This property sets the path to the directory where the thumbnail images are created.

[Visual Basic] Public Property ThumbnailImageDirectory String
[C#] public string ThumbnailImageDirectory {get; set;}

Property Value

The default value is "".

This property must be set. If no value is set, the Thumbnail Control will be disabled.


The ThumbnailImageDirectory property sets the path to the directory where the thumbnail images are created. When the Thumbnail Control loads the images specified by the ImageDirectory property, it creates thumbnail images and saves these thumbnails in the directory specifed by the ThumbnailImageDirectory property. If no value is set in this property, the Thumbnail Control will be disabled.

IMPORTANT: The directory specified as the thumbnail image directory must have write permission.

Note: The Thumbnail Control creates all thumbnail images in 24 bit JPEG format, this is true even for 1 bit color images and vector images. If the directory specified by the ThumbnailImageDirectory property does not exist or if the thumbnail image directory's datetime stamp is older than the image directory's datetime stamp, the thumbnail images will be (re)created.

See Also

ImageKit.WPF.Web.Thumbnail Members | Newtone.ImageKit.WPF.Web.Thumbnail


The ImageKit WPF is created by Newtone Corporation