PFU scanners, and Epson scanners. Use the IKScanIsCapSupported to test whether or not these are supported by the scan driver.

Left, Top, Right, and Bottom: Set the scanning position in units specified by UnitMode (0: inches, 1: cm, 5: pixels).
To use the default values of the datasource, set these to 0. Once the scan has executed, the actual values for Left, Top, Right, and Bottom will be returned in units specified by UnitMode. When UiMode is set to values other than 2 or PaperSize is set to values other than 0, or a digital camera is being used, then Left, Top, Right, and Bottom are disabled.

XResolution, YResolution: Sets the horizontal and vertical resolution (DPI)
To use the default values of the datasource, set XResolution and YResolution to -1. XResolution and YResolution are disabled for UiMode values other than 2 or when a digital camera is used. The IKScanGetCapEnum and IKScanGetCapRange functions can be used to retrieve the resolution value or range of values supported by the scan device.

Note: Although it is possible to set different values for the horizontal and vertical resolution, some datasources (scanner drivers) do not support different values for horizontal and vertical resolution. In such cases, either the horizontal resolution or the vertical resolution will be enabled. To retrieve the actual resolution, refer to the those values within the BeforeScanProc function or refer to the member variables after executing the IKScanExec function.

XScaling, YScaling: Sets the horizontal and vertical scaling (Default value is 1.0)
When scanning in actual size set these values to 1.0. XScaling and YScaling are disabled for UiMode values other than 2, when a digital camera is used, or when the scan device does not support scaling. The IKScanGetCapEnum and IKScanGetCapRange functions can be used to retrieve the scaling values or range of values supported by the scan device.

Note: Although it is possible to set different values for horizontal and vertical scaling some datasources (scan drivers) do not support this. In such cases, either the horizontal scaling value or the vertical scaling value will be used.

BitDepth: Sets the number of bits per pixel (1, 4, 8, 12, 14, 16, 24, 36, 42, or 48)
When scanning in 12, 14, 16, 36, 42, or 48 bit color, please set the TransferMode to 2. If you get an error regardless of the value supported by the datasource, set this to 0. When BitDepth is set to 0 the default value for a given PixelType will be used. BitDepth is disabled for UiMode values other than 2 or when a digital camera is used.

Brightness: Sets the brightness (values range from -1000 to 1000, default value is 0)

Contrast: Sets the contrast (values range from -1000 to 1000, default value is 0)

When using Canon DR scan drivers and PixelType is 0, BitDepthReduction is 0, and TextEnhancement is 1 or more, the Contrast values range from 1 to 255 (default value 128). When using PFU scan drivers and PixelType is 1000, 1001, or 1002, the Contrast values range from -127 to 127 (default value 0).

If the PixelType is 0 then depending on the value of BitDepthReduction, Brightness and Contrast value may be ineffective. See below:

Brightness is enabled
     When PixelType = 0 and the BitDepthReduction = 0(*) or 1
     When PixelType = 1, 2, or 3

Contrast is enabled
     When PixelType = 0 and the BitDepthReduction = 1
     When the PixelType = 1, 2, or 3

(*) This is only for scan devices that do not support Threshold and use uses Brightness instead.

Brightness and Contrast are disabled for UiMode values other than 2, when a digital camera is used, or when the scan device does not support these functions. The IKScanGetCapEnum and IKScanGetCapRange functions can be used to retrieve the values or range of values supported by the scan device.

Gamma: Sets the gamma correction (Default value is 2.2)
Gamma is disabled for UiMode values other than 2, when a digital camera is used, or when the scan device does not support this function. The IKScanGetCapEnum and IKScanGetCapRange functions can be used to retrieve the Gamma values or range of values supported by the scan device.

Highlight: Sets the highlight (Values range from 0 to 255, Default value is 255)
Highlight is enabled when PixelType is 1 or more. Highlight is disabled for UiMode values other than 2, when a digital camera is used, or when the scan device does not support this function. The IKScanGetCapEnum and IKScanGetCapRange functions can be used to retrieve the Highlight values or range of values supported by the scan device.

Threshold: Sets the threshold value (Values range from 0 to 255, Default value is 128)
Threshold is enabled when PixelType is 0 and BitDepthReduction is 0. For scan devices that use brightness instead of threshold, the Brightness property value will be used. Threshold is disabled for UiMode values other than 2, when a digital camera is used, or when the scan device does not support this function. The IKScanGetCapEnum and IKScanGetCapRange functions can be used to retrieve the Threshold values or range of values supported by the scan device.

Shadow: Sets the shadow (Values range from 0 to 255, Default value is 0)
Shadow is enabled when PixelType is 1 or more. Shadow is disabled for UiMode values other than 2, when a digital camera is used, or when the scan device does not support this function. The IKScanGetCapEnum and IKScanGetCapRange functions can be used to retrieve the Shadow values or range of values supported by the scan device.

Indicator: Sets whether or not the indicator is displayed when scanning
0: Indicator is not displayed, Nonzero: Indicator is displayed

Indicator is disabled for UiMode values other than 2 or when a digital camera is used.

ScanMode: Sets the scanning mode
For Scanners - 0: Document plate (transmissive or reflective), 1: ADF Single Sided (transmissive or reflective), 2: ADF Double Sided (Duplex) (transmissive or reflective), 7: Positive film, using film holder, 8: Positive film, using film area guide; 

For Digital Cameras - 3: The original images in the digital camera, 4: The original images in the digital camera (using an array), 5: The thumbnail images in the digital camera, 6: The thumbnail images in the digital camera (using an array), 100: Manufacturer provided UI using settings from information file.

ScanMode is disabled for UiMode values other than 2. When ScanMode is 4 or 6, the array values passed to the IKScanExec function are enabled, otherwise these array values are disabled. To preserve compatiblilty with the ImageKit5, when ScanMode is set to 1 and the XResolution property is set to 0, the original images in the digital camera can be retrieved. Values of 7 and 8 are enabled for certain Epson scanners. Value 8 can only be used with devices that support film area guide. For value 100, be sure to set the path to the information file in the InformationFileName.
Note: Even if the scan device being used supports duplex scanning, there are cases where duplex scanning does not operate properly when the user interface is suppressed (UiMode=2)

ScanDsName: Sets the name of the scan device.
If ScanDsName is not set or is NULL, the scan device selected by the IKScanSelect function will be used. ScanDsName is disabled if IKScanOpenDS is used.

UiMode: Sets the user interface used when scanning.
0: UI is displayed but not closed after scanning is completed, 1: UI is displayed and closed after scanning is completed, 2: UI is suppressed (Custom-built interface is used), 3: UI is displayed and values set but scanning is not performed. To check whether this capability is supported, use the IKScanIsCapSupported function

UnitMode: Sets the units of measurement when scanning with a custom built user interface
0: Inches, 1: Centimeter, 2: Pica, 3: Point 4: Twip, 5: Pixel, 6: Millimeter

When UnitFlag is 0, the scan device must support the unit of measurement set in UnitMode. UnitMode is disabled for UiMode values other than 2, however when scanning the units of measurement are returned. The IKScanGetCapEnum function can be used to retrieve the UnitMode values supported by the scan device.

UnitFlag: Sets whether the scan units are determined by the scan device or by the ImageKit.
(0: datasource function is used to determine the scan units, 1: ImageKit determines the scan units). Set UnitFlag to 1 when you want to use a unit of measurement that the scan device does not support or when PaperSize is 0 and Left, Top, Right, and Bottom are set but the scan is not correct or the scan area is not enabled, etc. UnitFlag is enabled when the UiMode property is 2.

Note: When XResolution and YResolution are both -1 (use scan device default value) and the UnitMode property is 5, the UnitFlag property is disabled.

PageCount: Sets the number of images to be scanned
To scan all of the images in the ADF or digital camera, set PageCount to 0 or less. To specify the number of images to be scanned, set that number in PageCount. When retrieving images from a digital camera using an array, set PageCount to be the same as the number of elements in the array. When ScanMode is 2 (ADF duplex), even if an odd number is set into PageCount, the number of pages scanned will be an even number (so as to scan both sides of the paper). PageCount is disabled when the UiMode is NOT 2 or when using the document plate to scan.

When PixelType is 1001 or 1002, in order to scan one page with two images, set an even number in PageCount. When the PixelType is set to 1001 or 1002, for each page, two images are scanned so you should set the PageCount to an even number. For example, when scanning both sides of a single page using PixelType set to 1001 or 1002, then set the PageCount to values of 0 or less or to 4. When using Panasonic scan drivers with the PixelType property is set to 1001 or 1002, set the PageCount to 0 or less (1 or more is ignored).

Note: Not all scan devices support this functionality. In some cases where the scan device does not support this function or does not correctly support this function, after the number of images specified by PageCount have been scanned, the scanning procedure is canceled. Depending on the type of equipment, paper could be left inside the scan device or ADF.

Orientation: Sets the orientation of the paper
0: 0 degrees (protrait orientation), 1: 90 degrees, 2: 180 degrees, 3: 270 degrees (landscape orientation), 1000: Text orientation detection or automatic rotation; Rotation is counter-clockwise.

Orientation is disabled for UiMode values other than 2, or when a digital camera is used. The IKScanGetCapEnum function can be used to retrieve the Orientation values supported by the scan device. Orientation allows you to do things like rotate the scan output from the document plate or scan pages from an ADF where the pages are inserted "on their side" etc. When Orientation is set to 1000, the orientation of the text contained in the document is recognized and the scan output is rotated in 90 degree increments to "correct" the text orientation. Canon DR scan drivers use "text orientation recognition". Panasonic scan drivers use "document orientation adjustment". Scan drivers that support TWAIN specification's "automatic rotation" also use the value of 1000. To check whether or not the scan driver supports 1000, use the IKScanIsCapSupported. With a scan driver that supports 1000, if the output is not appropriate, please set the paper to portrait orientation.

TransferMode: Sets the method of image transfer
0: Native (transferred as DIB), 1: File, 2: Memory (Transferred in block units), 3: File2 (NOT SUPPORTED BY THE IMAGEKIT)

The IKScanGetCapEnum function can be used to retrieve the TransferMode values supported by the scan device.

Compression:  Sets the compression format when using file or memory transfer (TransferMode = 1 or 2)

0: UNCOMPRESSED, 1: PACKBITS, 2: GROUP3-1D, 3: GROUP3-1DEOL, 4: GROUP3-2D, 5: GROUP4, 6: JPEG, 7: LZW, 8: JBIG, 9: PNG, 10: RLE4, 11: RLE8, 12: BITFIELDS (2,3,4,5 are FAX[CCITT] format; 10,11,12 are BMP format)

When scanning with a custom built user interface (when suppressing the scan driver's user interface), be sure to set appropriate values for PixelType and BitDepth. For example Tiff Group 3 or 4 compression images must be 1 bit color, JPEG images must be either 8 bit grayscale or 24 bit color.

The IKScanGetCapEnum function can be used to retrieve the Compression values supported by the scan device.

Note: Depending on the scan device, only uncompressed format can be used with file transfer.

PaperSize: Sets the size of the paper
0: User defined size, 1: A4, 2: JIS B5, 3: US letter, 4: US legal, 5: A5, 6: ISO B4, 7: ISO B6, 9: US ledger, 10: US executive, 11: A3, 12: ISO B3, 13: A6, 14: C4, 15: C5, 16: C6, 17: 4A0, 18: 2A0, 19: A0, 20: A1, 21: A2, 22: A7, 23: A8, 24: A9, 25: A10, 26: ISO B0, 27: ISO B1, 28: ISO B2, 29: ISO B5, 30: ISO B7, 31: ISO B8, 32: ISO B9, 33: ISO B10, 34: JIS B0, 35: JIS B1, 36: JIS B2, 37: JIS B3, 38: JIS B4, 39: JIS B6, 40: JIS B7, 41: JIS B8, 42: JIS B9, 43: JIS B10, 44: C0, 45: C1, 46: C2, 47: C3, 48: C7, 49: C8, 50: C9, 51: C10, 52: US statement, 53: Business card, 54: Maximum size, 1000: Undefined size

To enable the Left, Top,Right, and Bottom, set PaperSize to 0. PaperSize is disabled for UiMode values other than 2, or when a digital camera is used.

Depending on the datasource (scan driver), using a user defined paper size (0) and setting the scan, may still result in a start position of the scan being incorrect. If that is the case, please use one of the above constant values (1 or more) for the paper size and set it to a NEGATIVE value. (Please refer to the example code below). In VisualBasic, Integers can be positive or negative values, however, in Visual C++, C++Builder, and Delphi, to set PaperSize to a negative value, you must cast it.

Example code: PaperSize value is set to a negative value and the scan area is set.

     (1)C++Builder/Visual C++
     IKSCAN_EXEC sc;
     sc.PaperSize = (WORD)-3;
     sc.RectLeft = 0;
     sc.RectTop = 0;
     sc.RectRight = 6.9;
     sc.RectBottom = 10.2;

     sc: IKSCAN_EXEC;
     sc.PaperSize := Word(-3);
     sc.RectLeft := 0;
     sc.RectTop := 0;
     sc.RectRight := 6.9;
     sc.RectBottom := 10.2;

     (3)Visual Basic
     Dim sc As IKSCAN_EXEC
     sc.PaperSize = -3
     sc.RectLeft = 0
     sc.RectTop = 0
     sc.RectRight = 6.9
     sc.RectBottom = 10.2

Note: Please set the PaperSize property to a size supported by the datasource (scan driver) or set it to the largest supported paper size. With some datasources the PaperSize property has no effect. Please refer to the scan manufacturer for details.

The possible PaperSize settings supported by a scan device can be retrieved using the IKScanGetCapEnum function. For scan devices that only support a fixed paper size or do not support paper size settings set this property to 0.

When PaperSize is set to "undefined" (1000), the paper size is automatically detected then the document is scanned, however, with scanners that can only detect one dimension (either height or width) there are cases when the automatic detection does not work properly. To find out if "Undefined" paper size is supported by the datasource, please execute the IKScanIsCapSupported function.

If undefined size is supported and the automatic detection of paper size does not work properly even if PaperSize is set to 1000, try the following procedure. (1) Set BorderDetection to a value other than 0. If you are using a PFU scanner driver that does not work properly at this stage, go to (2). (2) In addition to 1000, set the maximum readable paper size to PaperSize. For example, if the maximum size is A3, set PaperSize = 1000 + 11.

BitDepthReduction: Sets the method used to reduce the bit depth when scanning in 1 bit color.
0: threshold value, 1: halftone, 2: custom halftone*, 3: diffusion, 4: dynamic threshold

*Custom halftone is a TWAIN setting that is not supported by the ImageKit.

BitDepthReduction is enabled when the UiMode is 2 and the PixelType is 0. BitDepthReduction is disabled when using a digital camera. When BitDepthReduction is 0, Threshold is enabled (In some scan devices Brightness is enabled). When the BitDepthReduction property is 1, HalfTone, Brightness, and Contrast are enabled.

To retrieve the value of BitDepthReduction that is supported by the scan device, execute the IKScanGetCapEnum function. In the case where the scan device does not support BitDepthReduction, but supports either Threshold or HalfTone, then set this property to 0 or 1 whichever the case may be.

HalfTone: Sets the name of the halftone when scanning in black and white
HalfTone is enabled when UiMode is 2, PixelType is 0, and BitDepthReduction is 1. HalfTone is disabled for digital cameras and scanners that do not support this function. The possible setting values supported by a scan device can be retrieved using the IKScanGetCapEnum functions.

FileFormat: *1
Sets the file format when using file transfer (TransferMode = 1).
0: TIFF, 1: PICT, 2: BMP, 3: XBM, 4: JFIF(JPEG), 5: FPX, 6: TIFF MULTI, 7: PNG, 8: SPIFF, 9: EXIF, 10: PDF, 11: JP2 (JPEG2000 Part1), 13: JPX (JPEG2000 Part2), 14: DEJAVU, 15: PDF/A (Version 1), 16: PDF/A (Version 2)

Set the appropriate Compression value for the specified FileFormat. To retrieve the Compression supported by the datasource, execute the IKScanGetCapEnum function.

JpegQuality: *1
Sets the JpegQuality for images when using file or memory transfer (TransferMode = 1 or 2) and when Compression is JPEG)
-4: undefined, -3: low quality, -2: average quality, -1, high quality, 0 to 100
To retrieve the JpegQuality values or range of values supported by the datasource, execute the IKScanGetCapEnum or the IKScanGetCapRange functions.

FileName: *1
Sets the file name when saving a file if using file transfer (TransferMode = 1) or if using memory transfer with Compression (TransferMode = 1, Compression = nonzero). The FileName string must be 255 bytes or less. If an empty string, NULL, nil, or vbNullString are set, the file will not be created. With file transfer a filename must be set.

When UiMode is 2 and ScanMode is 0, the file is saved according to the FileName but in cases where an ADF is used (ScanMode is nonzero) then before the file extention, a 4 digit sequential number is appended. (For example Image.bmp --> Image0001.bmp)

ImageFilter: Sets the image filter *1
0: None, 1: Automatic, : LOWPASS, 3: BANDPASS, 4: HIGHPASS

The ImageFilter can greatly improve image quality. LOWPASS is recommended for haftone images, BANDPASS for images that include text, and HIGHPASS for images that include lines. To retrieve the ImageFilter supported by the datasource, execute the IKScanGetCapEnum function. ImageFilter is disabled when the UiMode is set to values other than 2 or when the datasource does not support it.

NoiseFilter: Sets the noise filter *1
0: None, 1: Automatic, 2: LONEPIXEL, 3: MAJORITYRULE

Sets the noise reduction filter for black and white images. To retrieve the NoiseFilter supported by the datasource, execute the IKScanGetCapEnum function. NoiseFilter is disabled when the UiMode is set to values other than 2 or when the datasource does not support it.

DropoutColor: Sets the dropout color *1
0: Red, 1: Green, 2: Blue, 3: None, 4: White

DropoutColor is enabled when PixelType = 0 or 1. To disable the dropout color, please set 3 or 4. To retrieve the DropoutColor supported by the datasource, execute the IKScanGetCapEnum function. DropoutColor is disabled when the UiMode is set to values other than 2 or when the datasource does not support it.

BorderDetection: Enables automatic border detection *1
0: Disabled, Nonzero: Enabled

The scan area will automatically be set according to the size of the paper. BorderDetection is enabled when PaperSize = 1000 or more. To retrieve whether BorderDetection is supported by the datasource, execute the IKScanIsCapSupported function. BorderDetection is disabled when the UiMode is set to values other than 2 or when the datasource does not support it.

Deskew: Sets whether or not deskew is enabled *1
0: Disabled, 1: Enabled, 2: Enabled (with smoothing)

The Deskew is enabled when the PaperSize property is set to 1000. or more However, there are cases, depending on the datasource, when the Deskew is enabled for other paper sizes as well. Deskew with smoothing is only available for certain Panasonic scan drivers (memory transfer uncompressed mode only). To retrieve whether Deskew is supported by the datasource, execute the IKScanIsCapSupported function. Deskew is disabled when the UiMode is set to values other than 2 or when the datasource does not support it.

ScanningSpeed: Sets the speed at which a document is scanned *1
Scanning speed is available only for certain Epson and Panasonic scanners.

(1) For Epson scan drivers; 0: Quality, 1: Speed
(2) For Panasonic scan drivers; 0: Slow, 1: Normal, 2: Fast

Increasing the speed at which the scan drivers scan a document can result in reduced quality. To retrieve the ScanningSpeed supported by the datasource, execute the IKScanGetCapEnum function. ScanningSpeed is disabled when the UiMode is set to values other than 2 or when the datasource does not support it.

MoireFilter: Sets the level for removal of moire interference *1
(1) Epson Scan Drivers - 0: None, 1: Standard (This can be used for general settings), 2: 85lpi (This can be used for Newspapers), 3: 133lpi (This can be used for Magazines and Catalogs), 4: 175lpi (This can be used for Pictures)
(2) Canon DR Scan Drivers - 1:None, 2: High Scan Speed, 3: High Scan Quality
(3) PFU Scan Drivers - 0: None, 1: Moire Filter level 1, 2: Moire Filter level 2, 3: Moire Filter level 3, 4: Moire Filter level 4

(4) Panasonic Scan Drivers - 0: None, 1: Moire Filter
Moire filter is enabled for certain Epson scan drivers, Canon DR scan drivers, PFU scan drivers, and Panasonic scan drivers. When using an Epson scanner, the datasource will be "Epson Scan" which will allow the above settings. Note that some Epson scanners, depending on the version, allow for only "on / off" settings. In this case the ImageKit will accept values of 0 or nonzero. When using a Canon DR driver, this is enabled for scan resolutions of 300dpi or less. For PFU scanners, the Moire filter value is enabled when Sharpness is set to 0. For Panasonic scanners, Moire filter cannot be used at the same time as MultiStream (one or the other must be disabled).

To retrieve the MoireFilter supported by the datasource, execute the IKScanGetCapEnum function. MoireFilter is disabled when the UiMode is set to values other than 2 or when the datasource does not support it.

Sharpness: Sets the level of sharpness *1
Sharpness is enabled for certain Canon DR, Epson, Panasonic, and PFU scan drivers.

(1) For Canon DR scan drivers (edge enhancement); 0 through 5: (0 uses the scan driver's default value and has the same effect as 3; 1 weakens edges; 5 strengthens edges)
(2) For Epson scan drivers (unsharp mask); 0: None, 1: Weak, 2: Normal, 3: Strong
(3) For Panasonic scan drivers (quality); 0: None, 1: Smooth, 2: Low, 3: Standard, 4: High, 5: Automatic
(3) For PFU scan drivers (outline enhancement); 0: None, 1: Weak, 2: Standard, 3: High

When using an Epson scanner, the datasource will be "Epson Scan" which will allow the above gradated settings. Note that some Epson scanners, depending on the version, allow for only "on / off" settings. In this case the ImageKit will accept values of 0 or nonzero.

For Canon DR scanners, the "edge enhancement" is used, for Epson scanners, the "unsharp mask" is used, and for Panasonic scanners "image quality" is used. To retrieve the Sharpness supported by the datasource, execute the IKScanGetCapEnum function. Sharpness is disabled when the UiMode is set to values other than 2 or when the datasource does not support it.

RotateBack: Sets whether or not the back side of the page is rotated when scanning on both sides using an ADF *1
Enabled for Canon DR scanner driver and Epson scan drivers "EPSON Scan", however "EPSON Scan" Ver.1.x does not support sizes bigger than A4

0: Do not rotate the back side of pages, 1: Rotate the back side of pages 180 degrees

With the Canon DR scanner driver, this is equivalent to enabling the "Rotate the back side +180 degrees" option when the UI is displayed. Epson scanner driver"Epson Scan" configuration "Match front and back images during duplex scanning" is the same as RotateBack = 1.

To retrieve whether RotateBack is supported by the datasource, execute the IKScanIsCapSupported function. RotateBack is enabled when the UiMode is 2 and ScanMode is 2 (ADF Duplex)

ExtUiMode: sets whether or not the extended user interface is used *1
Extended UI mode is available only for certain Epson scan drivers.

