This property sets whether or not the group of "Setup" related buttons, is displayed the ToolBarStandard control.

[Visual Basic]Public Property GroupSetUpVisible As Boolean
[C#]public bool GroupSetUpVisible {get; set;}

Property Value

True: The "Setup" related items are displayed
False: The "Setup" related items are NOT displayed

Default value is True.


The GroupSetUpVisible property sets whether or not the group of "Setup" related buttons, is displayed the ToolBarStandard control. When this property is False, the "PenWidth", "ForeColor", "ForeColorOpacity", "BackColor", "BackColorOpacity", and "Fill" buttons, labels, and comboboxes and their associated separator will not be displayed.

See Also

ToolBarStandard Members | Newtone.ImageKit.Win.ToolBarStandard


The ImageKit.NET X is created by Newtone Corporation