This property sets the thumbnail file used by the Thumbnail Control.

[Visual Basic]Public Property ThumbnailFile As String
[C#]public string ThumbnailFile {get; set;}

Property Value

The thumbnail file name (full path)


The ThumbnailFile property sets the thumbnail file used by the Thumbnail Control. By setting the filename and path in this property, the thumbnail control creates a thumbnail.dat file that is used to make subsequent loading of the thumbnail images faster. The Thumbnail file will load the images in the folders specified by the FilePath property. If the FilePath property is changed be sure to change the ThumbnailFile property accordingly.

This property is not compatible with the ImageKit ActiveX or VCL thumbnail file.

See Also

Thumbnail Members | Newtone.ImageKit.Wpf.Thumbnail


The ImageKit WPF is created by Newtone Corporation