This method lists the scan devices.

[C++Builder]   [ bool = ]imagekitcontrolname->Scan->List()
[Delphi]   [ Boolean = ]imagekitcontrolname.Scan.List



Return Value

Returns True when successful, returns False when not successful.


The List method lists the scan devices. If successful, the list of scan devices is returned in the DataSourceNameList property. The DataSourceIndex property refers to the currently selected datasource index. 0 indicates the first datasource in the list.

Prior to executing the List method, you must execute the Initialize method.

The List method corresponds to the Scan Control's ScanList method in earlier versions of the ImageKit.

Sample Code:

In C++Builder

bool Ret;

Ret = VImageKit1->Scan->List();
if (Ret == false || VImageKit1->Scan->DataSourceNameList->Count == 0) return;
ComboBox1->Items = VImageKit1->Scan->DataSourceNameList;
ComboBox1->ItemIndex = VImageKit1->Scan->DataSourceIndex;

In Delphi

Ret: Boolean;

Ret := VImageKit1.Scan.List;
if (Ret = False) or (VImageKit1.Scan.DataSourceNameList.Count = 0) then Exit;
ComboBox1.Items := VImageKit1.Scan.DataSourceNameList;
ComboBox1.ItemIndex := VImageKit1.Scan.DataSourceIndex;


The ImageKit10 VCL is a product created by Newtone Corporation