ToolBarAnnotation Overview

Public Constructor

 ToolBarAnnotation Constructor Creates a new instance of the ToolBarAnnotation class.

Public Properties

 ButtonClearAll Sets or retrieves the "Clear All Objects" Button control
 ButtonClearAllVisible Determines whether or not the "Clear All Objects" button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control.
 ButtonCopy Sets or retrieves the "Copy" Button control
 ButtonCopyVisible Determines whether or not the "Copy" button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control.
 ButtonCut Sets or retrieves the "Cut" Button control
 ButtonCutVisible Determines whether or not the "Cut" button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control.
 ButtonDelete Sets or retrieves the "Delete" Button control
 ButtonDeleteVisible Determines whether or not the "Delete" button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control.
 ButtonEllipse Sets or retrieves the "Ellipse" Button control
 ButtonEllipseVisible Determines whether or not the "Ellipse" button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control.
 ButtonEmbed Sets or retrieves the "Embed" Button control
 ButtonEmbedVisible Determines whether or not the "Embed Annotations" button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control.
 ButtonImage Sets or retrieves the "Image" Button control
 ButtonImageVisible Determines whether or not the Image button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control.
 ButtonLine Sets or retrieves the "Line" Button control
 ButtonLineVisible Determines whether or not the Line button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control
 ButtonMoveBackOne Sets or retrieves the "MoveBackOne" Button control
 ButtonMoveBackOneVisible Determines whether or not the "Move Back One" button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control.
 ButtonMoveForwardOne Sets or retrieves the "MoveForwardOne" Button control
 ButtonMoveForwardOneVisible Determines whether or not the "Move Forward One" button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control
 ButtonMoveToBack Sets or retrieves the "MoveToBack" Button control
 ButtonMoveToBackVisible Determines whether or not the "Move To Back" button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control
 ButtonMoveToFront Sets or retrieves the "MoveToFront" Button control
 ButtonMoveToFrontVisible Determines whether or not the "Move To Front" button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control
 ButtonMultiSelect Sets or retrieves the "MultiSelect" Button control
 ButtonMultiSelectVisible Determines whether or not the MultiSelect button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control
 ButtonPaste Sets or retrieves the "Paste" Button control
 ButtonPasteVisible Determines whether or not the "Paste" button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control
 ButtonPen Sets or retrieves the "Pen" Button control
 ButtonPenVisible Determines whether or not the "Pen" button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control
 ButtonPolygon Sets or retrieves the "Polygon" Button control
 ButtonPolygonVisible Determines whether or not the "Polygon" button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control
 ButtonPolyline Sets or retrieves the "Polyline" Button control
 ButtonPolylineVisible Determines whether or not the "Polyline" button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control
 ButtonProperties Sets or retrieves the "Properties" Button control
 ButtonPropertiesVisible Determines whether or not the "Properties" button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control
 ButtonRectangle Sets or retrieves the "Rectangle" Button control
 ButtonRectangleVisible Determines whether or not the "Rectangle" button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control
 ButtonRedo Sets or retrieves the "Redo" Button control
 ButtonRedoVisible Determines whether or not the "Redo" button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control
 ButtonRotateAngle Sets or retrieves angle of the Toolbar button
 ButtonRoundRectangle Sets or retrieves the "RoundRectangle" Button control
 ButtonRoundRectangleVisible Determines whether or not the "RoundRectangle" button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control
 ButtonSelect Sets or retrieves the "Select" Button control
 ButtonSelectAll Sets or retrieves the "SelectAll" Button control
 ButtonSelectAllVisible Determines whether or not the "Select All" button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control
 ButtonSelectVisible Determines whether or not the Select button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control
 ButtonSize Sets the size of the buttons displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control.
 ButtonStamp Sets or retrieves the "Stamp" Button control
 ButtonStampVisible Determines whether or not the "Stamp" button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control
 ButtonText Sets or retrieves the "Text" Button control
 ButtonTextVisible Determines whether or not the "Text" button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control
 ButtonUndo Sets or retrieves the "Undo" Button control
 ButtonUndoVisible Determines whether or not the "Undo" button is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control
 GroupAnnotationVisible Determines whether or not the following group of annotation buttons and its separator is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control: "Select", "SelectAll", "Line", "Polyline", "Polygon", "Pen", "Rectangle", "RoundRectangle", "Ellipse", "Image", "Text", and "Stamp"
 GroupEditVisible Determines whether or not the following group of editing buttons and its separator is displayed in the ToolBarAnnotation control: "Select All / Delete All", "Delete", "Copy", "Cut", "Paste", "Move To Front", "Move Forward One", "Move Back One", "Move To Back", "Undo", "Redo", "Properties", "Embed", "Clear All Objects"
 Separator1Visible Determines whether or not the separator between the Annotation group buttons and the Edit group buttons is visible in the ToolBarAnnotation control
 Separator2Visible Determines whether or not the separator between the Edit group buttons and the "Embed" is visible in the ToolBarAnnotation control
 TargetImageKit Sets which ImageKit control is the target for the ToolBarAnnotation control's editing and annotation functions.

See Also



The ImageKit WPF is created by Newtone Corporation