This property retrieves the GUID string that specifies the subtype of the media sample.

[Visual Basic]   recordcontrolname.VideoSubType[ = String ]
[Visual C++]     [ CString = ]recordcontrolname.GetVideoSubType()
[VB.NET]   recordcontrolname.VideoSubType[ = String ]
[C#.NET]   recordcontrolname.VideoSubType[ = string ]

Property Value

The GUID string.


The VideoSubType property retrieves the GUID string that specifies the subtype of the media sample.

This property is updated when the GetStreamFormat, GetStreamFormats, Open, SetStreamFormat, or ShowCapturePinDialog methods are executed.

When the capture image is uncompressed, the string's first 8 digits will be the FOURCC code.

Setting this value

This value cannot be set

Retrieving this value

This value can be retrieved at run-time


The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation