This property sets the TWAIN Dll filename.

[Visual Basic] Public Property DllFileName As String
[C#] public string DllFileName {get; set;}

Property Value

The TWAIN Dll filename


The DllFileName property sets the filename for the TWAIN Dll. If your application is a 32 bit application that uses the twain_32.dll (Windows Folder) or if the application is a 64 bit application that uses the 64 bit TWAINDSM.dll (Windows\System32 Folder), then it is not necessary to set the filename in the DllFileName property. The ImageKit will use these TWAIN DLL files by default. However if your 32 bit application uses the 32 bit TWAINDSM.dll file, then you must set that file name into DllFileName property.

For the DllFileName property to take effect, please set this prior to executing the Initialize method.

See Also

Scan Members | Newtone.ImageKit.Wpf.ImageKit

The ImageKit WPF X is created by Newtone Corporation