Save scanned images to multipage tiff files

On a 64 bit operating system, make sure your TWAIN scan driver supports 64 bit when using a target platform of AnyCpu or x64!


The following explains how to save scanned images into multipage tiff format. When using an automatic document feeder (ADF) to continuously scan images, each scanned image can be saved in separate tiff images or saved as separate pages in single multipage tiff image.

Example Code

ADF scanned images are continuously added to the last page of a multipage tiff file and saved in G4 format.

Note: In order to make these examples easier to understand, only a minimum amount of code is used. For more robust scan applications, please refer to the Scan Interface properties and methods and also refer to the various scan sample projects included in the directory where the ImageKit.NET3 is installed.

[Visual Basic.NET]

'Click Button1 to execute scan
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
     'Suppress the manufacturer's UI and scan from the ADF (single-sided)
     ImageKit1.Scan.UserInterface = Newtone.ImageKit.ScanUserInterface.Suppress
     ImageKit1.Scan.Mode = Newtone.ImageKit.ScanMode.ADFOneSide

     'Because we are saving in G4 compression, the scanned images must be 1 bit color
     ImageKit1.Scan.PixelType = Newtone.ImageKit.ScanPixelType.BW
     ImageKit1.Scan.BitDepth = 1

     'Tiff filename
     'If the file already exists, the pages will be appended to the end of the existing file.
     ImageKit1.File.FileName = "multi_tiff.tif"

     Dim ret As Boolean = ImageKit1.Scan.Execute()
     If Not ret Then
          MessageBox.Show("The scan failed. ErrorStatus = " + ImageKit1.ErrorStatus.ToString())
     End If
End Sub

'In the AfterScan event of the ImageKit control, add the captured image to the final page and save it.
Private Sub ImageKit1_AfterScan(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Newtone.ImageKit.AfterScanEventArgs) Handles ImageKit1.AfterScan
     ImageKit1.Image = e.Bitmap1

     'Save as multipage tiff
     ImageKit1.File.AppendTiffImage(SaveFileType.SaveTIFFGroup4, Nothing)
End Sub

[Visual C#.NET]

//Click Button1 to execute scan
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //Suppress the manufacturer's UI and scan from the ADF (single-sided)
     ImageKit1.Scan.UserInterface = Newtone.ImageKit.ScanUserInterface.Suppress;lType.BW;
     ImageKit1.Scan.Mode = Newtone.ImageKit.ScanMode.ADFOneSide;

     //Because we are saving in G4 compression, the scanned images must be 1 bit color
     ImageKit1.Scan.PixelType = Newtone.ImageKit.ScanPixelType.BW;
     ImageKit1.Scan.BitDepth = 1;

     //Tiff filename
     //If the file already exists, the pages will be appended to the end of the existing file.
     ImageKit1.File.FileName = "multi_tiff.tif"

     bool ret = ImageKit1.Scan.Execute();
     if (!ret)
          MessageBox.Show("The scan failed. ErrorStauts = " + ImageKit1.ErrorStatus.ToString());

//In the AfterScan event of the ImageKit control, add the captured image to the final page and save it.
private void imageKit1_AfterScan(object sender, Newtone.ImageKit.AfterScanEventArgs e)
     ImageKit1.Image = e.Bitmap1;

     //Save as multipage tiff
     ImageKit1.File.AppendTiffImage(SaveFileType.SaveTIFFGroup4, null);

Relevant Properties


Relevant Methods


Relevant Events


For other scan-related settings, see the other scan properties below and refer to the scan sample projects
ImageKit.Scan Members

The ImageKit.NET3 is created by Newtone Corporation