This event is generated just after an annotation object has been edited.

[Visual Basic] Public Event EndEditObject As System.EventHandler
[C#] public event System.EventHandler EndEditObject;

Event Data

The event handler receives arguments of type System.EventArgs


The EndEditObject event is generated just after an annotation object has been edited.

If there are processes that you want to occur just after an annotation object has been edited, then place that code within this event. Depending on the object that is selected, this event is generated: when the object is moved, when the object's shape is changed, when the object is rotated, when the object's Z-Order is changed, when a copied object is pasted, and when an object's property values change.

See Also

ImageKit Members | Newtone.ImageKit.Wpf.ImageKit

The ImageKit WPF is created by Newtone Corporation