The Ik10Com.dll, Ik10ComA.dll, Ik10Com64.dll, and Ik10Com64A.dll provides basic functions various versions of the ImageKit10.

The Ik10Com.dll corresponds to the 32 bit Unicode version.
The Ik10ComA.dll corresponds to the 32 bit ANSI version.
The Ik10Com64.dll corresponds to the 64 bit Unicode version.
The Ik10Com64A.dll corresponds to the 64 bit ANSI version.

The discussion below will use "Ik10Com.dll" to refer to all 4 of these version dlls unless specifically noted.


      Ik10Com.dll Functions:

Function Name Explanation
IKBitBlt Performs a bit-block transfer of the color data corresponding to a rectangle of pixels from the specified source device context into a destination device context
IKBitmapFromDib Converts the image data from a Device Independent Bitmap (DIB) to a Device Dependent Bitmap (DDB)
IKClearClipBrd Clears the clipboard
IKCopyImage Makes an identical copy of a raster image or a vector image in the memory
IKCreateImage Creates a new raster image
IKDeleteBitmapObject Deletes the Bitmap object
IKDibFromBitmap Converts a Device Dependent Bitmap to a Device Independent Bitmap
IKFreeMemory Frees image data from the memory
IKGetDpi Retrieves the value of resolution property of an image (Integer)
IKGetDpiF Retrieves the value of resolution property of an image (Float)
IKGetDpiFromHdc Retrieves the resolution from the device context
IKGetErrorStatus Retrieves the error reference number
IKGetFromClipBrd Retrieves the raster image or the vector image from the clipboard
IKGetImageType Retrieves various image information
IKGetMemorySize Retrieves the size of the memory used by the image
IKGetOneBitPalCount Retrieves the number of 0 pixels and 1 pixels from a 1 bit color image
IKGetPalette Retrieves the palette information for a raster image
IKGetSystemPalette Retrieves the system palette from the current PC
IKIsClipBrdData Checks whether or not there is clipboard data
IKResizeRefine1BitImage Resizes a 1-bit image and displays it in high quality display
IKSetDpi Sets a new value in the resolution property of an image (Integer)
IKSetDpiF Sets a new value in the resolution property of an image (Float)
IKSetPalette Sets the palette information for the raster image
IKSetToClipBrd Copies a raster image or a vector image to the clipboard
IKStretchBlt Copies a bitmap from a source rectangle into a destination rectangle, stretching or compressing the bitmap to fit the dimensions of the destination rectangle, if necessary


Structure definiton and explanation (User-defined types)

IKIMAGE_INFO: refers to the image information retrieved by the IKGetImageType function

(1)C++Builder/Visual C++
     typedef struct {
          short     BitCount;
          short     PalCount;
          short     Mask1632;
          long      Xdpi;
          long      Ydpi;
          long      Width;
          long      Height;
          long      WidthByte;
          BOOL     Gray;
          long      ImageSize;
          short     ImageType;

          IKIMAGE_INFO = Record
               BitCount:        Smallint;
               PalCount:       Smallint;
               Mask1632:      Smallint;
               Xdpi:              Longint;
               Ydpi:              Longint;
               Width:            Longint;
               Height:           Longint;
               WidthByte:     Longint;
               Gray:             LongBool;
               ImageSize:     Longint;
               ImageType:    Smallint;

(3)Visual Basic
          BitCount        As Integer
          PalCount       As Integer
          Mask1632      As Integer
          Xdpi              As Long
          Ydpi              As Long
          Width            As Long
          Height           As Long
          WidthByte     As Long
          Gray             As Long
          ImageSize     As Long
          ImageType    As Integer
     End Type

The number of bits per pixel in the image. (Cannot be used with vector images).
1: 2 colors (i.e. Black and White), 4: 16 colors, 8: 256 colors, 16: 16-bit color, 24: 24-bit color, 32: 32-bit color
Refers to the number of palette colors for the image. (Cannot be used with vector images)
This is valid when the BitCount is less than 8, otherwise 0 is returned.
Refers to the type of mask data in a 16-bit color or 32-bit color image. (Cannot be used with vector images)
0: The BitCount is not 16 bit or 32 bit
1: Mask data exists (RGB555 format)
2: Mask data exists (RGB565 format)
3: Mask data does not exist (RGB555 format)
4: Mask data exists (RGB888 format)
5: Mask data does not exist (RGB888 format)
Refers to the number of pixels in one horizontal inch of an image
Refers to the number of pixels in one vertical inch of an image
Refers to the width of the image in pixels
Refers to the height of the image in pixels
Refers to the number of bytes per line in the image. (Cannot be used with vector images)
Refers to whether or not the image is grayscale.
True (nonzero): Grayscale, False(0): Not grayscale. (Cannot be used with vector images)
Refers to the size of the image in bytes
Refers to the image type.
0: Unknown, 1: Raster image, 2: WMF, 3: EMF, 4: DXF, 5: SVG, 6: SXF


IKIMAGE_INFO is the successor of the ImageKit5's IK5IMAGE_INFO, however ImageType have been added.


User Function Definition
In Visual Basic, create the User Function using a standard module NOT a form module.

(1)C++Builder/Visual C++ BOOL __stdcall UserProc(short Percent);
(2)Delphi function UserProc(Percent: Smallint): LongBool; stdcall;
(3)Visual Basic Function UserProc(ByVal Percent As Integer) As Long

Name        Explanation


Percent        The percent of the current process that is completed

Return Value
When False (0) is returned the execution is terminated. When True (nonzero) is returned the execution continues.

The User Function is explained using the term "UserProc". Although any name for the User Function would be appropriate, in our example the following syntax is used to pass parameters.

(1)C++Builder/Visual C++ UserProc
(2)Delphi LONG_PTR(Addr(UserProc)) or LONG_PTR(@UserProc)
(3)Visual Basic Address Of UserProc


The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation