This method sets the retrieved printer names into the Printers property.

[C++Builder]   [ bool = ]imagekitcontrolname->PrintDraw->EnumPrinters()
[Delphi]   [ Boolean = ]imagekitcontrolname.PrintDraw.EnumPrinters()



Return Value

Returns True if successful, otherwise returns False


The EnumPrinters method sets the retrieved printer names into the Printers property. The PrinterIndex property refers to the index of the default printer among those printers set in the Printers property. (The first printer in the list has an index of 0)

Example: How to locate the default printer

In C++Builder

if (VImageKit1->PrintDraw->Printers->Count > 0)
   ComboBox1->Items = VImageKit1->PrintDraw->Printers;
   ComboBox1->ItemIndex = VImageKit1->PrintDraw->PrinterIndex;

In Delphi

VImageKit1.PrintDraw.EnumPrinters(); if (VImageKit1.PrintDraw.Printers.Count > 0) then begin    ComboBox1.Items := VImageKit1.PrintDraw.Printers;    ComboBox1.ItemIndex := VImageKit1.PrintDraw.PrinterIndex; end;

Differences between the ImageKit7/8/9

The DefaultPrinterNo parameter has been eliminated and the PrinterIndex property has been added.
The return value has changed from an integer to a boolean.
The number of retrieved printers is retrieved in the Printers.Count property.

The ImageKit9 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation