This method displays the Capture Pin dialog.

[Visual Basic]   [ Boolean = ]recordcontrolname.ShowCapturePinDialog
[Visual C++]     [ BOOL = ]recordcontrolname.ShowCapturePinDialog()
[VB.NET]   [ Boolean = ]recordcontrolname.ShowCapturePinDialog()
[C#.NET]   [ bool = ]recordcontrolname.ShowCapturePinDialog()



Return Value

Returns True (nonzero) if successful, returns False (0) when not successful.


The ShowCapturePinDialog method displays the Capture Pin dialog. To execute this method successfully, you must first execute the Open method and connect to a Web(USB) camera.

When the ShowCapturePinDialog method's return value is True (nonzero), the following properties are updated: BitCount, Compression, FrameRate, VideoHeight, VideoSubType, and VideoWidth. When the return value is False (0), values of 2, 11, or 202 will be set in the ErrorStatus property.

If output size or other format settings are changed while the capture is running, those changes will not take effect. You will have to stop the capture (execute the Stop method) first and then change the settings.


The ImageKit10 ActiveX is a product created by Newtone Corporation