This method copies the selected object(s).

[Visual Basic] Public Function CopySelectedObjects() As Boolean
[C#] public bool CopySelectedObjects();



Return Value

Returns True if successful, otherwise returns False.


The CopySelectedObjects copies the selected object(s).

Executing this method when the EditKind property is set to KindOfEdit.Select or to KindOfEdit.MultiSelect copies the selected objects to a buffer. The buffer can only hold the objects from the current execution of this method. If the CopySelectedObjects method is executed while data is contained in the buffer, that data will be cleared before the new data is copied. To paste the copied objects in the ImageKit control, right click to display the context menu and choose "Paste" or execute the PasteCopiedObjects method.

It is possible to copy objects from one ImageKit control and paste them into another ImageKit control.

To perform the same function as executing this method, right click the object and display the context menu then select "Copy". For more details about the context menu, please refer to ContextMenuEnable property.

See also

ImageKit.Edit Members | Newtone.ImageKit.Wpf.ImageKit


The ImageKit WPF X is created by Newtone Corporation