PasswordProtect Class

Public Construction

PasswordProtect Constructor Creates a new instance of the PasswordProtect class


Public Properties

Count Retrieves how many "allowable uses" are remaining
Days Retrieves how many "allowable days" are remaining
DeviceID Retrieves the device product number
DllFileName Sets or retrieves the name of the ProtectKit DLL file
Expiration Retrieves the expiration date after which the application will no longer run
Months Retrieves how many "allowable months" are remaining
MonthsType Determines which day is used as the starting day for protection
PasswordExpiration Retrieves whether or not the password has an expiration
PasswordType Retreives the type of password, i.e. whether the password is numeric or alpha-numeric
ProtectWay Retrieves the way that protection is applied
RegistryKey Retrieves the root key for the registry where the protection information is saved
RegistrySubkeyRandom Retrieves the registry subkey where the random number information is saved
RegistrySubkeyStatus Retrieves the registry subkey where the protection information is saved.
RegistryValueNameRandom Retrieves the name of the registry value where the random number information is saved
RegistryValueNameStatus Retrieves the name of the registry value where the protection information is saved
Stream Sets or retrieves the protection key file content
VendorID Retrieves the vendor id number
VendorName Retrieves the vendor name


Public Methods

DeleteRegistry Deletes protection information from a file or from the registry
Finish Updates the protection information and finishes the protection process
GetLockword Retrieves the lockword
Initialize Starts the protection process
Internet Connects to the specified URL
QueryCpuID Retrieves the computer's CPU information
QueryHostBridgeID Retrieves the computer's motherboard northbridge information
QueryIsNextUnlocked Determines whether or not the next period of protection is locked or unlocked (for passwords that have an expiration date)
QueryNextPassword When using passwords with expirations, this method retrieves the next password
QueryNextPcID When using passwords with expirations, this method retrieves the next PcID
QueryNextRandom When using passwords with expirations, this method retrieves the next random PC identifier
QueryNicAddressID Retrieves the PC's network card information
QueryPassword Retrieves the password set by the SetPassword method
QueryPcID Retrieves the PcID
QueryPcIDofPassword Retrieves the "custom created" (user defined) PcID
QueryProtect Retrieves the current protection status
QueryProtectInformation Retrieves the protection information
QueryRandom Retrieves the random PC identifier
QueryRemainCount Retrieves the number of uses that remain before the application is locked
QueryRemainDays Retrieves the number of days that remain before the application is locked
QueryRemainMonths Retrieves the number of months that remain before the application is locked
QueryVideoID Retrieves the PC's video card information
SendMail Sends email
SetNextPassword When using passwords with expirations, this method sets the next password
SetPassword Sets the password
SetPcIDofPassword Sets a custom (user defined) PcID


Also See
