This property sets whether or not a thumbnail image can be dragged from the thumbnail control and dropped into the ImageKit Control or into another Thumbnail Control.

[Visual Basic] Public Property AllowDrag As Boolean
[C#] public bool AllowDrag {get; set;}

Property Value

Value Explanation
True Enables the ability to drag and drop thumbnail images into the ImageKit Control or another Thumbnail Control
False Disables the ability to drag and drop thumbnail images into the ImageKit Control or another Thumbnail Control (default)


The AllowDrag property sets whether or not a thumbnail image can be dragged from the thumbnail control and dropped into the ImageKit Control or into another Thumbnail Control. Set this property to True to enable drag and drop.

To enable dragging and dropping from another control to the Thumbnail Control, please set the AllowDrop property to True.

See Also

Thumbnail Members | Newtone.ImageKit.Wpf.Thumbnail


The ImageKit WPF is created by Newtone Corporation