This function retrieves the resolution from the screen or printer device context.

[C++Builder/Visual C++]     BOOL IKGetDpiFromHdc(HDC hDC, long *Xdpi, long *Ydpi);
[Delphi]         function IKGetDpiFromHdc(hDC: HDC; var Xdpi, Ydpi: Longint): LongBool;
[Visual Basic]   Function IKGetDpiFromHdc(ByVal hDC As Long, Xdpi As Long, Ydpi As Long) As Long


Name Explanation
hDC The Device Context
Xdpi The horizontal resolution value. (The number of pixels in one horizontal inch)
Ydpi The vertical resolution value. (The number of pixels in one vertical inch)

Return Value

Returns True (nonzero) if successful, returns False (0) if not successful


The IKGetDpiFromHdc method retrieves the resolution from the screen or printer device context. If successful, the horizontal and vertical resolution values are returned in the Xdpi and Ydpi parameters.


The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation