This function retrieves the range of possible setting values for a specified functionality of the scan device

[C++Builder/Visual C++]     BOOL IKScanGetCapRange(HANDLE AppHandle, HANDLE SrcHandle, LPCSTR ScanDsName, WORD CapNo, WORD *ConType, PTR_IKSCAN_RANGE Value);
[Delphi]         function IKScanGetCapRange(AppHandle, SrcHandle: THandle; ScanDsName: PChar; CapNo: Word; var ConType: Word; var Value: IKSCAN_RANGE): LongBool;
[Visual Basic]   Function IKScanGetCapRange(ByVal AppHandle As Long, ByVal SrcHandle As Long, ByVal ScanDsName As String, ByVal CapNo As Integer, ConType As Integer, Value As IKSCAN_RANGE) As Long


Name Explanation
AppHandle The application handle retrieved by IKScanInitialize
SrcHandle The scan device handle retrieved by IKScanOpenDS or 0
ScanDsName The datasource name (Required when SrcHandle is 0)
CapNo The number for the retrieved functionality (hexadecimal)
0x1101 Brightness
0x1103 Contrast
0x1108 Gamma
0x110a Highlight
0x1113 Shadow
0x1118 Horizontal resolution
0x1119 Vertical resolution
0x1121 Rotation Angle
0x1123 Threshold
0x1124 Horizontal scaling
0x1125 Vertical scaling
0x1153 JPEG Quality Coefficient
0xf004 Sharpness
0xf00b SkipBlankPage
0xf00d Focus Position

In Delphi, replace 0x with $. In Visual Basic, replace 0x with &H.
ConType A variable that retrieves the type of value for the setting (i.e. whether it is an array, a list, a single value, etc)
Value A structure containing the retrieved range of values

Return Value

Returns True (nonzero) when successful, returns False (0) when not successful.


If using the value retrieved from IKScanOpenDS in SrcHandle, then no other application can use the opened datasource (scan device) until the datasource is closed. If SrcHandle is 0 and ScanDsName is blank then you must execute the IKScanSelect function. ("" or null means the datasource selected by IKScanSelect will be used) The retrieved range is returned in the Value structure member variables. For more information, please refer to IKSCAN_RANGE in the "Structure Definition and Explanation" section at the beginning of Ik10Scan.dll, Ik10ScanA.dll, Ik10Scan64.dll, Ik10Scan64A.dll

Regarding ConType values
(0: When False (0) is returned, 3: when an array is returned, 4 when a list is returned, 5: when a single value is returned, 6: when a range is returned)

When ConType=3 or 4, then the number of elements in the list is set into the Value.Max. Use this number and execute the IKScanGetCapEnum function.
When ConType=5, then the current value is set into Value.Current and the default value is set into Value.Default.
When ConType=6, then values are set into all the Value member variables


[Differences from the ImageKit6]
CapNo referring to JPEG Quality Coefficient was added with the ImageKit7.

[Differences from the ImageKit7]
CapNo referring to Rotation Angle, Sharpness, SkipBlankPage, Focus Position were added in the ImageKit8


The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation