This method splits a 32 bit RGBA image into a 24 bit RGB image and a 8 bit alpha channel.

[Visual Basic] Public Function SplitRGBAImage As Boolean
[C#] public bool SplitRGBAImage();



Return Value

Returns True if successful. Returns False if unsuccessful.


The SplitRGBAImage method splits a 32 bit RGBA image into a 24 bit RGB image and a 8 bit alpha channel. To execute the SplitRGBAImage method, set the image handle of the 32-bit RGBA image in the Image property or the Layer(LayerNumber).Image property.

If the SplitRGBAImage method is successful and the DestinationAsImageKitImage property is True, the resulting RGB 24-bit image will be set in the Image property or in the Layer(LayerNumber).Image property, according to the value set in the LayerNumber property.

If the SplitRGBAImage method is successful and the DestinationAsImageKitImage property is False, the resulting RGB 24-bit image will be set in the DestinationImage property.

The alpha channel 8-bit grayscale image is set in the DesinationMask property.

See Also

ImageKit.Effect Members | Newtone.ImageKit.Win.ImageKit

The ImageKit.NET3 is created by Newtone Corporation