Create a custom property dialog that will be displayed when you right click the ImageKit Control and select "Properties" in the editing context menu or when you click the "Properties" button in the ToolBarAnnotation toolbar.

Code Example

Display a dialog that sets the "Color/Text Color" and "Line Thickness"

* In addition to the main form, create a form (Form2) with a "Change color / text color" button and numericUpDown1 to set the line thickness.

Custom Dialog

[Visual Basic.NET]

* Description in the main form
'Declare the form to use to make the custom dialog
Private WithEvents myDialog As New Form2()

'Describe the following in the Form Load event of the main form.
'* When using annotation functions, the following property must be set to True.
ImageKit1.Edit.EditEnabled = True

'Set the your dialog into the CustomDialog property
ImageKit1.Edit.CustomDialog = myDialog
'Get the event that closes the custom dialog
AddHandler myDialog.FormClosed, AddressOf myDialog_FormClosed

'Get the contents of the object for display of the custom dialog (= myDialog (= Form2))
Private Sub ImageKit1_ObjectSelected(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ImageKit1.ObjectSelected
     myDialog.ikForecolor = ImageKit1.Edit.SelectedObjectForeColor
     myDialog.ikPenWidth = ImageKit1.Edit.SelectedObjectPenWidth
End Sub

'When the "OK" button is pressed in the custom dialog, the settings are reflected in the object.
Private Sub myDialog_FormClosed(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventArgs)
     If (myDialog.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK) Then
          ImageKit1.Edit.SelectedObjectForeColor = myDialog.ikForecolor
          ImageKit1.Edit.SelectedObjectPenWidth = myDialog.ikPenWidth
     End If
End Sub

* Description in the property dialog (Form2)
'Declare variables for object properties
Friend ikForecolor As Color
Friend ikPenWidth As Integer

'On form load, set button text color and NumericUpDown value to current values
Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
     button1.ForeColor = ikForecolor
     numericUpDown1.Value = ikPenWidth
End Sub

'When the color button is pressed, a color dialog is displayed and the color is set.
Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button1.Click
     Dim cd As New ColorDialog()

     If (cd.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK) Then
          button1.ForeColor = cd.Color
     End If

End Sub

'Reflect the contents set with the "OK" button
Private Sub button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles button2.Click
     ikForecolor = button1.ForeColor
     ikPenWidth = numericUpDown1.Value
End Sub

[Visual C#.NET]

//Declare the form to use to make the custom dialog
private Form2 myDialog = new Form2();

//Describe the following in the Form Load event of the main form.
//* When using annotation functions, the following property must be set to True.
ImageKit1.Edit.EditEnabled = true;

//Set the your dialog into the CustomDialog property
ImageKit1.Edit.CustomDialog = myDialog;
//Get the event that closes the custom dialog
myDialog.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(myDialog_FormClosed);

//Get the contents of the object for display of the custom dialog (= myDialog (= Form2))
private void ImageKit1_ObjectSelected(object sender, EventArgs e)
     myDialog.ikForecolor = ImageKit1.Edit.SelectedObjectForeColor;
     myDialog.ikPenWidth = ImageKit1.Edit.SelectedObjectPenWidth;

//When the "OK" button is pressed in the custom dialog, the settings are reflected in the object.
void myDialog_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)
     if (myDialog.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK)
          ImageKit1.Edit.SelectedObjectForeColor = myDialog.ikForecolor;
          ImageKit1.Edit.SelectedObjectPenWidth = myDialog.ikPenWidth;

* Description in the property dialog (Form2)
//Declare variables for object properties
internal Color ikForecolor = Color.Black;
internal int ikPenWidth = 0;

//On form load, set button text color and NumericUpDown value to current values
Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
     button1.ForeColor = ikForecolor;
     numericUpDown1.Value = ikPenWidth;
End Sub

//When the color button is pressed, a color dialog is displayed and the color is set.
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     ColorDialog cd = new ColorDialog();

     if (cd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
          button1.ForeColor = cd.Color;


//Reflect the contents set with the "OK" button
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     ikForecolor = button1.ForeColor;
     ikPenWidth = (int)numericUpDown1.Value;

Relevant Properties

For a full list of properties, please see:
ImageKit.Edit Members

The ImageKit.NET3 is created by Newtone Corporation