0: Start up the UI mode that was last used, 1: Start up the professional mode, 2: Start up the automatic mode, 3: Start up the home mode, 4: Start up the automatic mode (with no error messages and supressed UI), 5: Start up office mode; 7: Start up "sheet feed" mode;

ExtUiMode settings are only possible when displayed with the standard "EPSON Scan" user interface. For example: In ES Series, all settings except 2 and 4 are possible. In the GT Series, all settings except 5 is possible when not connected to the ADF but if the ADF is connected then settings 2 or 4 are also not possible.

ExtUiMode is enabled when UiMode is 0 or 1. To retrieve the value supported by the scanner, execute the IKScanGetCapEnum.

DynamicThreshold: Sets the dynamic threshold level *1
Dyanamic threshold is only available on certain Panasonic scan drivers

0: None, 1: Bright, 2: A little brighter, 3: Standard, 4: A little darker, 5: Dark

Dyanamic threshold functionality allows you to scan text and images clearly with optimum quality. This property is enabled when UiMode is 2 and PixelType is 0. The possible setting values supported by a datasource can be retrieved executing the IKScanGetCapEnum function. When setting DynamicThreshold to 1 or more, the values set in the BitDepthReduction, HalfTone, Sharpness, and Threshold will be disabled.

ColorBWRatio: *1
ColorBWRatio is useful in determining whether or not to scan in RGB color or black and white. ColorBWRatio sets the allowable ratio of color pixels in a document for the scanner to scan in black and white. Beyond this value, the scanner will scan in rgb color.
ColorBWRatio is enabled for certain Panasonic scan drivers only.

The default value is one, meaning that the scanner will scan in rgb color. The allowable range that can be set in ColorBWRatio is from 0.01 to 50.00 percent. As the value of ColorBWRatio increases, a larger proportion of pixels in the document must be color before the scanner will scan in rgb color. ColorBWRatio is enabled when UiMode is 2 and PixelType is 1000

IgnoreBackColor: *1
Sets whether or not the background color of the document is ignored when automatically determining whether to scan in black and white or in color. IgnoreBackColor is only available with certain Panasonic scan drivers

0: Ignore the back color, 1: Does not ignore the back color

IgnoreBackColor is enabled when the UiMode is 2 and PixelType is 1000

There are some notable differences between the IKSCAN_EXEC structure and the IK5SCAN_EXEC structure in the ImageKit5:

1. Pixeltype is now called PixelType
2. Resolution has been divided into Xresolution and YResolution
3. Indicator has been changed from 4 bytes to 2 bytes
4. InUnitMode and OutUnitMode have been unified into UnitMode
5. A number of new member variable have been added

OverScan: *2
Sets whether or not overscan is used when scanning. Overscan refers to increasing the scanning area to scan beyond that area.
0: Uses the set scan size to scan
1: Considers the scan size setting and automatically scans
2: Uses the scan size setting as a base then increases the top and bottom dimensions to scan
3: Uses the scan size setting as a base then increases the left and right dimensions to scan
4: Uses the scan size setting as a base then increases the top, bottom, left, and right dimensions to scan
Using OverScan, the scanning area (Left, Top, Right, Bottom, PaperSize) can be increased to capture portions of the document outside of this area, for example when the paper is not properly aligned on the document plate. OverScan is enabled with the UiMode is set to 2. However, it is not enabled when using digital cameras or scan drivers that do not support overscan. To check whether the scan driver support overscan use the IKScanGetCapEnum.

SkipBlankPage: sets whether or not blank pages are skipped *2
-2: Blank pages are not skipped;
-1 Blank pages are skipped

For Canon DR scan drivers:
0: Blank pages are not skipped; 1: Blank pages are skipped

For Epson scan drivers:
0: Blank pages are not skipped; 1: Blank pages are skipped (weak level); 2: Blank pages are skipped (medium level); 3: Blank pages are skipped (strong level)
For Canon DR scan drivers and Panasonic scan drivers, use SkipBlankPage in conjunction with SkipBlankThreshold. For Canon DR drivers to skip blank pages, ScanMode must be set to -1 or to 1 or more. When SkipBlankPage is enabled, even though the ScanMode is 1, both sides of the paper will be scanned.

When using an Epson scanner and skipping blank pages, set the SkipBlankPage property to a value of -1 or values of 1 or more. When the SkipBlankPage is -1, the default TWAIN capability will be used. Setting the SkipBlankPage property to values of 1 or more will allow the Epson capability to be used. In this case, set the AdjustGamma property to 1. When the AdjustGamma property is 0, the skip blank page functionality does not work properly in all cases. Also, if the AdjustGamma capability is not supported, you can use the default -1 value for SkipBlankPage but because the page may be darker than it should, skipping blank pages may not work as expected. In that case, you can make adjustments to darkness using the Brightness and Gamma properties.

