This property refers to the index of the current datasource retrieved by the List method.

[C++Builder]   imagekitcontrolname->Scan->DataSourceIndex[ = int ]
[Delphi]   imagekitcontrolname.Scan.DataSourceIndex[ = Integer ]

Property Value

The DataSourceIndex value is the index of the current datasource retrieved by the List method


The DataSourceIndex property refers to the index of the current datasource retrieved by the List method.

If this property is -1, the List method has failed. If this property is 0 or above, the array of datasources can be accessed by the DataSourceNameList. Strings property. For more information about TStrings, please refer to Delphi or C++Builder help documentation.

The DataSourceIndex property corresponds to the Scan Control's ScanDsNameCount property in earlier versions of the ImageKit.

Example Code

In C++Builder

bool Ret;
Ret = VImageKit1->Scan->List();
if (Ret == false || VImageKit1->Scan->DataSourceNameList->Count == 0) return;

ComboBox1->Items = VImageKit1->Scan->DataSourceNameList;
ComboBox1->ItemIndex = VImageKit1->Scan->DataSourceIndex;

In Delphi

Ret: Boolean;
Ret := VImageKit1.Scan.List;
if (Ret = False) or (VImageKit1.Scan.DataSourceNameList.Count = 0) then Exit;

ComboBox1.Items := VImageKit1.Scan.DataSourceNameList;
ComboBox1.ItemIndex := VImageKit1.Scan.DataSourceIndex;

Setting this value

This value cannot be set.

Retrieving this value

This value can be retrieved at runtime.

Differences with ImageKit 7/8/9/10 ActiveX

The DataSourceNameList property name has been changed from DsNameList.
Since the current data source is not added to the beginning of the DataSourceNameList property, use the DataSourceIndex property to get the name of the current data source.


The ImageKit10 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation