Play Overview

Public Contructor

 Play Constructor Creates a new instance of the Play class

Public Properties

 Duration Retrieves the duration of the video (in seconds)
 ErrorStatus Retrieves the type of error that has occurred
 FrameRate Retrieves the frame rate
 State Retrieves the current state of the Play control
 VideoSize Retrieves the video size

Public Methods

 Close Closes the video file
 Open Opens the video file
 Pause Pauses or resumes playing of the video
 SetWindowPosition Sets the window position within the control
 Start Starts the video
 StartFrom Defines the start location (in seconds) of the video
 Stop Stops the video
 TakeSnapshot Takes a snapshot while the video is playing

Public Events

 End Generated when the video ends
 Snapshot Generated when the TakeSnapshot method successfully executes

See Also



The ImageKit WPF is created by Newtone Corporation