SkipBlankPage is enabled when the UiMode is 2. The possible setting values supported by a scan device can be retrieved using the IKScanGetCapEnum or the IKScanGetCapRange.

SkipBlankThreshold: sets the threshold for determining if a page is blank or not. *2
For Canon DR Scan Drivers: The value range is from 0.1 to 20.0 (in %)
For Panasonic Scan Drivers: The value range from 0.01 to 5.00 (in %)
For Canon DR, as this value gets smaller, it is more likely that a page will be determined to be blank. For Panasonic, as this value gets larger, it is more likely that a page will be determined to be blank.
SkipBlankThreshold is enabled for Canon DR scan drivers and Panasonic scan drivers only. SkipBlankThreshold is only enabled when UiMode=2 and when SkipBlankPage is set to -1 or 1.

RemoveHole: sets whether or not punch hole removal is used. *2
0: Punch hole removal is not used. (Default); 1: Punch hole removal is used; (For PFU: The hole is filled with white) 2: Punch hole removal is used (For PFU: The hole is filled with the surrounding color)

RemoveHole is enabled for Canon DR scan drivers, Epson scan drivers, Panasonic scan drivers, and PFU scan drivers. RemoveHole is only enabled when using a custom-built user interface (UiMode=2). Setting value 2 is only available for PFU scan drivers.
However, RemoveHole is disabled for digital cameras and scanners that do not support this function. To check if this property is supported by the datasource, use the IKScanIsCapSupported.

AdjustGamma: sets the coefficient used for gamma adjustment. *2
AdjustGamma is enabled when using and Epson scan driver supporting this capability
0: Sets gamma adjustment coefficient to 1.0 (Default)
1: Sets gamma adjustment coefficient to 1.8
AdjustGamma is enabled only when using a custom-built user interface (UiMode=2).

FocusPosition: sets the focus position. *2
The FocusPosition is the point on the document plate where the focal sensor is. Default value is 0. FocusPosition is in units of 0.1mm. For example to adjust the focus position by 1.0mm, set this value to 10.
FocusPosition is only enabled when using and Epson scan driver supporting this capability and when using a custom-built user interface (UiMode=2).
To retrieve the values supported by the datasource, please use the IKScanGetCapRange.

Rotation: sets the angle of rotation for the scanned image. *2
Values range from -360 to 360 (in degrees). Default value is 0. Negative numbers rotate the image counter clockwise by that number of degress, positive numbers rotate the image clockwise.

Rotation is enabled when UiMode = 2. Although Orientation is similiar, when Orientation can only be set to 0, then use Rotation instead. There are scan drivers that support both Orientation and Rotation; others that, depending on the value of one of these, will only rotate by a set number of degrees; and some scan drivers that use only Rotation and ignore Orientation. Because of this, it is recommended that when setting Rotation values to something other than 0, set Orientation to 0. Furthermore, when Orientation is set to 1000 or when a digital camera is used, or if Rotation is not supported, the Rotation value will be ignored.
To check whether the scan driver supports Rotation use the IKScanGetCapEnum or IKScanGetCapRange.

InformationFileName: sets the filename and path where the information file is saved. *2
Using InformationFileName, you can save the settings from the manufacturer's scan interface (UI) into an information file so that those settings can be used thereafter. It is necessary to display the manufacturer's UI at least once, but after values from the UI have been saved in the information file, you can scan using the settings from the information file.

TextEnhancement: sets the type of text enhancement used. *2
TextEnhancement is only enabled when using a custom-built user interface (UiMode=2).

For Canon DR Scan Drivers
0: Text enhancement is not used (default)
1: Text enhancement is used
2: Advanced text enhancement is used
3: High speed text enhancement is used
4, 5: Advanced text enhancement II is used. (Value depends on the functions used)
6: Active Threshold

Epson Scan Drivers
0: Character distinction is not used. (default)
1: Standard character distinction is used
2: Strong character distinction is used

TextEnhancement is enabled for Canon DR scan drivers and Epson scan drivers. For Canon DR drivers, PixelType must be 0 and BitDepthReduction must be 0. Canon DR drivers refer to this functionality as "text enhancement". Epson scan drivers refer to it as "character distinction". The different levels of character distinction are available on Epson Scan ver 5.0 scan drivers or higher. TextEnhancement is enabled when the UiMode = 2. The possible setting values supported by a scan device can be retrieved using the IKScanGetCapEnum
For some Epson scanners, only settings of enabled and disabled are allowed. In that case, the ImageKit will accept 0 as disabled and non-zero as enabled. If the datasource doesn't support this function then the value is ignored.

