This property sets whether or not the thumbnail image is selected when the mouse moves over that thumbnail image frame.

[Visual Basic] Public Property EnableMouseMoveButton As Boolean
[C#] public bool EnableMouseMoveButton {get; set;}

Property Value

Value Explanation
True The thumbnail image frame is selected on mouse over
False The thumbnail image frame is not selected on mouse over (default)


The EnableMouseMoveButton property sets whether or not the thumbnail image is selected when the mouse moves over that thumbnail image frame.

Note that when the mouse moves over the thumbnail, this does not generate the SelectFile event even though the thumbnail image is selected. When the EnableMouseMoveButton property is set to True, it is still possible to click the thumbnail image or use the keyboard which will generate the SelectFile event.

See Also

Thumbnail Members | Newtone.ImageKit.Wpf.Thumbnail


The ImageKit WPF is created by Newtone Corporation