This function retrieves the error code from the Net Protection DLL.

[C++Builder/Visual C++] long PK3NETGetError(void);
[Delphi] function PK3NETGetError: Long;
[Visual Basic] Function PK3NETGetError() As Long



Return Value

Value Explanation
0 The function executed properly (no errors generated)
1000 The function is unable to execute while the thread is running.
1001 The function is unable to execute while the thread is not running.
1002 Incorrect Parameter
1003 Initialization failed
1004 Thread activation error (Same application attempting multiple activation)
1005 The total length of szMessage, szPcName, and szMacAdr in PROTECTKIT3NET_MSG exceeds 255 bytes.


The PK3NETGetError function retrieves the error code from the Net Protection DLL.