Using the Web ImageKit Control in Visual Studio 2013

A. Create New Web Project.
    1. Open VS2013, select New Project.
    2. In the left pane under Template, select Visual C#, Web.
    3. In the right pane, select ASP.NET Empty Web Application.
    4. Name the project and click OK.
    5. If the ImageKit WPF Web Controls are not in the Toolbox, add them.

B. Add ImageKit Web Control to the web form.
    1. Drag the ImageKit Control from the toolbox onto the Web Form.
    By default it will be placed in the top left corner of the form in its default size.
    Before changing its size and its location on the form, change its Style:Position property to Absolute.
    2. Set the position of the ImageKit Control to ABSOLUTE.
          a. From the FORMAT menu, select SET POSITION, then select ABSOLUTE.

    3. You may now use the mouse to resize the ImageKit Control and set its location on the form.
    4. Next, drag the PanWindow Control onto the Form and set its Position property to Absolute in the same way.

    5. You may now use the mouse to resize the PanWindow Control and set its location on the form.
    6. In the Solution Explorer, make sure there is a reference to the following assemblies:

If any of these assemblies are not referenced, add references to them by right clicking "References" in the Solution Explorer and selecting "Add Reference" then browsing to the appropriate assembly.


C. Set the Http Handler. The Web ImageKit Control uses an Http Handler defined by the Newtone.Web.IkStream class. This class allows image data to be displayed within the ImageKit and PanWindow Controls. There are two ways to add the HTTP Handler to your project.

     1. The easiest way to add the Http Handler to the Web.Config file.
          a. To do this, add the following tag to the web.config file under the <configuration> tag.
                         <add verb="*" path="IkStream.ashx" name="IkStream" type="Newtone.ImageKit.Web.IkStream" />

2. Another way to add the Http Handler to the project is to copy the IkStream.ashx file to the project's root directory. The IkStream.ashx file can be found in the folder called "System" under the directory where the ImageKit WPF was installed. After you have copied this file to your project's root directory, then add it to the project. In the Solutions Explorer, right click on the project and choose "add existing item". Browse to the IkStream.ashx file, select it and add it to the project.

D. Set code to display the image when the page loads...

     1. In the Page_Load event, set the following code.
          protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
               ImageKit1.Url = "Image1.jpg";
               ImageKit1.ScrollBars = true;

               ImageKit1.Link = PanWindow1.Link;


Make sure that Image1.jpg is in the root directory of the web application or within a sub directory within the scope of the web application's virtual directory. The above code will load "Image1.jpg" and display it in the Web.ImageKit control in actual size with scroll bars.

E. Call the "enablePanWindow" JavaScript command in the HTML code.

    1. The ImageKit and PanWindow Controls' mouse and scroll events are controlled by JavaScript. Calling the "enablePanWindow('strImageKitControlName','strPanWindowControlName');" command, using the names of the ImageKit and PanWindow Controls, enables the two controls to work in tandem. Calling the disablePanWindow('strImageKitControlName','strPanWindowControlName');" event releases the two controls' events. In this example, we have called the "enablePanWindow" command from the html <body> tag'S onload event.

    2. Make sure the ImageKit and PanWindow Controls' height and width properties written like this, and not merely written within the Style statement.
         For example: height="462px" width="430px"

    If you don't do that then the image displayed in the PanWindow Control and the PanWindow Control's ViewFinder will not be the correct dimensions. Here is an example of this problem:

Notice that the image in the PanWindow Control is not the correct size and is not centered. The yellow ViewFinder in the top left corner of the PanWindow is not the correct size. Writing the ImageKit and PanWindow Control's height and width property values outside of the Style statement will correct this problem.


1. Image must be in a path accessible by the virtual directory where the ImageKit Control runs. This means the image must be in the web application's root directory or in a sub directory below this root. Physical paths or virtual paths not accessbile by the web application will not be able to resolve the path and the image will not be displayed.
2. Make sure the Http Handler is working by adding the Http Handler to the web.config or by adding the IkStream.ashx file to the project.
3. Make sure that the height and width properties of the ImageKit and PanWindow controls are defined outside of the Style statement. 4. Use external JavaScript file or embed JavaScript into the HTML page.


The ImageKit WPF is created by Newtone Corporation