This event is generated when any key is pressed.

[Visual Basic] Public Event KeyDownImage As KeyUpDownEventHandler
[C#] public event KeyUpDownEventHandler KeyDownImage;

Event Data

The event handler takes arguments of type KeyUpDownEventArgs


The KeyDownImage event is generated when any key is pressed.


This example displays a message box when the Delete key is pressed. If the Cancel button is pressed then the deletion is cancelled.

[Visual Basic.NET]
Private Sub imageKit1_KeyDownImage(sender As Object, e As Newtone.ImageKit.WPF.KeyUpDownEventArgs) Handles imageKit1.KeyDownImage
     If (e.key = Key.Delete) Then
          Dim result As MessageBoxResult = MessageBox.Show("削除しますか?", "確認", MessageBoxButton.YesNo)

          If (result = MessageBoxResult.No) Then
               imageKit1.Edit.CancelDeleteObjectsByDeletekey = True
          End If
     End If
End Sub

[Visual C#.NET]
private void imageKit1_KeyDownImage(object sender, KeyUpDownEventArgs e)
     if (e.key == Key.Delete)
          MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("削除しますか?", "確認", MessageBoxButton.YesNo);

          if (result == MessageBoxResult.No)
               imageKit1.Edit.CancelDeleteObjectsByDeletekey = true;

See Also

ImageKit Members | Newtone.ImageKit.Wpf.ImageKit

The ImageKit WPF is created by Newtone Corporation