Http Overview

Public Constructor

 Http Constructor Initializes a new instance of the Http class

Public Properties

 Credentials Provides the authentication information for the request
 ErrorStatus Retrieves the types of errors that can occur when using the Http control
 Headers Sets or retrieves the Http Header name-value pair collection from the request
 Method Sets the Http method for the request.
 Proxy Sets the proxy information to access to the internet resources
 StatusCode Retrieves the Http status value
 Timeout Sets the timeout value for the given request
 UserAgent Sets or retrieves the User-Agent Http header

Public Methods

 DeleteFile Deletes the file on the Http server with specified URI
 DownloadFile Downloads data on the Http server with specified URI to a local file
 DownloadFileToByteArray Downloads a file to byte array from the remote server
 UploadFile Uploads the file to the Http server with specified URI
 UploadByteArrayToFile Uploads data in a byte array to a file on the remote server

Public Event

 Progress Generated when the file is being transferred.

See Also

Http Class

The ImageKit.NET X is created by Newtone Corporation