This property sets whether an area on the base image displayed in the ImageKit Control can be selected with the mouse.

[Visual Basic]Public Property RectDraw As Boolean
[C#]public bool RectDraw {get; set;}

Property Value

Value Explanation
True (default) An area on the image can be selected with the mouse
False An area on the image cannot be selected with the mouse


The RectDraw property sets whether an area on the base image displayed in the ImageKit Control can be selected with the mouse. When the RectDraw property is True, an area on the base image can be selected by dragging the mouse over the image. The coordinates of this selected area will be set into the Rect property.

The color of the selected area can be set using the RectColor1 property.

When the Edit.EditEnabled property is True, the RectDraw property is disabled.

See Also

ImageKit Members | Newtone.ImageKit.Wpf.ImageKit


The ImageKit WPF is created by Newtone Corporation