Dashed lines can be used to draw straight lines, polylines, polygons, and pen objects by setting the DashStyle property. Multiple dashed line types are possible.

You can also change these settings after drawing with the SelectedObjectDashStyle property.

How to draw a dashed line

Example Code

Set the polyline dashed line style to "DashDotDot".

The same thing can be done using Toolbar Controls. See Using Toolbars

[Visual Basic.NET]

'When using Annotation function, the following property must be set to True.
ImageKit1.Edit.EditEnabled = True

'Set the object to polyline
ImageKit1.Edit.EditKind = Newtone.ImageKit.Win.KindOfEdit.Polyline
ImageKit1.Edit.PenWidth = 10
ImageKit1.Edit.ForeColor = Color.Red

'Set the line style
ImageKit1.Edit.DashStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.DashDotDot

'After this, draw a polyline with the mouse or method

[Visual C#.NET]

//When using Annotation function, the following property must be set to true.
ImageKit1.Edit.EditEnabled = true;

//Set the object to polyline
ImageKit1.Edit.EditKind = Newtone.ImageKit.Win.KindOfEdit.Polyline;
ImageKit1.Edit.PenWidth = 10;
ImageKit1.Edit.ForeColor = Color.Red;

//Set the line style
ImageKit1.Edit.DashStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.DashDotDot;

//After this, draw a polyline with the mouse or method

Relevant Properties


The ImageKit WPF is created by Newtone Corporation