Public Properties

 BackgroundBlue Sets the blue component (RGB) of the background color in a vector image.
 BackgroundGreen Sets the green component (RGB) of the background color in a vector image.
 BackgroundPaint Sets the background color for a vector image.
 BackgroundRed Set the red component (RGB) of the background color for a vector image.
 CreationTimeDay Refers to the day when the file was created. Retrieved after executing the GetImageFileType method.
 CreationTimeHour Refers to the hour when the file was created. Retrieved after executing the GetImageFileType method.
 CreationTimeMinute Refers to the minute when the file was created. Retrieved after executing the GetImageFileType method.
 CreationTimeMonth Refers to the month when the file was created. Retrieved after executing the GetImageFileType method.
 CreationTimeSecond Refers to the second when the file was created. Retrieved after executing the GetImageFileType method.
 CreationTimeYear Refers to the year when the file was created. Retrieved after executing the GetImageFileType method.
 ExifAutoRotate Sets whether to automatically adjust and display the direction of photos taken with a smartphone
 FileBitCount Refers to the bit count of the image. Retrieved after executing the GetImageFileType or GetImagefileTypeFromRawData methods.
 FileExtension Sets the file type initially displayed by the OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog methods
 FileHeight Refers to the height of the image in pixels. To set the value of this property, execute the GetImageFileType or GetImageFileTypeFromRawData method.
 FileImageSize Refers to the size of the image file. To retrieve the value of this property, first execute the GetImageFileType or GetImageFileTypeFromRawData method.
 FileMaxPage Refers to the number of pages of a multi-page image file. To retrieve the value of this property, first execute the GetImageFileType or GetImageFileTypeFromRawData method.
 FileName Sets the name of the image file (full path) to be loaded or saved
 FilePath Sets the folder initially displayed by the OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog methods
 FileSize Refers to the size of the image file. To retrieve the value of this property, first execute the GetImageFileType or GetImageFileTypeFromRawData method.
 FileType Refers to the type of image format. To retrieve the value of this property, first execute the GetImageFileType or GetImageFileTypeFromRawData method.
 FileWidth Refers to the width of the image in pixels. To set the value of this property, execute the GetImageFileType or GetImageFileTypeFromRawData method.
 FileWidthByte Refers to the number of bytes per line in the image. To retrieve the value of this property, first execute the GetImageFileType or GetImageFileTypeFromRawData method.
 FileXdpi Refers to the horizontal resolution of the image. (number of pixels per horizontal inch). To retrieve the value of this property, first execute the GetImageFileType or GetImageFileTypeFromRawData method.
 FileYdpi Refers to the vertical resolution of the image. (number of pixels per vertical inch). To retrieve the value of this property, first execute the GetImageFileType or GetImageFileTypeFromRawData method.
 FtpCredentials Sets the credentials used to communicate with the FTP server
 FtpPassive Sets whether or not passive mode connectivity is enabled
 FtpProxy Sets the proxy used to communicate with the FTP server
 FtpStatusCode Retrieves the FTP status value
 FtpTimeout Sets the number of milliseconds to wait for a request
 HttpCredentials Sets authentication information for the request
 HttpHeaders Sets or retrieves the Http Header name-value pair collection from the request
 HttpMethod Sets the Http method for the request
 HttpProxy Sets proxy information for the request
 HttpStatusCode Retrieves the Http status value
 HttpTimeout Sets the time-out value for the request
 UserAgent Sets or retrieves the User-Agent Http header
 JpegQuality Sets the quality coefficient when an image is saved in JPEG file format
 LastAccessTimeDay Refers to the day when the file was last accessed. Retrieved after executing the GetImageFileType method
 LastAccessTimeHour Refers to the hour when the file was last accessed. Retrieved after executing the GetImageFileType method
 LastAccessTimeMinute Refers to the number of minutes when the file was last accessed. Retrieved after executing the GetImageFileType method
 LastAccessTimeMonth Refers to the month when the file was last accessed. Retrieved after executing the GetImageFileType method
 LastAccessTimeSecond Refers to the number of seconds when the file was last accessed. Retrieved after executing the GetImageFileType method
 LastAccessTimeYear Refers to the year when the file was last accessed. Retrieved after executing the GetImageFileType method
 LastWriteTimeDay Refers to the day when the file was last modified. Retrieved after executing the GetImageFileType method
 LastWriteTimeHour Refers to the hour when the file was last modified. Retrieved after executing the GetImageFileType method
 LastWriteTimeMinute Refers to the number of minutes when the file was last modified. Retrieved after executing the GetImageFileType method
 LastWriteTimeMonth Refers to the month when the file was last modified. Retrieved after executing the GetImageFileType method
 LastWriteTimeSecond Refers to the number of seconds when the file was last modified. Retrieved after executing the GetImageFileType method
 LastWriteTimeYear Refers to the year when the file was last modified. Retrieved after executing the GetImageFileType method
 LoadPage Sets the page to be loaded when a multi-page image file (FPX, GIF, or TIFF) image is loaded
 MinIsBlack Sets whether Tiff images, saved in 1 bit color, will be white mode or black mode.
 RawData Sets the byte array of the Raw data for the image to be loaded or saved
 VectorHeight Sets the height of a vector image when the image is loaded
 VectorWidth Sets the width of a vector image when the image is loaded

Public Methods

 AppendTiffImage Adds a page to the end of a multipage tiff and saves it to file
 CMYKBmpPlaneFileLoad Loads a bmp file that has been saved in seperate CMYK planes
 CMYKBmpPlaneFileSave Saves a raster image into seperate CMYK planes. The saved images are in BMP format.
 DeletePageFromMultipageTiff Deletes the specified page from a multipage tiff file
 FtpDeleteFile Deletes a file from an FTP server
 FtpDownloadFile Downloads a file from an FTP server
 FtpDownloadFileToByteArray Downloads data from a file on an FTP server to a byte array
 FtpRenameFile Renames a file that exists on an FTP server
 FtpUploadFile Uploads a file to an FTP server
 FtpUploadByteArrayToFile Uploads data in a byte array to a file on an Ftp server
 GetImageFileType Retrieves information about the image and sets this information into various properties
 GetImageFileTypeFromRawData Retrieves information from the raw image data and sets that information into various properties
 HttpDeleteFile Deletes a file from an HTTP server
 HttpDownloadFile Downloads a file from an HTTP server
 HttpDownloadFileToByteArray Downloads data from a file from an HTTP server to a byte array
 HttpUploadByteArrayToFile Uploads data in a byte array to a file on an HTTP server
 HttpUploadFile Uploads a file to an HTTP server
 InsertPageIntoMultipageTiff Inserts a page into a multipage tiff
 LoadImageFromFile Loads image data from a file
 LoadImageFromRawData Loads DIB image data from raw data
 LoadRawDataFromFile Loads raw image data from file
 LoadRawDataFromStream Loads raw image data from stream
 MergeTiffImages Combines tiff files contained in a specified folder and saves them as a single multipage tiff file.
 ModifyPageInMultipageTiff Modifies a specified page of an existing multipage tiff file.
 OpenFileDialog Displays the "Open" dialog box which includes the file preview and information functions. This dialog box is used to select an image file to be opened.
 RGBBmpPlaneFileLoad Loads a bmp file that has been saved in seperate RGB planes
 RGBBmpPlaneFileSave Saves a raster image into seperate RGB planes. The saved images are in BMP format.
 SaveFileDialog Displays the "Save" dialog box which includes the file preview function. This dialog box is used to select an image file to be saved.
 SaveImageToFile Saves image data to a file
 SaveImageToRawData Saves image data as raw data
 SaveRawDataToFile Saves raw data to a file
 SaveRawDataToStream Saves the raw image data to stream.
 YCCBmpPlaneFileLoad Loads a bmp file that has been saved in seperate YCrCb planes
 YCCBmpPlaneFileSave Saves a raster image into seperate YCrCb planes. The saved images are in BMP format.

Hierarchy Property

 Exif Exposes properties of the Exif(JPEG) file's main and thumbnail image
 PDF Exposes properties to save images in PDF format

See Also



The ImageKit WPF is created by Newtone Corporation