This method starts the protection process.

[Visual Basic] Public Function Initialize(ByVal applicationName As String, ByVal prtectResDll As String) As Integer
[C#] public int Initialize(string applicationName, string protectResDll);


The name of the application where protection is applied

The file name where protection information is stored

Return Value

Value Explanation
-1 The file set in the DllFileName property is disabled.
The calling application and the applicationName parameter are different.
The Stream property value has not be set.
0 Successful
1 DdScm.exe (DdScm32.exe or DdScm63.exe) has not successfully executed.
2 Unable to load the file where the protection information is stored.
3 The application's lockword is not set or is not correct.
(The key file must be set in the Stream property)
4 The application is not running on a local hard disk.
5 The file where the protection information is stored is incorrect.


The Initialize method starts the protection process. This method allows you to reference the protection information.

Before executing the Initialize method, the DllFileName property and the Stream property must be set with the appropriate values.

Also See

PasswordProtect Members | Newtone.ProtectKit.Win.PasswordProtect