ImageKit Overview


 ImageKit Constructor Initializes a new instance of the ImageKit class

Public Properties

 BackColor Sets the color for the background of the ImageKit Control
 BackgroundBlue Sets the blue value (RGB) for the background color of the vector image when it is loaded.
 BackgroundGreen Sets the green value (RGB) for the background color of the vector image when it is loaded.
 BackgroundPaint Sets whether or not to paint a background color when a vector image is loaded
 BackgroundRed Sets the red value (RGB) for the background color of the vector image when it is loaded
 BrowserImageFormat Sets the format that is used when the image is displayed in the browser
 DisplayMode Sets the display mode
 DrawScaleX Sets the horizontal display scale, or horizontal magnification when the image is displayed.
 DrawScaleY Sets the vertical display scale, or vertical magnification when the image is displayed.
 EnableImagePopupMenu Sets whether or not the popup menu is displayed when the mouse cursor moves over an image
 ErrorStatus Refers to the types of errors that can occur when using the ImageKit Control
 ExifAutoRotate Sets whether to automatically adjust and display the direction of photos taken with a smartphone
 JpegQuality Sets the quality coefficient when an image is saved in JPEG file format
 Link Establishes the link between the PanWindow and the ImageKit Control
 LoadPage Sets the page to be loaded when a multi-page image file (GIF or TIFF) image is loaded
 RawData Sets or receives the image data as a byte array when images are loaded or saved in raw data
 ScrollBars Sets whether or not scroll bars are displayed on the ImageKit Control
 Url Sets the virtual path to the image that will be displayed in the ImageKit Control.
 UseJavaScriptFile Sets whether or not the external JavaScript file, ImageKitNet3.js, is used for the ImageKit and PanWindow controls to work together.
 VectorHeight Sets the height of a vector image when the image is loaded
 VectorWidth Sets the Width of a vector image when the image is loaded

Public Methods

 AppendTiffImage Adds a page to the end of a multipage tiff file
 DeletePageFromMultipageTiff Deletes a page from a multipage tiff file
 Display Displays the image
 InsertPageIntoMultipageTiff Inserts a page into a multipage tiff file
 LoadImageFromFile Loads image data from a file
 LoadImageFromRawData Loads the image from raw image data
 LoadRawDataFromFile Loads the image from file as raw data (without converting it to DIB)
 LoadRawDataFromStream Loads the image from stream
 SaveImageToFile Saves image data to file
 SaveImageToRawData Saves the image as raw data
 SaveRawDataToFile Saves the raw image data to file
 SaveRawDataToStream Saves the raw image data to stream
 ShowPanWindow Displays the image in the Pan Window

See Also



The ImageKit WPF is created by Newtone Corporation