ImageMerge: sets the image merge mode. *3
0: None (images are not merged); 1: front image is on top, back image on bottom; 2: back image on top, front image on bottom; 3: front image on left, back image on right; 4: back image on left, front image on right.
When using ADF and setting ImageMerge to values of 1 or more, the front and back images will be made into a single composite image. Be aware that when a single composite image from separate front and back images, the rotation settings may affect the results. Default value is 0. ImageMerge is enabled when UiMode is 2 and ScanMode is 2. To find out if your scanner supports this capability, execute the IKScanGetCapEnum function.

Border: sets whether or not border correction is used. *3
Epson Scan Drivers
0: Border correction is not used; 1: Border correction is used.
Panasonic Scan Drivers
0: Border removal is not used; 1: Border removal - Automatic Mode (border/edge is automatically detected and corrected within the specified width); 2: Border removal - Constant Mode ( border/edge is uniformly corrected within the specified width).
Border is enabled for certain Epson scan drivers and Panasonic scan drivers. For Epson scanners, it is known as "Edge Fill" and it adjusts the area near the border/edge according to the background color and shadow or it adds a border / edge. For Panasonic scan drivers, it is known as "border removal" and it is removes the black edge from around the scan. The default value is 0. Border is enabled when UiMode is 2. BorderColor sets the color that will be used. To find out if your scanner supports this capability, execute the IKScanIsCapSupported function.

BorderColor: sets the color used by the Border (border correction / border removal). *3
Epson Scan Drivers
0: White; 1: Black
Panasonic Scan Drivers
0: Edge/border color; 1: Background color; 2: White
BorderColor is enabled for certain Epson and Panasonic scanners only. The default value is 0. BorderColor is enabled when UiMode is 2 and Border is 1 or more. The area where border correction occures is determined by the default area or by setting the area via the scan driver's user interface.

AutoBright: Set whether to automatically process the brightness when importing. *4 0: Process brightness manually, other than 0: Process brightness automatically The default is 0. Effective when UiMode is 2. Whether or not the data source supports the function can be determined by IKScanIsIsCapSupported or IKScanGetCapEnum. If the data source supports TWAIN 2.0 or later, you can get the value supported by IKScanGetCapEnum. If 0 or the data source does not support the feature, the Brightness value will take effect.

*1 These are members newly added in the ImageKit7. This is important to note if converting ImageKit5 or ImageKit6 programs
*2 These are members newly added in the ImageKit8. This is important to note if converting ImageKit5, ImageKit6, or ImageKit7 ActiveX programs
*3 These are members newly added in the ImageKit9. This is important to note if converting ImageKit5, ImageKit6, ImageKit7 ActiveX, or ImageKit8 ActiveX programs
*4 This is a member variable added in ImageKit10. Please be careful when migrating from ImageKit5/6/7/8/9.

IKSCAN_IMAGEINFO: Retrieves information about the scanned image

(1)C++Builder/Visual C++
     typedef struct {
          float     XResolution;
          float     YResolution;
          long     Width;
          long     Height;
          short    BitDepth;
          short    PixelType;
          WORD  Compression;

        IKSCAN_IMAGEINFO = Record
          XResolution: Single;
          YResolution: Single;
          Width:          Longint;
          Height:         Longint;
          BitDepth:     Smallint;
          PixelType:    Smallint;
          Compression: Word;

(3)Visual Basic
          XResolution As Single
          YResolution As Single
          Width         As Long
          Height        As Long
          BitDepth     As Integer
          PixelType    As Integer
          Compression As Integer
     End Type

XResolution: The horizontal resolution *1
YResolution: The vertical resolution *1
Width: The width of the scanned image in pixels
Height: The height of the scanned image in pixels
BitDepth: The number of bits per pixel. *2
PixelType: The pixel type (from 0 to 3)
Compression: The compression method *3

*1: TWAIN specifications allow scanning units to be in inches, centimeters, and other units. However, regardless of how the scan units are defined, some scan devices return resolution values in DPI (dots per inch) only. Furthermore, some datasources will set XResolution and YResolution values to 1.

*2: 12 and 14 bit grayscale become 16 bit, and 36 and 42 bit color become 48 bit.
*3: Used when an image is transferred via file or memory transfer. This value has no meaning in native transfer

IKSCAN_RANGE: Retrieves the range of possible values for a setting

(1)C++Builder/Visual C++
     typedef struct {
          float     Min;
          float     Max;
          float     Step;
          float     Default;
          float     Current;

        IKSCAN_RANGE = Record
          Min:       Single;
          Max:      Single;
          Step:     Single;
          Default:  Single;
          Current: Single;

(3)Visual Basic
          Min       As Single
          Max      As Single
          Step     As Single
          Default  As Single
          Current As Single
     End Type

Min: Minimum value
Max: Maximum value
Step: Step value *1
Default: Default value *2
Current: Current value

*1: The range is defined as the difference between the Min and Max
*2: The default value is defined as the value when the power is turned on


The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation