This property refers to the list of printer names retrieved by the EnumPrinters method.

[C++Builder]   imagekitcontrolname->PrintDraw->Printers [ = TStrings* ]
[Delphi]   imagekitcontrolname.PrintDraw.Printers [ = TStrings ]


A list of printer names


The Printers property refers to the list of printer names retrieved by the EnumPrinters method. If the EnumPrinters method is successful, the list of printer names can be obtained from the string list contained in the Printers property. The default printer index is set into the PrinterIndex property. The number of installed printers is given by the Printers.Count. When the PrinterIndex property is 0 or more, it gives to the index that can be used to access the array of the Printers.Strings.


In C++Builder

if (VImageKit1->PrintDraw->Printers->Count > 0)
     ComboBox1->Items = VImageKit1->PrintDraw->Printers;
     ComboBox1->ItemIndex = VImageKit1->PrintDraw->PrinterIndex;

In Delphi

if (VImageKit1.PrintDraw.Printers.Count > 0) then
     ComboBox1.Items := VImageKit1.PrintDraw.Printers;
     ComboBox1.ItemIndex := VImageKit1.PrintDraw.PrinterIndex;

Setting this value

This value cannot be set.

Retrieving this value

This value can be retrieved at runtime.


The ImageKit9 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation