Edit Overview

Public Properties

 AdjustIKN2AnnotationElements Sets whether or not an annotation file created by the ImageKit.NET2 will be adjusted when it is loaded into the ImageKit.NET3. There are differences in the font size units of Text objects.
 AnnotationFileName Sets the name of the file that holds the annotation information
 AntiAlias Sets whether or not antialias smoothing is applied to the edges of objects
 AspectRatio Sets whether or not an image pasted or altered with the Image annotation object will maintain the original image's aspect ratio.
 BackColor Sets the background color or fill color used by annotation objects
 BackColorOpacity Sets the level of opacity for the background color or fill color used by annotation objects
 Border Sets whether or not the Text and Stamp objects have a border
 BorderColor Sets the color of the Text and Stamp objects border
 BorderColorOpacity Sets the level of opacity for the border color of the Text and Stamp annotation objects
 BorderShape Sets the shape of the border for the Stamp annotation object
 BrushKind Sets the type of brush used for the custom brush
 CanDeselectAllSelect Sets whether or not a mouse click or mouse drag can remove the "AllSelect" state from a group of annotation objects
 CanRedoCount Retrieves the number of possible "redo" steps available to an annotation object
 CanUndoCount Retrieves the number of possible "undo" steps available to an annotation object
 ClosePenLine Sets whether or not, when drawing with a Pen object, the start point and end point are connected with a line
 ContextMenuEnabled Sets whether or not the context menu is enabled when an annotation object is right clicked
 CopiedObjectsExists Retrieves whether or not a copied or cut object exists
 CurveTension Sets the curve tension when drawing a curve using a Polyline object.
 CustomBrushColor1 Sets the hatch pattern color or the start color for gradation when using the custom brush
 CustomBrushColor2 Sets the hatch pattern background color or the end color for gradation when using the custom brush
 CustomBrushEnabled Sets whether or not the custom brush is enabled.
 CustomBrushImageFileName Sets the file name for the image used in the custom brush when the BrushKind property is set to TextureBrush.
 CustomDialog Displays a custom property dialog instead of the ImageKit standard property dialog
 DashPattern Sets a custom dash pattern for straight lines, polylines, polygons, and pen objects.
 DashStyle Sets the style of the dash line used by the Line, Polyline, Polygon, and Pen objects
 DeleteEmbeddedObjects Sets whether or not, after embedding annotation objects into the image, those annotation objects will be deleted or will be kept
 DesignedTextEnabled Sets whether or not designed text functions are enabled
 DialogAngleEnabled Sets whether or not the textbox used to set the angle for the Text object is enabled in the Text object's property dialog
 DialogAngleVisible Sets whether or not the textbox used to set the angle for the Text object is displayed in the Text object's property dialog
 DialogAspectRatioEnabled Sets whether or not the "Maintain Aspect Ratio" checkbox is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogAspectRatioVisible Sets whether or not the "Maintain Aspect Ratio" checkbox is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogBackColorEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the back color is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogBackColorOpacityEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the back color opacity is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogBackColorOpacityVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the back color opacity is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogBackColorVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the back color is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogBorderColorEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the border color is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogBorderColorOpacityEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the border color opacity is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogBorderColorOpacityVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the border color opacity is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogBorderColorVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the border color is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogBorderEnabled Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set the border is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogBorderShapeEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the border shape for the Stamp object is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogBorderShapeVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the border shape for the Stamp or Text object is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogBorderVisible Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set the border is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogBrushKindEnabled Sets whether or not the custom brush's BrushKind setting is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogBrushKindVisible Sets whether or not the combobox used to set the custom brush's BrushKind setting is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogClosePenLineEnabled Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set the "close pen line" is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogClosePenLineVisible Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set the "close pen line" is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogCurveTensionEnabled Sets whether or not the "Curve Tension" setting is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogCurveTensionVisible Sets whether or not the "Curve Tension" setting is visible in the property dialog
 DialogCustomBrushColor1Enabled Sets whether or not the custom brush's hatch pattern start color is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogCustomBrushColor1Visible Sets whether or not the item used to set the custom brush's hatch pattern start color is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogCustomBrushColor2Enabled Sets whether or not the custom brush's hatch pattern end color is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogCustomBrushColor2Visible Sets whether or not the item used to set the custom brush's hatch pattern end color is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogCustomBrushImageFileNameEnabled Sets whether or not the filename for the image, used by the custom brush when its set to texture, is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogCustomBrushImageFileNameVisible Sets whether or not the item, used to set the filename for the image used by the custom brush when its set to texture, is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogCustomBrushVisible Sets whether to display the custom brush settings collectively in the property dialog
 DialogDashStyleEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the dash style is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogDashStyleVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the dash style is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogDesignedTextVisible Sets whether or not the designed text settings are displayed in the property dialog
 DialogDoubleLineEnabled Sets whether or not the doubleline checkbox for the Line object is enabled within the property dialog
 DialogDoubleLineVisible Sets whether or not the doubleline checkbox for the Line object is displayed within the property dialog
 DialogEndArrowCapEnabled Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set the end arrow cap is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogEndArrowCapFilledEnabled Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set the end arrow cap filled is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogEndArrowCapFilledVisible Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set the end arrow cap filled is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogEndArrowCapSizedEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the end arrow cap size is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogEndArrowCapSizedVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the end arrow cap size is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogEndArrowCapVisible Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set the end arrow cap is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogEndLineCapEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the end line cap style is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogEndLineCapVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the end line cap style is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogFillEnabled Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set "Fill" is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogFillVisible Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set "Fill" is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogFontBoldEnabled Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set bold fonts is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogFontBoldVisible Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set bold fonts is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogFontItalicEnabled Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set italic fonts is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogFontItalicVisible Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set italic fonts is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogFontNameEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the font name is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogFontNameVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the font name is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogFontSizeEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the font size is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogFontSizeVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the font size is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogFontStrikeoutEnabled Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set strikeout fonts is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogFontStrikeoutVisible Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set strikeout fonts is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogFontUnderlineEnabled Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set underlined fonts is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogFontUnderlineVisible Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set underlined fonts is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogForeColor2Enabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the text gradiation end color is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogForeColor2Visible Sets whether or not the item used to set the text gradiation end color is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogForeColorEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the fore color is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogForeColorOpacityEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the fore color opacity is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogForeColorOpacityVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the fore color opacity is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogForeColorVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the fore color is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogHatchStyleEnabled Sets whether or not to enable the custom brush's "hatch style" setting in the property dialog
 DialogHatchStyleVisible Sets whether or not the custom brush's "hatch style" setting is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogImageFileNameEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the image file name is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogImageFileNameVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the image file name is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogLinearGradientModeEnabled Sets whether or not to enable the "gradation direction" setting for the custom brush's hatch pattern in the property dialog
 DialogLinearGradientModeVisible Sets whether or not the "gradation direction" setting for the custom brush's hatch pattern is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogLineJoinEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the line join style is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogLineJoinVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the line join style is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogMaxPenWidth Sets the maximum pen width (and border) that will be allowed in the property dialog
 DialogNotesEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the notes for objects is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogNotesVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the notes for objects is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogPenWidthEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the pen width is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogPenWidthVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the pen width is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogRefinePasteImageEnabled Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set the "Refine PasteImage" is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogRefinePasteImageVisible Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set "Refine PasteImage" is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogRightToLeftEnabled Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set the "right to left" for text in the Text object is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogRightToLeftVisible Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set the "right to left" for text in the Text object is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogRoundRectangleRadiusEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the round rectangle radius for the RoundRectangle and Stamp objects is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogRoundRectangleRadiusVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the round rectangle radius for the RoundRectangle and Stamp objects is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogStartArrowCapEnabled Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set the start arrow cap is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogStartArrowCapFilledEnabled Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set the start arrow cap filled is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogStartArrowCapFilledVisible Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set the start arrow cap filled is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogStartArrowCapSizeEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the start arrow cap size is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogStartArrowCapSizeVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the start arrow cap size is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogStartArrowCapVisible Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set the start arrow cap is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogStartLineCapEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the start line cap style is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogStartLineCapVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the start line cap style is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogTextAlignEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the text alignment for the Stamp object is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogTextAlignVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the text alignment for the Stamp object is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogTextBorderColorEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the text border color for the Stamp and Text objects is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogTextBorderColorVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the text border color for the Stamp and Text objects is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogTextBorderWidthEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the text border Width for the Stamp and Text objects is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogTextBorderWidthVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the text border Width for the Stamp and Text objects is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogTextEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the text for the Text and Stamp objects is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogTextLinearGradientModeEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the text gradient direction is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogTextLinearGradientModeVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the text gradient direction is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogTextShadowColorEnabled Sets whether or not the item used to set the text shadow color is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogTextShadowColorVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the text shadow color is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogTextShadowOffsetEnabled Sets whether or not the items used to set the text shadow offset are enabled in the property dialog
 DialogTextShadowOffsetVisible Sets whether or not the itemz used to set the text shadow offset are displayed in the property dialog
 DialogTextVisible Sets whether or not the item used to set the text for the Text and Stamp objects is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogVerticalTextEnabled Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set the vertical text for the Text and Stamp objects is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogVerticalTextVisible Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set the vertical text for the Text and Stamp objects is displayed in the property dialog
 DialogWordWrapEnabled Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set word wrap for the Text and Stamp objects is enabled in the property dialog
 DialogWordWrapVisible Sets whether or not the checkbox used to set word wrap for the Text and Stamp objects is displayed in the property dialog
 DoubleLine Sets whether or not the line in the Line, Polyline, Polygon, or Pen object is a double line
 DoubleLineWidth1 Sets the percentage of the thickness for the first of the double lines
 DoubleLineWidth2 Sets the percentage of the thickness for the second of the double lines
 EditByPoint Sets whether or not each point in a Polyline, Polygon, or Pen object can be edited
 EditEnabled Sets whether or not annotation functions are enabled
 EditKind Sets the kind of annotation object that is used
 EditPolylinePointEnabled Sets whether or not to allow points to be added, inserted, or deleted, in Polyline, Polygons, and Pen objects
 EmbedSelectedObjects Sets whether or not the only the selected objects are embedded (rasterized) into the
 EnableTextDialog Sets whether the text annotation object will display the text object's extended property dialog or the regular property dialog
 EndArrowCap Sets whether or not the end point of a Line or Polyline object has an arrow cap
 EndArrowCapFilled Sets whether or not the end point arrow cap of a Line or Polyline object will be filled
 EndArrowCapSize Sets the size of the end point arrow cap for the Line and Polyline objects
 EndLineCap Sets the style of the end line for the Line, Polyline, and Pen objects
 Fill Sets whether or not the annotation object will be filled with the background color
 FontBold Sets whether or not the font used is bold
 FontItalic Sets whether or not the font used is italics
 FontName Sets the font name used to draw text
 FontSize Sets the font size used to draw text
 FontStrikeout Sets whether or not the font used has strikeout lines
 FontUnderline Sets whether or not the font used is underlined
 ForeColor Sets the drawing color used for all annotation objects
 ForeColor2 Sets the end color used in the text gradient for the Text and Stamp annotation objects
 ForeColorOpacity Sets the drawing color used for all annotation objects
 HatchStyle Sets the hatch style of the custom brush
 HideMultiSelectedPoints Sets whether or not the points that indicate the individual objects within the multiselected area are displayed
 HideSelectionBorder Sets whether or not a "selection border" is hidden when an object is selected
 HideTextShadow Sets whether or not text shadows are hidden
 HideTextShadowInEditing Sets whether or not shadows are hidden when editing objects or drawing Pen, Polygon, and Polyline objects
 ImageFileExtension When an image file is chosen for an image object and the File Dialog is displayed, this property sets the file type that first appears in the File Dialog
 ImageFilePath When an image file is chosen for an image object and the File Dialog is displayed, this property sets the folder that first appears in the File Dialog
 ImeMode Sets the ImeMode when entering Japanese text. (This property is not needed and may be ignored unless you are using Japanese operating systems)
 IsWritingText Retrieves whether or not text is being entered in a Text or Stamp annotation object
 LimitAnnotationPosition Sets whether or not an annotation object, when drawn, moved, enlarged, rotated, or pasted, is automatically positioned entirely within the image area
 LimitDrawPosition Sets whether or not an annotation object, when drawn, is automatically positioned entirely within the image area
 LimitMovePosition Sets whether or not an annotation object, when moved, is automatically positioned entirely within the image area
 LimitPastePosition Sets whether or not an annotation object, when pasted, is automatically positioned entirely within the image area
 LimitRotatePosition Sets whether or not an annotation object, when rotated, is automatically positioned entirely within the image area
 LimitZoomPosition Sets whether or not an annotation object, when enlarged, is automatically positioned entirely within the image area
 LinearGradientMode Sets the gradient direction for the custom brush when BrushKind is set to LinearGradientBrush
 LineJoin Sets the type of line join for Polyline, Polygon, and Pen objects
 MultiResizeMinHeight Sets the minimum height of the entire selection area when enlarging or reducing the area containing multiple selected objects
 MultiResizeMinHeightEachObject Sets the minimum height of each selected object when enlarging or reducing the area containing multiple selected objects.
 MultiResizeMinWidth Sets the minimum width of the entire selection area when enlarging or reducing the area containing multiple selected objects
 MultiResizeMinWidthEachObject Sets the minimum width of each selected object when enlarging or reducing the area containing multiple selected objects.
 MultiSelectedObjectsArray Retrieves the object numbers from multiple selected objects
 MultiSelectedObjectsNumbers Retrieves the object numbers from multiple selected objects. This property has been replaced by the MultiSelectedObjectsArray property. It is being maintained for backwards compatibility. Please use the MultiSelectedObjectsArray property.
 Notes Sets or retrieves the contents of an object's notes
 NumberOfObjects Retrieves the total number of annotation objects drawn on the image
 PastePoint Sets the top left coordinates of the location where an object will be pasted
 PenWidth Sets the width of the pen used for editing and for annotation objects
 RefinePasteImage Sets whether or not the Image object displays images in high quality
 ResizeTextOnCenter Determines how the text and stamp object's size will change when these objects are resized with the mouse
 RightToLeft Sets whether or not text in the Text and Stamp objects is displayed from right to left
 RoundRectangleRadius Sets the radius for the rounded corners of the RoundRectangle and Stamp objects
 SaveAnnotationSelectedObjects Sets whether or not only selected objects are saved to annotation file
 SelectableOnMouseHover Sets whether the single selection feature is enabled on mouse hover.
 SelectedObjectAngle Sets the angle of the selected object
 SelectedObjectAspectRatio Sets whether or not the aspect ratio (the ratio of height to width) for the image displayed in the Image object is maintained
 SelectedObjectBackColor Sets the selected object's background color or fill color
 SelectedObjectBackColorOpacity Sets the level of opacity for the selected object's background color or fill color
 SelectedObjectBorder Sets whether or not the selected Text or Stamp object has a border
 SelectedObjectBorderColor Sets the border color of the selected Text or Stamp object
 SelectedObjectBorderColorOpacity Sets the level of opacity for the border color of the selected Text or Stamp object
 SelectedObjectBorderShape Sets the border shape of the selected Stamp annotation object
 SelectedObjectBrushKind Sets the brush type for the custom brush used in the selected object
 SelectedObjectClosePenLine Sets whether or not the selected Pen object's start and end points are connected with a line
 SelectedObjectCurveTension Sets the selected Polyline object's curve tension
 SelectedObjectCustomBrushColor1 Sets the hatch pattern color or the start color for gradation when using the custom brush for the selected object
 SelectedObjectCustomBrushColor2 Sets the hatch pattern color or the end color for gradiation when using the custom brush for the selected object
 SelectedObjectCustomBrushImageFileName Sets the file name for the image used in the custom brush when the BrushKind property is set to TextureBrush in the selected object
 SelectedObjectDashPattern Sets a custom dash line pattern used by a single selected object
 SelectedObjectDashStyle Sets the dash line used by the selected Line, Polyline, Polygon, and Pen objects
 SelectedObjectDoubleLine Sets whether or not the selected Line object is set to double line
 SelectedObjectDoubleLineWidth1 Sets the percentage thickness of the first of the double lines for the selected object
 SelectedObjectDoubleLineWidth2 Sets the percentage thickness of the second of the double lines for the selected object
 SelectedObjectDrawPoints Sets the coordinate points of the selected object
 SelectedObjectEndArrowCap Sets whether or not the end point of a selected Line or Polyline object has an arrow cap
 SelectedObjectEndArrowCapFilled Sets whether or not the end point arrow cap of the selected Line or Polyline object will be filled
 SelectedObjectEndArrowCapSize Sets the size of the end point arrow cap for the selected Line and Polyline objects
 SelectedObjectEndLineCap Sets the style of the end line for the selected Line, Polyline, and Pen objects
 SelectedObjectFill Sets whether or not the selected object is being filled with the background color
 SelectedObjectFontBold Sets whether or not the font for the text of the selected Text or Stamp object is bold
 SelectedObjectFontItalic Sets whether or not the font for the text of the selected Text or Stamp object is italics
 SelectedObjectFontName Sets the font name used by the selected Text or Stamp object
 SelectedObjectFontSize Sets the size of the font used by the selected Text or Stamp object
 SelectedObjectFontStrikeout Sets whether or not the text in the selected Text or Stamp object uses a strikeout
 SelectedObjectFontUnderline Sets whether or not the text in the selected Text or Stamp object uses an underline
 SelectedObjectForeColor Sets the line color or text color of the selected object
 SelectedObjectForeColor2 Sets the end color of the text gradient for single-selected Text and Stamp objects
 SelectedObjectForeColorOpacity Sets the opacity level for the line color or text color of the selected object
 SelectedObjectHatchStyle Sets the hatch style of the custom brush in the selected object
 SelectedObjectImageFileName Sets the filename (full path) for the image used in the selected Image object
 SelectedObjectKind Retrieves the type of the object that is selected
 SelectedObjectLinearGradientMode Sets the gradient direction for the custom brush when BrushKind is set to LinearGradientBrush in the selected object
 SelectedObjectLineJoin Sets the type of line join for the selected Line, Polyline, and Pen objects
 SelectedObjectNotes Sets the content of the note for the selected object
 SelectedObjectNumber Retrieves the number of the selected object
 SelectedObjectPenWidth Sets the width of the lines (the pen width) of the selected object
 SelectedObjectRefinePasteImage Sets whether or not RefinePasteImage is used in the selected Image object
 SelectedObjectRightToLeft Sets whether or not text in the selected Text and Stamp objects is displayed from right to left
 SelectedObjectRoundRectangleRadius Sets the radius for the rounded corners of the selected RoundRectangle and Stamp objects
 SelectedObjectStartArrowCap Sets whether or not the start point of a selected Line or Polyline object has an arrow cap
 SelectedObjectStartArrowCapFilled Sets whether or not the start point arrow cap of the selected Line or Polyline object will be filled
 SelectedObjectStartArrowCapSize Sets the size of the start point arrow cap for the selected Line and Polyline objects
 SelectedObjectStartLineCap Sets the style of the start line for the selected Line, Polyline, and Pen objects
 SelectedObjectText Sets the content of the selected Text or Stamp object
 SelectedObjectTextAlign Sets the alignment for the text in the selected Stamp object
 SelectedObjectTextBorderColor Sets the text border color for single-selected Text and Stamp objects
 SelectedObjectTextBorderColorOpacity Sets the text border opacity for single-selected Text and Stamp objects
 SelectedObjectTextBorderWidth Sets the text border width for single-selected Text and Stamp objects
 SelectedObjectTextLinearGradientMode Sets the direction for the text gradient for single-selected Text and Stamp objects
 SelectedObjectTextShadowBlur Sets the degree of blur for the text shadow for single-selected objects
 SelectedObjectTextShadowColor Sets the text shadow color for single-selected objects
 SelectedObjectTextShadowColorOpacity Sets the percentage of text shadow opacity for single-selected objects
 SelectedObjectTextShadowOffsetX Sets the horizontal offset of text shadows for single-selected objects
 SelectedObjectTextShadowOffsetY Sets the vertical offset of text shadows for single-selected objects
 SelectedObjectVerticalText Sets whether or not the text in the selected Text or Stamp object is vertical text
 SelectedObjectWordWrap Sets whether or not the text in the selected Text or Stamp object has automatic word wrapping enabled
 SelectOnClick Sets whether or not single selection and multiple selection can be switched automatic by clicking or dragging objects with the mouse
 SetTextOnInvalidAreaClick Determines whether or not the text can be set into the Text / Stamp object by clicking in the unused area of the ImageKit control (The area with the hatched pattern outside of the displayed image)
 SetTextOnRightClick Determines whether or not the text can be set into the Text / Stamp object by right-clicking in the text box.
 ShowDialogOnDoubleClick Sets whether or not an annotation object's property dialog will be displayed when the object is double clicked
 ShowEditTextBoxOnDoubleClick Sets whether to enable the ability to double-click a text/stamp object to make the text box visible and editable
 ShowTextBoxOnMouseClick Sets whether to enable the ability to show a text box with a single click when entering text
 StartArrowCap Sets whether or not the start point of a Line or Polyline object has an arrow cap
 StartArrowCapFilled Sets whether or not the start point arrow cap of a Line or Polyline object will be filled
 StartArrowCapSize Sets the size of the start point arrow cap for the Line and Polyline objects
 StartLineCap Sets the style of the start line for the Line, Polyline, and Pen objects
 Text Sets the text drawn by the Text or Stamp object
 TextAlign Sets the alignment for the text drawn by the Stamp object
 TextBorderColor Sets the text border color
 TextBorderColorOpacity Sets the opacity for the text border
 TextBorderWidth Sets the opacity for the text border
 TextBoxBackColor Sets the background color of the text that is input in the Text and Stamp objects.
 TextBoxForeColor Sets the color of the text that is input in the Text and Stamp objects.
 TextDialogAngleEnabled This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogAngleVisible This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogBackColorEnabled This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogBackColorVisible This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogBoldEnabled This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogBoldVisible This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogBorderColorEnabled This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogBorderColorVisible This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogBorderEnabled This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogBorderVisible This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogBorderWidthEnabled This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogBorderWidthVisible This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogFillEnabled This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogFillVisible This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogFontNameEnabled This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogFontNameVisible This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogFontSizeEnabled This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogFontSizeVisible This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogForeColorEnabled This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogForeColorVisible This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogItalicEnabled This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogItalicVisible This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogStrikeoutEnabled This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogStrikeoutVisible This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogTextEnabled This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogTextVisible This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogUnderlineEnabled This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogUnderlineVisible This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogWordWrapEnabled This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextDialogWordWrapVisible This property is maintained for backward compatibility with earlier versions. ImageKit.NET3 does not use it.
 TextLinearGradientMode Sets the direction for the text gradiation.
 TextShadowBlur Sets the level of blur for the text shadow.
 TextShadowColor Sets the color of the text shadow.
 TextShadowColorOpacity Sets the percentage opacity of the text shadow.
 TextShadowOffsetX Sets the horizontal offset for the text shadow.
 TextShadowOffsetY Sets the vertical offset for the text shadow.
 UndoMax Sets the maximum allowable undo steps for annotation objects
 VerticalText Sets whether or not the text in the Text or Stamp object is vertical text
 WordWrap Sets whether or not word wrapping is used in the Text or Stamp object

Public Methods

 AddPolylinePoint Adds one point to the end of a Polyline, Polygon, or Pen object.
 ClearAllObjects Deletes all annotation objects
 ClearCopiedObjects Deletes copied or cut objects from the clipboard
 ClearEditHistory Deletes the history of all drawing and editing changes made to annotation objects
 CopySelectedObjects Copies the selected object(s)
 CutSelectedObjects Cuts the selected object(s)
 DeleteMultiSelectedObjects Deletes the selected object(s)
 DeletePolylinePoint Deletes a point from a Polyline, Polygon, or Pen object.
 DeleteSelectedObject Deletes the selected object
 DeselectObjects Deselects all objects that are currently selected
 DrawArc Draws an arc or a fan shape
 DrawEditedObjectsToImage Embeds the annotation objects into a raster image
 DrawEllipse Draws an ellipse
 DrawLine Draws a line
 DrawPolygon Draws a polygon
 DrawPolyline Draws a polyline
 DrawRectangle Draws a rectangle
 DrawRoundRectangle Draws a round rectangle
 DrawStamp Overloaded method list. These methods draw a Stamp object.
See DrawStamp(Point) and DrawStamp(RectangleF)
 DrawText Overloaded method list. These methods draw a Text object.
See DrawText(Point) and DrawText(RectangleF)
 InsertPolylinePoint Inserts a point into a Polyline, Polygon, or Pen object.
 LoadAnnotationFile Loads annotation information from an existing annotation file and displays the annotation objects on the base image
 MoveBackOne Moves the selected object's Z-Order back one
 MoveForwardOne Moves the selected object's Z-Order forward one
 MoveToBack Moves the selected object to the back
 MoveToFront Moves the selected object to the front
 PasteCopiedObjects Pastes objects that have been copied
 PasteImage Creates an Image object and displays the specified image
 Redo Reverses an undo step
 SaveAnnotationFile Saves the annotation information to the annotation file
 SelectAllObjects Selects or deselects all of the annotation objects drawn
 SelectMultiObjects Selects multiple objects whose numbers are specified
 SelectObject Selects the object whose number is specified
 ShowPropertyDialog Displays a dialog that allows the properties of the selected annotation object to be changed
 Undo Removes the last change to the annotation object and returns it to its previous state

See Also



The ImageKit.NET3 is created by Newtone Corporation