The following commands are used to generate network protected applications. For 32-bit applications, use the PkitNet32.dll. For 64-bit applications, use the PkitNet64.dll

Before using the PkitNet32dll/PkitNet64.dll commands, the program which calls these commands must have a copy of the description of the DLL function declarations (header files found in folder called "Include").

For added security, we recommend that you rename the PkitNet32.dll/PkitNet64.dll to make it less obvious that you are using the ProtectKit. If you rename the PkitNet32.dll/PkitNet64.dll files, you must be sure that your program points to the renamed dll files. When using Visual Basic, in the Pkit3net.bas file, change the references from "PkitNet32.dll/PkitNet64.dll" to the name of the renamed dll. In VC6, Delphi, and C++ Builder, change the LoadProtectKit3NETDll to refer to the newly renamed dll.

Containers and Header Files

Container Header File Name
C++Builder, VisualC++ Pkit3net.h
Delphi Pkit3net.pas
VisualBasic Pkit3net.bas


DLL Function List (in Alphabetical order)

Function Name Explanation
PK3NETDeleteRegistry Deletes the specified item from the registry
PK3NETGetError Retrieves the error code from the Net Protection DLL
PK3NETGetMessage Uses the Form Resize event to retrieve message information
PK3NETGetMessageE Uses the Form Resize event to retrieve message information (Supports multiple network cards)
PK3NETGetRegistryValue Retrieves the specified information from the registry
PK3NETInitialize Initializes network protection and enables the network protection functions
PK3NETSetRegistryValue Sets the specified information in the registry.
PK3NETStartNet Starts network protection
PK3NETStopNet Stops network protection


Structure Definition (User defined type)

(1) C++Builder,VisualC++
typedef struct {
char                  szAppID[13];
char                  szMessage[129];
long                  lSendTime;
HWND               hWndHandle;

typedef struct {
char                  szMessage[129];
long                  lMessageLen;
char                  szPcName[65];
long                  lPcNameLen;
char                  szMacAdr[13];
long                  lMacAdrLen;

typedef struct {
char                 szMessage[129];
long                 lMessageLen;
char                 szPcName[65];
long                 lPcNameLen;
char                 szMacAdr[65];
long                 lMacAdrLen;

(2) Delphi
szAppID:                 array[0..12] of AnsiChar;
szMessage:              array[0..128] of AnsiChar;
lSendTime:               Longint;
hWndHandle:            HWND;

szMessage:             array[0..128] of AnsiChar;
lMessageLen:           Longint;
szPcName:              array[0..64] of AnsiChar;
lPcNameLen:            Longint;
szMacAdr:               array[0..12] of AnsiChar;
lMacAdrLen:             Longint;

szMessage:            array[0..128] of AnsiChar;
lMessageLen:           Longint;
szPcName:             array[0..64] of AnsiChar;
lPcNameLen:            Longint;
szMacAdr:              array[0..64] of AnsiChar;
lMacAdrLen:             Longint;

(3) VisualBasic
szAppID               As String * 13
szMessage            As String * 129
lSendTime            As Long
hWndHandle          As Long
End Type

szMessage             As String * 129
lMessageLen          As Long
szPcName             As String * 65
lPcNameLen           As Long
szMacAdr              As String * 13
lMacAdrLen            As Long
End Type

szMessage            As String * 129
lMessageLen          As Long
szPcName             As String * 65
lPcNameLen           As Long
szMacAdr             As String * 65
lMacAdrLen            As Long
End Type

Explanation of the PROTECTKIT3NET Member Variables:
When the PK3NETInitialize command is executed, values set in member variables are enabled and szMessage content is sent to other PCs

szAppID - use this to set the application ID (8 digits + "." + 3 digits).
Because the all the same applications running on the network will send and recieve message notification, please be sure to use the above format for the application id.
An example of the 8 digits + "." + 3 digits format is: "Newtone0.001"

szMessage - use this to set the message that is sent between PCs on the network
One possibility would be to use product serial numbers or other application identifiers as the szMessage content.

lSendTime - use this to set the time interval (in seconds) between message transmissions.

hWndHandle - set the application's window handle into this variable.


Explanation of the PROTECTKIT3NET_MSG Member Variables:
When the PK3NETGetMessage command is executed values are set into the various member variables
(The information retrieved by PK3NETGetMessage is information transmitted by other PCs existing on the same network.

szMessage refers to the message that is received.
(This is the PROTECTKIT3NET szMessage set PCs other than your own)

lMessageLen is the length of the szMessage

szPcName refers to the computer name.
(For example in Windows98, the computer name is that name for the computer set in the Control Panel / Newtork)

lPcNameLen refers to the length of the szPcName

szMacAdr is the network Mac Address

lMacAdrLen refers to the length of the szMacAdr


Explanation of the PROTECTKIT3NET_MSG Member Variables:
When the PK3NETGetMessage command is executed values are set into the member variables
(This is the information sent from PCs, other than your own, that are connected on the same network.

szMessage refers to the message that is received.
(This is the PROTECTKIT3NET szMessage transmitted by PCs other than your own)

lMessageLen is the length of the szMessage

szPcName refers to the computer name.
(For example: In Windows98, the computer name will be the computer name set in the Control Panel / Newtork)

lPcNameLen refers to the length of the szPcName

szMacAdr the network card Mac Address. Even if multiple network cards exist, this can retrieve information from only one of them.

lMacAdrLen refers to the length of the szMacAdr


Explanation of the PROTECTKIT3NETE_MSG Member Variables:
When the PK3NETGetMessageE command is executed values are set into the member variables
(This is the information sent from PCs, other than your own, that are connected on the same network.

szMessage refers to the message that is received.
(This is the PROTECTKIT3NET szMessage transmitted by PCs other than your own)

lMessageLen is the length of the szMessage

szPcName refers to the computer name.
(For example: In Windows98, the computer name will be the computer name set in the Control Panel / Newtork)

lPcNameLen refers to the length of the szPcName

szMacAdr the network card Mac Address. The can retrieve up to 5 Mac Addresses. When multiple Mac Addresses are retrieved, they will be seperated by a colon.
For example:
One Mac Address --> 001122334455 Multiple Mac Addresses --> 001122334455:66778899AABB

lMacAdrLen refers to the length of the szMacAdr


The Message flow
In this case, "Serial No = xxx" refers to the application's serial number transmitted in PROTECTKIT3NET's szMessage.