This method retrieves the range of possible setting values for a specified functionality of the scan device.

[Visual Basic] Public Function GetCapabilityRange(ByVal capability As Newtone.ImageKit.ScanCapability) As Newtone.ImageKit.CapabilityRange
[C#] public Newtone.ImageKit.CapabilityRange GetCapabilityRange(Newtone.ImageKit.ScanCapability capability);


     The number for the retrieved functionality in hexidecimal notation (value is of typeScanCapability)

Return Value

The CapabilityRange class (Returns null[C#] or Nothing[Visual Basic] if unsuccessful).


The GetCapabilityRange method retrieves the range of possible setting values for a specified functionality of the scan device. To retrieve the range of possible values for a setting, the DataSourceName property must be set. If the DataSourceName property is blank then prior to executing this method, please execute the SelectDataSource method. (If the OpenDataSource method has been executed, the DataSourceName is disabled and the open scan device will be used.)

Depending on your scanner, the resolution values that are possible may be different according to the pixel type value (i.e. according to whether the pixel type is 1 bit color, 24 bit color, etc.) Because of this, it is recommended that you you set the PixelType property prior to retrieving the possible values for horizontal and vertical resolution.

To execute the GetCapabilityRange method you must first execute the Initialize method. If the OpenDataSource method is executed prior to executing the GetCapRange method then the open datasource cannot be used by another application until that datasource (scan device) is closed.

After executing this method, the value is set into the ContainerType property.

Contents of the return value

Parameter Return Value
Brightness Range Information
Contrast Range Information
Gamma Range Information
Highlight Range Information
Shadow Range Information
XResolution Range Information
YResolution Range Information
Rotation Range Information
Threshold Range Information
XScaling Range Information
YScaling Range Information
Range Information (including Twain Standard Capability)
JpegQuality Range Information
Sharpness Range Information
Enabled when using Canon DR, Epson, or Panasonic scan drivers.
In Canon DR drivers this is called "Edge Adjustment". In Epson drivers, it is called "Unsharpness". In Panasonic drivers, it is called "Image Quality".
SkipBlankPage Range Information
FocusPosition Range Information
Enabled for Epson scan drivers.

When ContainerType = 3 or 4, then the number of elements in the list is set into the Maximum property for the CapabilityRange class. Use this number and execute the GetCapabilityEnumToSingle method.

When ContainerType = 5, then the current value is set into the Current property for the CapabilityRange class and the default value is set into the Default property.

When ContainerType = 6, then values are set into the Current, Range, Maximum, Minimum, and Step properties.

See Also

Scan Members | Newtone.ImageKit.Win.ImageKit

The ImageKit.NET3 is created by Newtone Corporation